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Big Thunderstorm Last Night

Zuzu kept a terrified Junebug company under the chair.

And bonus kitty:

Tasha, my sister’s very sweet thing.

9 thoughts on Big Thunderstorm Last Night

  1. I wish Max would hide under a chair instead of behind the toilet every time it rained. I do keep my bathroom as clean as possible, but it’s just gross to see him shove himself back there. Meanwhile Sophie goes to the window specifically to see what’s going on whenever it storms. She’s so kick-ass.

  2. Poor Junebug. I hope he’s doing okay today. Is he jumpy after thunderstorms or does he bounce back pretty fast once they’re over?

  3. Poor Junebug!

    My dog struggles to get under my bed b/c there’s a door I removed under it – I tried to show her that its fine to hide in the closet but for her it has to be under the bed.

    My vet said I can give her Melatonin to calm her down but so far as long as she can get under the bed she’s fine.

  4. Awww… they are adorable Zuzu! This post actually helps me right now, because my cat Ginger died this week and seeing Zuzu reminds me of her, she looked an awful lot like her. Poor Junebug!! Rocky (my dog) is scared of thunderstorms too, but he tries to crawl up in my lap when one comes. Not so much fun when your dog is a 90 pound German Shepherd.

  5. …Annnnd it’s raining again now. Thunder sure to happen later.

    Chicklet, Junebug is usually fine once the thunder stops, but while it’s going on, she needs to hide under furniture or in closets. When I got home last night from the gym, just as the storm was starting, she tried to run out in the hallway because she was scared inside the apartment. But then another huge clap of thunder drove her back inside.

    I tried to give her tranks, but they didn’t work. This was one of those right-overhead storms (which caused me no small bit of concern, as I was outside for about 10 minutes while it was at its worst).

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