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Where the Hell is Everyone?

It’s been unnaturally quiet around here lately in the comments. Even on what should be controversial topics. Work with me, people!

Alla you lurkers should come on out. Don’t be shy.

21 thoughts on Where the Hell is Everyone?

  1. There’s been interesting to breed or not to breed stuff going on at Pandagon. Many, many comments to read are eating up precious blog browsing time.

  2. By the way- congrats on the visa stuff. I’m jealous as hell cause I’m stuck in the land of the wiretapped and the home of the chicken-shits

  3. It’s not all that hard to leave…

    Australia and New Zealand are also welcoming immigrants, though Australia seems to have a godbag problem.

    Seriously, if it weren’t for the pets, I’d seriously consider New Zealand.

  4. I’m jealous as hell cause I’m stuck in the land of the wiretapped and the home of the chicken-shits

    and killer alligators

  5. Also Pandagon had a completely addictive train-wreck of a thread over the weekend, 200+ posts with some unparalleled lunacy.

  6. I’ve been busy – turned in the last work of my college career on Thursday, which was my senior thesis, and ever since I’ve been partying with my friends. After I graduate on Saturday I should be around a bit more.

  7. Zuzu, you may want to try new topics:

    1) Bush’s decision to use the military to patrol Mexican border
    2) Katherine Harris (remember her?) running for Senate in Fla.
    3) BellSouth denies contract with NSA to turn over records

    Usually people will chime in if it’s a topic that gets their blood up. All of these topics are current and are bound to piss some people off.

  8. I guess I am just a full time lurker. I like to read more than I like to comment. I read every day and love you guys and often find what you say to be very thought provoking.

  9. I know many of your commenters are students (like me and Nomie, above) so most of us are just finishing up the semester. That’s probably got something to do with the slump.

    I just finished two weeks of tests and now I’m trying to pack up my apartment so I can get to London for the summer. London, BABY!!

    Anyways, I’m still here. Just lurking more because I got out of the habit of commenting when I got busy studying for finals.

  10. Neither students nor grading are a valid excuse for me any longer. Maybe I could BTP, Dell sub-division, for selling me a POS hard drive?

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