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Yay for Summer Plans!

Two finals down and one to go. Things are feeling better (and it should be obvious enough that I’m blogging more now that my eight-hour con law exam is done). And I finally confirmed my summer job — at a comparative constitutional law organization in Greece! I’m psyched. I bought my ticket yesterday, and just purchased the Lonely Planet Greece guide, thanks to a wonderful Amazon gift certificate sent to me by reader Jeremy (thanks again, Jeremy!). I leave on May 29th, and details about how often I’ll be able to blog will be forthcoming. Either way, it’s a huge relief to have my summer plans set. Plus, hey, it’s Greece. No complaints there.

If you have any recommendations for fun, interesting things to do and see in Greece on a shoestring budget, send ’em my way. I’ll be living in/around Athens.

17 thoughts on Yay for Summer Plans!

  1. my advice…get a different guide…unless it’s been updated recently.

    i had the lonely planet athens guide, and a bunch of stuff had changed, closed, moved.

    and just walk. that’s the part of athens i loved the most…it stays awake until late, and the traffic calms down a little, and i’d just walk for miles. plaka and monstraki were probably my favorites to just wander around.

    if you like coffee, be prepared to surrender your wallet to get it…ordering coffee there is worst than cocktails in the states. it’s crazy.

    absolutely loved it there…can’t wait to get back. 🙂

  2. there’s a really ace bookstore in Athens called Eleftheroudakes (obviously looks different in Greek script). There are several branches but the one I’ve been to is on Nikis Street, in Syntagma. it’s like about six floors of amazing books. Of course, that’s amazing to someone like me from New Zealand, but I’ve just realised in the States you probably have massive bookstores like that everywhere. Oh well. cool place, anyway. Also if you can get a ferry across to Aegina on your day off it’s amazing, very rustic and beautiful.

  3. Yeah, I sort of hate you now too. That sounds wonderful! I hope you have a great time over there!

  4. Have a great trip – Greece is amazing!!

    Make sure to try a cheese pie they are so yummy!

  5. so jealous! I wanted to go abroad to Africa to work but couldn’t pull together the funding- oh the jealously! But on a nerdy law student note, what kind of work will you be doing for them- if you can share that online of course.

  6. Unlike the others, I’d just say congratulations. Sounds like fun (except for the not getting paid part). Greece is one of the few Western European countries I haven’t been to, so I can’t make any suggestions.

    If you (or any of the other posters here), ever goes futher North to Denmark, let me know, and I’ll show you the country.

  7. From what I’ve heard (and seen) of Athens, you could show up and leave without that much loot and still have a great time.

    As hard as you must work in law school, Jill, you deserve this vacation.

  8. if you can get to an island, get to santorini. wasn’t as crowded as some of the others, has great beaches with unique geographic features and has amazing sunsets. oh, and unless things have changed get used to saying no to greek men, that got old fast. have fun!

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