In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Is it 2004 again?

Because I can’t think of any other reason why this article would be topical.

Writing about why women’s voices are given less authority in the blogosphere, or why female bloggers face disproportionate harassment, is important. But repeating the myth that there are no female bloggers? Not helpful.

This is as good of an opportunity as any to promote the female bloggers you read and love. Leave links to your favorites in the comments.

8 thoughts on Is it 2004 again?

  1. Echidne of the Snakes! She just rocks! And then there’s Spinster Aunt, of course, from I Blame the Patriarchy.

  2. Is promoting your own blog allowed? I obsessively reread my own entries, and my statistics are relatively healthy…(2800 hits in October)… it’s not your average “mummy-blog”, although there is a lot of that too. It is more like the memoirs of an Iranian woman trying to settle into Halifax, Canada.

    you can find it at

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