In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Do Women Deserve to Vote?

Yes, I’d say that we’re moving backwards when columnists are asking that question and actually having their articles published.

I’ll just quote Gawker:

How on earth did we women ever get the vote? If intellectual acumen were a requirement for suffrage today, we’d still be waiting for our shot at the ballot box. Fortunately, the pioneering suffragettes who fought for the 19th Amendment had their heads screwed on tight — unlike the “Sex and the City” groupies who think abortion as birth control is something worth fighting for. Five girls from Queens are holding a Brooklyn beer fund-raiser this week for their poor sisters in South Dakota, who’ve lost their right to kill their babies in utero.

Women are stupid; intelligence should be a prerequisite for voting rights; women shouldn’t be allowed to vote; Sex and the City fans view abortion as birth control; abortion is murder. All in 94 words. Nice work, Alicia.

[Incidentally, it’s a fund-raiser for Planned Parenthood in South Dakota, which banned all abortions except where the mother’s life is in danger, and it’ll be held Thursday night at Cafe Grumpy in Greenpoint.]

Head over to Greenpoint if you’re in the area.

29 thoughts on Do Women Deserve to Vote?

  1. Do we have any way of getting a copy of the whole article? I’m sure it contains other pearls of wisdom suitable for mockery.

  2. Yeah, good thing you girls have a bunch of strong, smart men to protect you from yourselves. I mean, geez: give women a little bit of self-determination and before you know it, they actually want to make decisions. What is this world coming to?

  3. the article was published here in the New York Sun, which used to be one of those papers they handed out for free at subway stations. I think they have a (small) subscriber base now, but my guess would be that their circulation pales in comparison the other NYC papers. And for good reason!

  4. Did anyone tell these person that of the women on Sex & The City, one was desperate to have a baby and another continued an unplanned pregnancy?

  5. Actually, it looks like the point of her attack are the /feminists/ of today. She’s making a distinct separation between the initial leaders of the suffragette movement (the real feminists) and the feminists of now (the incidental posers trying to ride on the pioneer coat tails).

    Isn’t this just another version of the “we don’t need feminism anymore and by the way if the real feminists were around today, they’d be on the anti-choice side (our side) because they’d be horrified as mothers and wives at what heartless, selfish, baby killing, family destroying, man hating slut factories you faux feminists have turned their noble cause into…” theme that’s been circling the conservative toilet bowl of backlash arguments the last while?

    Nice spread of the co-opting manure, ma’am.

    I do wish some of the pioneer suffragettes were around. I’d sit back with popcorn watching them kick anti-women apologist ass.

  6. Sort of related:

    There was an article two or three years ago — no wait, it was before 9/11 — that was about the costs of the 19A. I had in my archives from a debate discussion list, though I only have the old, defunct link. It was originally published in Forbes and it was about the work of an academic scholar on the ‘costs of the 19A.’
    dead link but if anyone’s that interested, the folks at Forbes could figure it out from the link.

  7. The right has been using self-hating women in this manner for years. Reminds me of all these rich Saudi girls who tell the press things like “we shouldn’t be allowed to vote. The male candidates would use sweet-talk on us. We’re not ready.” Ugh!

  8. Oh! The colon that wrote the piece about the nasty effects of the 19a was none other than John — More Guns, Less Crime — Lott with his ridiculously bad methodological tactics which Daniel Davies of Crooked Timber has demolished several times over.

    Those are nice academic words for:

    Women are to blame for the rise of the Evil Nanny State and out of control government spending because they are always leading moral campaigns to “Save the children” and other downtrodden groups. For those of you who’ve ever hung out in Freeperville and whatnot, that’s a favrite hobby horse they like to ride hard and put away wet.

  9. I feel ill. I have to go lie down now, fragile flower of womanhood that I am.

    Tell ya what, the women like Alicia Colon and Kay O’Connor and Ann Coulter (who, by the way, has never been married and has no children) who think women don’t deserve to vote, that’s fine. They can feel free not to vote in the next election, or any elections after that. Go right ahead and stick to your principles, ladies, but you’ll pry the ballot out of my cold dead hands before I hand it over.

    Honestly!!! I thought this had to be a parody at first. I figured that no First World country could have a movement to take the vote back from women. It just seemed so absurd.

  10. You know, the fact that these sentiments keep getting brought up every couple of years or so illustrate why it took women 70 years to get the vote in the first place. The first women who fought for the right weren’t even alive by the time the 19th amendment came around in 1920. The Seneca Falls Convention in which Stanton read her “Declaration of Sentiments” took place in 1848! We are being forced so far backwards it is terrifying. I recently read Margaret Atwood’s “A Handmaid’s Tale” again and sufficiently freaked myself out.

  11. What this writer forgets, of course, is that if intelligence were a prerequisite for voting rights, almost three-quarters of the country would become nonvoting citizens. Not to mention damn near the entire Deep South.

    Stupidity knows no gender, and this author just proved it.

  12. Now, Freeman, no need to bring nasty little regionisms into play. There are plenty of people who shouldn’t be voting. Like politicians, particularly Jim “gays and unmarried pregnant sluts can’t teach public school and I can’t pay my taxes properly” DeMint. I’m sure there are lots of other examples, like “The lesbians are taking over the public schools! Only one girl is allowed to go to the bathroom at a time because of it!” but you can only boggle at so much stupidity at once.

  13. Yes, but we like to think of it as a form of cosmic justice—one that matches her label to her contents. Specifically excrement. Figuratively speaking, she’s a lot like a GI tract: she starts as a moving mouth, ends as an asshole, and is completely full of shit.

  14. If she thinks she’s so stupid, why don’t she and her ilk just stop voting themselves, and while their at it, they could petition newspapers to stop printing their stupid drivel…since they are stupid women and no one should listen to them. Ironically, they feel smart enough to tell someone else what to do.

    Pfft. People like that make my ass itch.

  15. I recently read Margaret Atwood’s “A Handmaid’s Tale” again and sufficiently freaked myself out.

    I started re-reading it, too, but had to stop. It was just too much.

  16. And I think everyone ought to pass a test demonstrating they can understand the distinction between church and state before being issued a voter registration. Can I have my syndicated column now?

  17. Ditto, zuzu. Handmaid’s Tale is way too depressing for me. I even got a little sick during the middle of Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Talents, when the Christian Church of America comes in and enslaves everybody.

    Anyway, I saw this T-shirt the other day but thought it was too ironic to be interesting or funny. Apparently I was wrong.

  18. Five girls from Queens are holding a Brooklyn beer fund-raiser this week for their poor sisters in South Dakota, who’ve lost their right to kill their babies in utero.

    Actually, the right in question would be to get the “babies” out of utero.

    No one would have much of a problem if they were brought out alive and kept that way somehow (at least, no one on our side; I’ll bet the anti-abortion crowd would find some reason to still have a cow over women escaping unwanted pregnancies.

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