In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

Netiquette reminders:

  • Want to recommend someone else’s writing instead? Try the latest signal-boosting thread.
  • we expect Content Notes as a courtesy to our readers for problematic content in linked posts and/or their comment threads (a habit of posting only triggering/disparaging links may annoy the Giraffe (you really don’t want to annoy the Giraffe))
  • extended discussion of self-promotion links on this thread is counter-productive for the intended signal-boosting –  the idea is for the promoted sites to get more traffic.  If it’s a side-discussion that would be off-topic/unwelcome/distressing on the other site, take it to #spillover after leaving a note on this thread redirecting others there.

17 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. This week we wrote about spermicide, a type of birth control that’s sometimes used alone, but usually paired with another method, like condoms. It destroys sperm membranes, but that very ability also allows it to irritate delicate body tissues, increasing risk for HIV transmission. So, when using spermicide, you have to weigh the risks and the benefits.

    Also: MORE LINKS!

  2. (Trans slurs, transphobia)
    We published a response to the latest RuPaul travesty including coining a new word “RuFool”

    (Racial slurs, racism, queer bashing)
    A two part examination of my experience listening to another white person use racial slurs in my presence (Part One and Part Two)

    (Gay people kissing, like Mike Sam only so many more of us)
    Photos I took on #DecisionDayPA when we gained marriage equality in Pennsylvania.

    (Fascism, racism, Nazi fetish references)
    A local promoter is bringing a “neo-folk” fascist band to town this week and I’m trying to stop it. The group is called “Death in June” which freaks this lesbian out.

    (Photo of a gun)
    Finally, a local community arts festival formally told me that they have no policy on guns and will use consensus to determine if volunteers should open carry their personal weapons at the 2015 event. A volunteer made that choice at this year’s event and it brought to light the shocking truth of gun control in PA.

  3. I have been thinking about this issue lately. It’s an angry rant on my tumblr against online rape threats.

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