In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Spillover #17

A red "Keep Calm" poster with the caption KEEP CALM AND STAY ON TOPICThe commenting period on the last one is just expiring, so it’s time for a new #spillover thread. Some reminders:

  1. #spillover is part of our comment moderation system for keeping other threads on-topic. It is intended as a constructive space for tangential discussions which are veering off-topic on other threads. This is part of our blog netiquette, which has the general goal of making it as simple as possible for commentors to find discussions focussed on topics of particular interest without entirely stifling worthwhile tangents of sorta-related or general interest. #spillover is also a space for those ongoing/endless disagreements and 101 issues that just keep on popping up.
  2. Commentors are encouraged to respect the topic of each post and be proactive regarding inevitable thread-drift in long threads: we hope that commentors will cheerfully volunteer to take off-topic responses into #spillover so that each post’s discussion gets room to breathe and tangents can be indulged in a room of their own.

More detailed outline/guidelines were laid out on Spillover #1.
The Moderator Team will enforce topicality where necessary, and off-topic commentors who ignore invitations from others to take their tangents to #spillover are one of the reasons commentors might consider sending the moderators a giraffe alert.

9 thoughts on Spillover #17

    1. It looks OK on my phone, Andie. I did embed it directly from Facebook though (to give the image’s source credit). Maybe that’s not playing nice with your tablet/phone.

  1. I knew that conservatives were ignorant, entitled, and bigoted (etc., I could go on…), but they are quickly moving into cliched villainy status.

    Not only does George Will believe that sexual assault victims have gained a privileged status, but here in Tennessee conservatives think that feeding hungry kids is a bad thing. O_o

    Nashville’s public school system has recently been awarded a grant that allows them to offer every student free breakfast and lunch beginning the next semester. This is great news!! There can be no downside to a child being able to eat when zie’s hungry! But I’ve been reading the comments on the news sites and they’re beyond disturbing! The program is being called everything from “another feel good program that is a waste of taxpayer money” to “indoctrinazation” of dependence on government assistance.

    Dafuq is wrong with these people!?!

    One thing that I should make clear: The reason that Nashville received the grant is because at least 75% of the students attending public schools qualified for free or reduced lunch.

    I reiterate:

    75% of the children attending public schools in Nashville, TN qualify for free or reduced lunch. It has been determined that the families of at least 75% of the students do receive enough income to ensure that their children get fed.

    And these…”people” want to take food away from hungry children!? These “people” believe that sexual assault victims have it too damn good!?

    These “people” almost make me ashamed to be in the same genus as them.

    1. They’re most likely hungry brown children who should go get jobs if they want to eat. Like back in the good ol days when they’d be out pickin cotton and hoeing weeds from dawn til dusk like ” proper” brown folk. – retch-

  2. I’m a long-time Feministe reader (lurker) and I love this website. I don’t mean this in a especially critical way, but i really miss how the site used to be… Long, passionate articles with 100+ smart comments. And I’m not part of the community or planning on submitting a guest post, so maybe take this comment with a grain of salt. I just miss readingJill, and Chally, and commenters like La Lubu. I do thank you all for what this used to be; it was my favorite website for years and i always learned a lot here.

    1. I’m a long-time Feministe reader (lurker) and I love this website. I don’t mean this in a especially critical way, but i really miss how the site used to be… Long, passionate articles with 100+ smart comments. And I’m not part of the community or planning on submitting a guest post, so maybe take this comment with a grain of salt. I just miss readingJill, and Chally, and commenters like La Lubu. I do thank you all for what this used to be; it was my favorite website for years and i always learned a lot here.

      While that was certainly part of what attracted me to Feministe, I do appreciate that specific bloggers (and commenters,) need to move on, particularly as they get older and have more career responsibilities or different focuses for their social justice work or they have family/personal issues that take up their time or any of the other good reasons that bloggers here have given for stepping away.

    2. I always preferred Feministe over Feministing because nobody comments on Feministing, and half the time I’m just here to read the comments. A blog with no comments is hardly a blog, when the whole point is to get a dialogue going instead of a monologue.

      I feel the drop in comment activity here coincided with the rise of Jezebel as the go-to place for eviscerating feminist commentary, as well as the most public face of online feminism. But the situation hasn’t been helped by staff being busy with their own lives, and thus not posting as much as in Feministe’s heyday. I would suggest using guest posts to plug the gap, but even those take forever to approve because… staff are busy with their own lives. (I still have a piece on Elliot Rodgers from May, awaiting mod approval.)

      It’s a discouraging situation, dude. :-/

      1. Jezebel behaved so abominably regarding Hugo Schwyzer, though, that I just can’t bring myself to pay them any attention.

      2. Oh, they’re definitely problematic in more ways than Schwyzer. But they must have done something right in managing to attract so much of the feminist blogosphere around itself. I feel the lack of commenters here reflects a lack of posts to comment on, rather than flaws in site philosophy or something. (Nobody would consider Feministe less sarcastic or bitingly funny than Jezebel, when staff writers have gotten around to posting stuff.) But I could be wrong…

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