In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

12 thoughts on This Explains Everything.

  1. Ha! Mr Tog was well and truly trapped by that ring on his finger and two sprogs when he realised the dreadful truth that I liked Love, Actually.

    Sucked in!

  2. It was an okay movie.

    What bothers me more is the niggling feeling that the angsty single is a manufactured demographic. Aren’t single women buying houses in larger numbers than ever before? So what, are they planning on making Venus man-traps out of them or something? Are they so miserable that they lost all financial sense and made the ultimate impulse purchase?

  3. I am partnered up and have forced him to watch Love, Actually like a thousand times. Alright, well maybe forced is too strong – he knows that putting the movie in will let him cuddle me up for 1+ hours. I also despise beer. And I like How to Lose a Guy. Sometimes my partner and I will even quote lines from it at each other.
    Dont tell him about the list please, because then he will leave me and all meaning will be lost from my life.

  4. I love that movie. My husband thought it was stupid, but he at least watched it with me and then bought it for me for my birthday. I also despise beer. Hmmm… by her list, I should really be single instead of coming up on my 5th wedding anniversary.

  5. As a happily married man, I thought Love, Actually was brilliant. But I wouldn’t watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days unless I’d lost a bet. (Same goes for most any Kate Hudon film, apart from Almost Famous.)

  6. I saw Love Actually as a favor to a girlfriend. It wasn’t too bad but I wasn’t moved by any of the stories. The one I found really aggravating was when that 8 yr old kid broke all sorts of aiport security to tell another child he was in love with her. WHAT?!?!?

    I refuse to watch “How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days.”

  7. Love Actually is brilliant for Emma Thompson’s breakdown to the soundtrack of Joni Mitchell, if nothing else. It’s not a great film as a whole, but it’s definitely an enjoyable one if you’re in the mood for light fare.

  8. I saw “Love, Actually” on NYU cable. If you took “Magnolia,” force-fed it a 20 pound bag of sugar, gave it a lobotomy, and smacked it around a bit, it would probably look like “Love Actually.”

    And “Magnolia” was a shitty movie to begin with.

  9. I found really aggravating was when that 8 yr old kid broke all sorts of aiport security to tell another child he was in love with her. WHAT?!?!?

    I actually thought that was one of the less sleep inducing scenes of a generally slow moving, soulless and utterly cliche movie. Of course if it happened in real life he might end up with a bullet in his back but hey.

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