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Diary of a Brazilian Call Girl

This book is going on my Amazon list.

A Brazilian call girl / blogger-turned-author is scandalizing many with her unapologetic tone and sexual frankness. While I would love to get into a whole essay on the many feminist issues involved in prostitution, I’m sadly forced to forgo it in favor of administrative law. So I’ll leave it to all of you in the comments.

3 thoughts on Diary of a Brazilian Call Girl

  1. so i had a friend who was a callgirl for a while and i really don’t see the harm in a middle-class, intelligent woman deciding to do sex work. she liked the work, the people (albeit they were a little weird) and made about 30k a year doing it.

    hell we all sell out some of our ideals a little bit to make a buck, but when it comes to sex women have to be so goddamn pure.

    its better for a woman to steal a loaf of bread or work in a sweatshop for 12 hours a day for a loaf of bread when she’s hungry than for her to have sex for that loaf of bread. its seen by the greater society as much more demeaning. i don’t really understand this mentality.

    Many trophy wives are little different in function from prostitutes. Like eddy murphy once said, “if a woman is married to a rich guy the only duty that wife has is to f*ck her husband”.

    the real ugly side of prostitution is exemplefied in the third world where pimps basically kidnap and force poor young girls into indentured servitude where they have no choices and where there are no laws to protect them. i see very little commonality between these women and the brasilian girl or my callgirl friend.

    anyway i feel that if our culture (and Brasil’s) were sex positive and if all sex workers choose that profession (among other choices) and if they are not being taken advantage of, then prostitution wouldn’t be a big problem. it would be about as banal as dan savage’s kink advice column.

  2. the real ugly side of prostitution is exemplefied in the third world where pimps basically kidnap and force poor young girls into indentured servitude where they have no choices and where there are no laws to protect them.

    That happens in ameirca too, There’s a PDF file of the entire police report for some massive prostitution ring bust that happened in atlanta somewhere on the internet, very very revealing.

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