In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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  • Want to recommend someone else’s writing instead? Try the latest signal-boosting thread.
  • we expect Content Notes as a courtesy to our readers for problematic content in linked posts and/or their comment threads (a habit of posting only triggering/disparaging links may annoy the Giraffe (you really don’t want to annoy the Giraffe))
  • extended discussion of self-promotion links on this thread is counter-productive for the intended signal-boosting –  the idea is for the promoted sites to get more traffic.  If it’s a side-discussion that would be off-topic/unwelcome/distressing on the other site, take it to #spillover after leaving a note on this thread redirecting others there.

21 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Eighty-five years ago this week, a “gray-haired, kindly looking matron” was found guilty of obscenity. Who was this lady? She was Mary Ware Dennett, whose frank writing on sexuality made her a pioneer for sex education. The battles she fought in court in defense of her important work presaged the controversy that continues to surround comprehensive sex education today.

    * * *

    Sixty-nine percent of people with HIV live in sub-Saharan Africa, where access to prevention and treatment is often limited. Additionally, family-planning services can be difficult to come by. However, nonprofit groups are spearheading new technologies that may help address both problems! We wrote about a new intravaginal ring, currently in development, that researchers are hoping will protect against both HIV and unintended pregnancies!

    * * *

    And for those of you who need more links to click on, look no further than our reprojustice news roundup.

  2. Trigger warning for discussion of rape, and spoiler alert if you are behind in Game of Thrones!

    Reading all the media coverage of last week’s episode got me really riled up at what mainstream bloggers and even places like Slate and Vulture, were describing as “consent”. So, I responded, analyzing the book against the show, and giving a more nuanced discussion of consent and rape between partners.


    Below is the thesis I prove through the article:

    “Most of the above criticism is in response to an overwhelming discomfort at the “changed” scene, and is coming from readers who, in reading the book, did not recognize it as a sexual encounter that involved blatant disregard for Cersei’s lack of consent. So to have it presented to them so plainly as a non-consensual encounter by HBO flew in the face of their interpretation of that sex scene, because, of course, if it had been rape, they would have seen and remembered that! So, HBO must have added that in, as obsessed as they are with shock value! Those are all easier emotions to feel than the uncomfortable idea that you yourself didn’t recognize rape when you read it in black and white.”

  3. I was out of town last Sunday so, two weeks of links

    CN: sex, nudity
    Art Collecting in a Dystopia. An illustrated lecture of a fictional character’s subversive tastes in art.

    CN: sex, violence, consent
    Sunday Snippest from the Cyber-verse. Dark future fiction to promote a forthcoming anthology (which didn’t forthcome)

    CN: BDSM, sex, langauge
    Frolicon report

    CN: Misogyny
    There’s a t-shirt showing up at conventions and half of fandom is taking exception to it.

    Open anthology calls

    Four days left on an indiegogo campaign

  4. Last week at Bitch Flicks, we had a theme week and our posts revolved around Rape Revenge Fantasies. Here is a roundup of all of the posts, which includes analyses of Irreversible, I Spit on Your Grave, Titus, Thelma and Louise, Teeth, Shakespeare, and more.

    * trigger warning for frank discussion of rape and violence.

  5. Oh! And also! Crossed Genres, the SF/F magazine I edit for, is reaching the end of its Kickstarter.

    We’re kind of famous (I say modestly) for annoying the neo-conservative asshats in the SF/F world (the racist, sexist, homophobes) because of our mission to publish inclusive SF/F, and to seek out and publish LGBTQ writers and writers of color, and writers from places other than the USA.

    We’ve got three days and just over three thousand dollars to raise. Kick in if you can! Fabulous prizes await you!

  6. I just finished my first science fiction novel – it has a great feminist theme. It has been through editing and I have a galley (advanced reading copy) I’m sending to bloggers, magazines, and people in the aerospace industry for review.

    Book Title: I Choose Mars

    Synopsis: In 2037, twelve pioneers leave Earth to live, breed, and farm in the newly completed Mars biodome, but something sinister happens while they are on the way. A psychopathic crew member has given the crew and the Company an ultimatum: Acknowledge him as ruler of Mars or he will destroy the biodome.

    Tommie Candour escapes from a storage pod and finds the crew in chaos and communications severed. She is driven by a sense of duty and her love for Turbo to risk her life, and the life within her, in an attempt to save them all.

  7. TW – transphobia, “parody” violent image, violence against women

    I wrote a statement denouncing a sso-called parody video by drag performer Alaska Thunderf*ck depicting shooting a trans activist in the head. The video is not linked; you can find it on YouTube.

    I also examined some practical issues if PA has a pro marriage equality court verdict this spring. Then what?

  8. [Moderator Note: comment content deleted - this post is for linking to something you've written elsewhere, not starting a new discussion here. You may, if you wish, repeat your question on the latest Open Thread, although this may not be the blog best suited for it. ~ mods]

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