In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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  • Want to recommend someone else’s writing instead? Try the latest signal-boosting thread.
  • we expect Content Notes as a courtesy to our readers for problematic content in linked posts and/or their comment threads (a habit of posting only triggering/disparaging links may annoy the Giraffe (you really don’t want to annoy the Giraffe))
  • extended discussion of self-promotion links on this thread is counter-productive for the intended signal-boosting –  the idea is for the promoted sites to get more traffic.  If it’s a side-discussion that would be off-topic/unwelcome/distressing on the other site, take it to #spillover after leaving a note on this thread redirecting others there.

20 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

    1. I should add that this involves the Hobby Lobby v women’s reproductive rights/religious rights (you might say) Supreme Ct decision that will soon come out.

  1. It’s Men’s Health Month, which gives us an excuse to write about Gardasil. All sexually active people are at risk for genital warts, regardless of gender. Furthermore, oral contact with female genitalia can increase risk for certain types of oral cancers, and receiving anal contact from a penis can increase risk for anal cancer. The good news is that the virus that causes genital warts and these cancers has a mortal enemy: a vaccine called Gardasil, which gives you a shot of prevention regardless of your gender or sexual orientation.

  2. Father’s Day Stuff

    Cosplay, ca 2004

    CN: Fictional violence, serial killing
    I need a new title for my mystery novel. Please suggest. You could get a free ebook copy of it.

    CN: BDSM
    I’m participating in the Starry Nights Blog Hop for the SF Romance Brigade. There is a free excerpt (hence the CN), a contest with lots of SF ebooks and a $100 Amazon gift card, and you can get one of my books free just for commenting. Other authors are offering other goodies.

    I’m also on the Summer Lovin’ blog hop. Again, excerpts, $75 Amazon gift card and a free book. Plus other authors’ offerings.

  3. Last week I was helping a friend sort through her daughter’s baby clothes to figure out which would be appropriate for her son, who’s arriving in September. This got us talking about the issues surrounding gendered baby clothes.

  4. CN: Discussion of violence, sexual assault, transphobia. An arrest in the 2012 assault and murder of two lesbians in Houston.

    CN: Violence, description of murder, picture of murder scene. Sadly, the brutal murder of a trans woman of color in Florida – her name was Yaz’min Shancez

    Talking about the new “feminist romcom” Obvious Child and a giveaway of a “one night stand gift pack” (includes lip gloss.)

    I worked on a project with Pittsburgh’s Mayor to create a PSA for National HIV Testing Day (June 27) and I think it worked out well. What do you think?

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