In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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19 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. My partner I will celebrate 11 years next week. I just learned that she’s had the card with my phone number in her wallet this entire time. And somehow I turn that into an outcry against inequality.

    I was asked to talk about what visibiliTi means to me as an ally for a new video channel, Transperience TV.

    My take on ENDA and religious exemptions.

    I’m collecting stories about folks trying to get public accommodations at spaces like movie theaters, restaurants and more.

    Finally, while “Tammy” did not have any transphobic content, that is possibly its only redeeming quality. I think it is a terrible terrible movie.

  2. This week some anti-choicers found a post I’d written several months ago about anti-choice protesters. The post is not a new one, but the comments are interesting, to say the least.

    Since my mental energy was pretty consumed with them, I didn’t have time or energy to write a full post, so I did a brief links round-up for July.

  3. Kristene Chapa and her girlfriend, Mollie Olgin, were assaulted and shot execution-style in a south Texas park in 2012. Mollie died. Kristene survived but has paralysis on her left side, her vision and speech are affected, and she lost her independence at the age of 18. However, as Alexandra Bolles at GLAAD recently said to me, “Kristene is badass!” “Writing the Kristene Chapa Story” is the first in a series about writing Kristene’s memoir with and for her. In each post, I’ll include something about the way in which SHE drives the writing of her story, especially through her texts. Check it out:

  4. So here’s my Anime Expo 2014 con report! One of the reasons why I wanted to highlight this here is because reportedly Anime Expo received upwards of 200K attendance–but you wouldn’t really know it from geeky websites and the like which didn’t cover the con. Anime, the bastard child of Geekdom. 🙁

    Anywho, lots of stories about the new Sailor Moon English dub cast as well as adventures in cosplaying while female.

    Dreams Do Come True: Anime Expo 2014 Con Report

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