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I *Heart* Gwyneth and Blythe

I do have a secret love for Gwyneth Paltrow. I think she’s beautiful, she’s a great actress, she seems nice, she has such class, I want to raid her closet, etc etc. I love her so much that I can even forgive her for naming her son Moses, which is an abhorrent choice (personally, I thought Apple was cute). And now, she’s given me a more substantial reason to adore her and her lovely mama: They’re campaiging for Planned Parenthood. From the Action Alert:

Why are two Hollywood actors contacting you today?

Because we are first and foremost a mother and daughter, and we cannot stand idly by as birth control, family planning, and basic health care come under attack.

We are deeply disturbed by what’s happening in South Dakota and by the growing movement to limit women’s reproductive rights. And as Mother’s Day approaches, we have a great opportunity to make a difference.

Today, a generous Planned Parenthood supporter has issued a Mother’s Day Challenge for the critical Stand with the States Campaign: all online donations will be matched — dollar for dollar, until they reach $50,000 — until midnight on Mother’s Day.

Please rise to the Mother’s Day Challenge. Your gift will be effectively doubled and you’ll help Planned Parenthood reach their $50,000 goal!

Our family was recently blessed with the arrival of a new member. As we jump into another round of tiny clothes, new expressions, and dirty diapers, it strikes us yet again: having a child changes your life forever.

Such a personal decision should be made by families, not by politicians.

We need common-sense solutions to the health issues we face throughout our lives. Planned Parenthood provides those solutions, helping millions of women each day, improving our communities and our families. That’s why we support this amazing organization. We hope you will, too.

Click here and double your donation at this critical time.

Tell your mom you’ve donated in her name. Or whisper it to your baby at bedtime.

You’ll be making a gift to millions of mothers — to the future of our country. What a profound way to mark this day.

It is indeed a great Mother’s Day decision. Donate if you can.

UPDATE: Thanks for those of you who alerted me to the fact that my personal information was included in the first link. I’ll save any potential stalkers some difficulty by telling you all that I’ve moved since I last donated to Planned Parenthood, and the address that was listed is no longer where I live.

7 thoughts on I *Heart* Gwyneth and Blythe

  1. Jill – the links lead to a form that still contains your contact information.

  2. I love Gwyneth, too!

    But what I really love about this particular campaign is that Planned Parenthood is reminding us that preserving reproductive rights, having access to birth control, abortion, and other family planning services is about motherhood. So many “pro-life” blogs rant against Planned Parenthood as if the organization was anti- motherhood and anti-child. And I know from my own experience and from the testimony of other supporters, that is just not true. Planned Parenthood is about assuring meaningful motherhood, when its right for you.

  3. ugh! i DESPISE paltrow (and therefore LOVE kathy griffin)!

    but i support reproductive choice UNCONDITIONALLY. so i have an honest question. i short while ago i read (on one of the blogs that i frequent, could have been this one) that many pro-choicers were pulling financial support from PP and NARAL and funneling it to NOW instead, all due to the disastrous handling of the Alito nomination fight by PP and NARAL. (i wish i had the link!) but i remember a discussion of PP’s and NARAL’s support of so-called moderate politicians who didn’t stand up to fight the Alito confirmation.

    can anyone weigh in? money is tight, so i want to make sure my contribution is going where it will be used most effectively.

    thanks in advance!

  4. Don’t take money from Planned Parenthood. They aren’t primarily a rights advocacy organization like NARAL. They provide education and care first and foremost. And they are having funding yanked left and right, so they need all the support they can get.

  5. I don’t care for Gwyneth, but that’s because I’ve known ppl that have worked with her.

    I did write her agency to thank her for her support for PP.

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