In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

4 thoughts on Carey Roberts, Plagiarist

  1. Ah, chivalry….If you call it good manners it means you have to be nice to evrybody, even people who you don’t find fuckable.

  2. Funny thing is, I still use the term chivalry, but degender it.

    I’ll hold the door open for most anybody and don’t expect others to do so for me unless I’m encumbered. [I’ve even made up my own rules for right-of-way when two people reach a door simultaneously, based on ability, encumberance, and inclement weather..]

    And if I guy looks askance at me holding a door for him, I’ll shrug and make a point of equal opportunity chivalry. They generally seem to get the clue.

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