In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Thank You All

The Catholicism discussion below is probably, as Lauren noted, the longest discussion thread here at Feministe that has remained both civil and interesting.

So, thanks for keeping it that way and thanks for not trolling.

I think one of the things that may keep things civil is that any assertion about doctrine can be fact-checked against the Vatican’s own website, which is one of the benefits of a top-down religion with a giant library and research apparatus.

4 thoughts on Thank You All

  1. I’m sorry I missed the discussion, since I was raised Catholic (Polish/Irish/German mix). I got through about half the comments.

    I have very mixed feelings about The Church, but I can say that some of the most caring, giving people I’ve met have been Catholics. Someone in that thread mentioned Kathy Kelly and Voices in the Wilderness. She’s one I’d count; she taught my religion class freshman year of high school. I hadn’t really thought about the social responsibilities of catholicism before her, despite the volunteer work I did to get confirmed in 8th grade. The example of many nuns, priests & lay Catholic who worked very hard run hospitals & hospices, food banks & soup kitchens inspires me to do more to help others in need.

  2. So, thanks for keeping it that way and thanks for not trolling

    Not to sound stupid or anything, but what is trolling? I just recently started commenting on blogs and don’t want to accidentally become a troll. (If that’s possible anyway.)

  3. Troll: obnoxious person who continuously seeks to derail threads, call attention to themselves, insult others, and engage in other flagrant displays of bad faith.

  4. evil_fizz pretty much has it covered; I just want to add that usually trolls are people who do it just for the fun of it.

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