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Why I Hate the Washington Post

You may have noticed that I rarely link to the Washington Post, and that most of my newspaper-reading centers around the New York Times and the LA Times. Why? Because of articles like this. I’m vomiting in my mouth a little bit, and I feel dumber just from having read it.

The topic? The Wingman. The IQ level? Approximately 10.

You know the wingman. He’s the guy who accompanies his buddy to a bar to help him pick up babes. He does whatever it takes to give his friend some time alone with the girl of choice: telling flattering lies about him, enticing away the sidekick girlfriend, running interference at the approach of a rival male.

Yes, this is from an article in the paper that once broke the Watergate scandal. Talk about going downhill.

And the tactic of these wingmen? Lie. Because apparently your friend has no real qualities that make him work speaking to.

Jentz points to Moniello. “He’s been an author.”

Moniello grins. “I’ve written a few books.”

Books, plural? At age 22?

“Hey, you only have a couple of minutes to make an impression,” Moniello continues. “So if you have to save a baby seal from an oil spill in Alaska, you have to save a baby seal.”

Jentz picks up: “Sometimes you’re a lawyer. You may only have taken one law class, but what the heck? It adds flavor, gets people excited.”

Riiight… The funny thing is, I’ve met guys like this. They’re morons, and they insult you by thinking that you’re a moron too.

Moniello says his hometown wingman — good wingman relationships never die — is as adept as they come. “If I go to the bathroom, he’ll make me look like Jesus. . . . The girl I’m after will say something like ‘I hear he’s a player’ and he’ll convince her I’m really in love with her.”

Well if she’s actually convinced, then you’re both idiots and I’d say you’re made for each other.

It doesn’t take four years in college to learn the wingman trade. Jason Linden has been at GW only two years and defends the practice as necessary — particularly when a pretty girl is accompanied by a gaggle of other girls.

“It’s very hard to spit game to a girl if she’s with a group of her friends,” he says. “They’ll catch on, and you could look like a loser in front of them in addition to the girl who rejected you.”

It’s also hard to spit game when you use phrases like “spit game.”

He knows. One night freshman year, he approached a young woman in a club whom he had seen around campus. She was yakking with a group of girlfriends. He didn’t realize he needed to win over the group first. “I tapped her on the shoulder and said, ‘Come get a drink with me.’ ” he recalled. “She looked at her friends, asked them quite loudly, ‘Who is this guy?’ and continued talking.”

That’s usually the result of acting like a jerk — instead of saying hello, or asking if you can get a drink for her, marching up and telling her to join you for a drink is easily-identifiable asshole behavior. It’s not the group, babe — it’s you.

And a quibble with the writer’s language. Who “yak”s? Would a group of guys be described as “yakking”? Probably not, since “yakking” infers trivial conversation, and as we have learned from this article, young men are Very Serious and Very Intelligent indeed. Further, the women in this piece are perpetually called “girls,” despite the fact that they’re in their 20s.

Wonkette, as quoted in Broadsheet, pretty much sums up my reaction to this piece:

We started the Post piece on ‘wingmen’ just as fratty, pointless, and 20 years out-of-date as its subject about three times. We kept stopping about 6 or 7 grafs in, usually to retch or look for a less disgusting article — like one about, say, Klan-sponsored anti-immigration rallies.

16 thoughts on Why I Hate the Washington Post


    Four pages of this utter nonsense.

    Oh, and I love the juvenile male legend that there is only one hot girl in any group of women. That means on respective nights I’ve managed to be The Pretty One and The Plain Jane, depending on what friends I was with. Fucking stupid.

  2. Hey it’s worse when some friend of yours goes up to a girl and starts telling her he’s a pilot or whatever, and you’re left there thinking there’s no way I can come out of this not looking like an asshole…

    Man I gotta get some new friends!

  3. > 391389

    Again with that tired wingnut “391389” bullshit? What are you, a Freeper?

    Any true feminist knows that 476598 trounced that shit years ago. So, go put your 264090 where the sun don’t 512129.

  4. I don’t need a wingman. Just unbutton a couple more buttons on my shirt to show off my hairy chest and gold chain, put on a little Axe body spray, talk about my classic conversion van and the vintage 8 track player in it and I am set. The women can’t stay away.

  5. Realizing that this is beside the point that WoPo seems to be trading in inanity but…

    So did the article ever mention what is in it for the loyal wingman? I mean, I’ve heard the term and I get the idea, but why would anyone actually be a wingman and want to be good at it?

  6. i’ve got this week’s wapos piled in my living room and i picked this article up last night. i quit reading when i realized that when they referred to a woman’s “girlfriend” they didn’t mean they were dykes.

    props to you for continuing to read the swill so we don’t have to.

  7. Agreed. Dumb article. Waste of ink on a couple of asshole guys. Shameful fall for the once mighty Washington Post.

    But do we really need to moralize about an article on the methodology of the One Night Stand? Do you really believe that there’s a large enough range of a priori value available to a One Night Stand that it can be differentiated based on whether it was based on the truth, partial truth or outright lies?

    This article isn’t actually addressing how people form lasting and meaningful relationships. It’s about fucking with no strings attached. For some, one string that isn’t attached is the truth (ie, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature). I’m open to the fact that this is wrong, sleazy, and not a model behavior, but does lying really make it any worse?

    Side note: this article was definitely placed by the Coors Light PR department. Note the picture of a guy drinking straight from a pitcher of beer.

  8. Ah yes, suddenly I am reminded of why I never go out alone. I’m kind of bad at confrontation, so I have friends who are a lot better at it than I to get creeps to go away. I am glad to have missed the Washington Post’s latest piece of tripe, “How to be an Asshole! Or a friend of an Asshole!”

  9. ““Hey, you only have a couple of minutes to make an impression,” Moniello continues. “So if you have to save a baby seal from an oil spill in Alaska, you have to save a baby seal.””

    LOL. This guy I know is a serial liar to women. He’s been everything from a novelist to an Italian Count (he speak italian very well). He is also one of the most shallow and loathsome human beings I have ever met. The funny part is that, despite being a shallow bastard and a habitual liar, he is a Catholic that refuses to have sex before marriage. So the way it adds up is that he lies to women and then treats them like shit – but wont sleep with them. I cant even begin to fathom the workings of his mind.

    You guys can bitch about this shit all you want but the sad part is that it all works. I tell women I’m a PhD student in Comp Sci and I can immediately see the boredom all over their face. He tells them he’s a Concert Pianist (or whatever) and their eyes light up with interest. Its like training a dog – if you reward the behavior it will be repeated.

  10. I am going to take the Occam’s Razor stance on this and surmise that since the basis of the article feels false, and everyone they talk about feels false, that this story is made up, or seriously added to. Yes, friends intervene or act as mentors, or mothers. However, there is no “wingman culture” and the rest of the article is filled with made up premises.

    Since the many scandals of contrived or completely false stories in the press I eye something that seems out of context with a much more wary eye. This fits that scenario.

  11. Rick Dement: I think the idea is that wingmanship is reciprocal. One night you’re the shit, and the other guy wings for you, and next weekend it’s the other way around.

    The funny thing is that the dudes I know who really know their shit with women advise strongly against lying to sound interesting. If you have to lie to sound interesting, quit trying to pick up afor a while and actually become interesting. Then you’ll probably be ready for an actual adult relationship.

  12. Love the double standard–the aversion to “whores” (and their presumably all-stretched-out vaginas, is that the meaning of “air whistling” comment?) WHILE these guys are out, umm, picking up women for one-night-stands.

  13. oh, sorry, I may have mixed this up with some other misogynist crap I read in the last half-hour. My bad.

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