In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

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34 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. This week on Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents:

    Five Essential Lessons Learned from Pittsburgh Pridefest (Content: homophobia, right wing zealotry, reference to police misconduct, classism)

    The debut of “sisTers” on Transperience.TV, the first all trans content television station (available online and on Roku.) (Content: transphobia, violence, footage of an arrest, references to self-harm and addiction.)

    Another murder of a trans woman of color in Baltimore. RIP Mia Henderson. (Content: violence, transphobia, misgendering)

    My reflections on why the hyperfocus on ride sharing (Lyft and Uber) makes me so very angry. (Content: homophobia, classism)

    After laundering my partner’s wallet 🙁 I discovered she still has the card I gave her 11 years ago with my phone number. She still has my number!

  2. Check out this bizarro world: There’s a special class of patients who don’t have the same rights to safety and privacy as other health-care recipients, and when they see their doctors they invite their bosses to come with.

    It felt like we woke up into that world last month, when the Supreme Court did away with buffer zones at abortion clinics and opined that bosses’ religious beliefs could determine their employees’ level of birth-control access.

    * * *

    In 2000, we were *this close* to eradicating syphilis nationwide! Unfortunately, in recent years syphilis has been making a comeback, and rates have doubled since 2005. Learn who is most at risk, why syphilis is dangerous, and how you can protect yourself!

  3. Hey all!

    This week on Keepinitglassy, I posted about the slippery slope America now faces in its assertion that religious preference trumps human rights (arguing back to a certain piece in the New York Times that entirely missed the point…)

    I also most recently posted on the relationship between feminism and motherhood, and how they do not have to be mutually exclusive entities.

    There are posts on approachable pop culture feminism, sex education, and analysis of primetime television (SCANDAL!!!)

    Check me out, and follow me on twitter at @keepinitg1assy for more updates!


  4. I blogged about Bernard Häring’s 1968 essay on the 1968 papal encyclical banning artificial birth control for Roman Catholics. In The Encyclical Crisis Then (and Now), I comment on a number of excerpts as they still apply to the Catholic church today, either with regard to the teaching on birth control or the more general question of authority in the church.

    In Debts, or Trespasses? And Other Riffs on the Lord’s Prayer, I share some personal variations on this prayer and how I’ve engaged with the text over time.

  5. Trans ≠ Transition. I was trans before I started transition, and I will be til the day I die. No choice I can make will ever change or “fix” that.

    There’s That Sound Again. Flash fiction with a novel metaphor for gender dysphoria. Bzzz. There’s that sound again. Bzzz. Bzzz. You shake your head, like you could shake the sound out of your ears…

  6. Hello world!

    This week, I considered the slippery slope America now faces due to the Hobby Lobby decision to privilege religious preference over human rights. The article delves into the function of religion in debates of human rights.

    Also, I wrote a piece about the relationship between feminism and motherhood, and the mindset that creates them as mutually exclusive entities.

    There are posts on sex education, pop-culture media analysis, and the “approachable” feminist movement.

    Check it out, and follow me at @keepinitg1assy for regular post updates!


  7. I’ve started a feminist blog about UK politics.

    The first post is about the need to include women at the top of progressive politics, citing the awful treatment of the Labour Party’s Deputy leader Harriet Harman as an example.

    I’ve also written about the recent reshuffle of the UK’s Cabinet ministers and how it paves the way for an even more right-wing Conservative Party.

  8. The Gunshot Hit Archie Where? The death of Archie plotline is well-intended but sort of hamhanded and embarrassing.

    Everyone Hates Atheists Except Jews And Atheists. Survey shows that even Democrats don’t like atheists.

    Superhero Character Changes: Thor is a Lady, Batgirl is a Hipster I’m not as optimistic about the new Thor as some folks have been, alas.

    Study Shows Enormous Sentencing Discrepancy Against Men. The study is interesting in that it tries to capture decisions made by prosecutors before trial – which is an incredibly important area that typical studies don’t cover.

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