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Christian Fundies Hate America

“America is no longer good.”
“Unrighteousness, evil, corruption, perversion and death are now standard operating procedure in the United States of America.”

Imagine if liberal politicians were calling America “evil” and predicting its demise. They’d be labelled as anti-American and contemptable. Hell, all a left-leaning person has to do is say that she wasn’t mistreated by Iraqis and that’s enough to call her a suicide bomber.

But it’s a-ok when right-wing Christian leaders complain about their evil country.

By the way, Christianity is apparently under attack in America. And they have a point. I mean, just look at all the Christ-hating Jews who have occupied the Whitehouse over the past century. And all the Buddhists in Congress. Not to mention all those Hindus sitting on the Supreme Court! Just as expected, atheists are routinely accorded more respect than all religious people. And it’s not like the vast majority of Americans identify as Christians or anything. Clearly, we are an oppressed minority here.

At one point, speaker Herb Titus held up a copy of Kevin Phillips’ “American Theocracy,” offering it as evidence of the putative war on Christians. It was an audacious move, given that Sara Diamond, the preeminent scholar of the Christian right, reported in a 1998 book that Titus was forced to resign his post as dean of the law school at Pat Robertson’s Regent University because he refused to renounce Christian Reconstructionism. Christian Reconstructionism is a theocratic sect that advocates the replacement of civil law with biblical law, including the execution of homosexuals, apostates and women who are unchaste before marriage. Christian Reconstructionists used to be politically radioactive, but a new generation of religious right leaders like Scarborough have embraced them, and some members of today’s GOP apparently see no problem associating with them. This does not mean that America is on the verge of theocracy, but it signals an important shift. The language of religious authoritarianism has become at least somewhat politically acceptable.

Well, at least it’ll relieve the over-population problem.

3 thoughts on Christian Fundies Hate America

  1. Yes, isn’t it amusing that fundies are whining that they are the oppressed minority? That is, when they’re not screeching that they are the majority who are going to rise up and “take back America.”

    Frankly, I don’t think we evil secular liberals of the evil secular society are worth saving. In fact, I think Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et al, should just withdraw to some island somewhere and let us pinkos stew in our own vile, atheistic juices! Yeah, that’d serve us right! Go ahead, Pat & Jerry! Please! I’ll help you guys pack!

  2. Ah! The complexities of fundamentalist escatholgy…when it is convinient for them, the US is the “light of the world” who will bring democracy and peace to the world..and when it is convinient to them, the US is a corrupt culture in war against its christian roots….Go figure…

  3. These people scare the bejesus out of me. This shit gets lots of mileage with the working class, who by virtue of their cultural and economic position have suffered from lazy and underfunded public school systems who failed to educate about the most fundamental principals of democracy. Those few who went to college usually attended a tech or community college which still fails to pick up where the public schools came short.

    The christian fundies have greedily and ardently picked up the ball where our culture has left these people confused and frustrated. Armed with easy answers, an opportunity to finally be better than everyone else and an array of channels for rage and anxiety they cannot articulate, the fundies take over their minds and then their purpose.

    Ironic always to me how these are the very people banging the pulpit on a regular basis about the evil islam when in fact their ideal government seems to mirror the theocracies of islam very well. While the extreme factions of islam have partaken of actual killing and war, the christian fundies can only beat their chests and chant slogans and threats. They both want to be the bully of the block.

    Now, if only we could extract them all and place them in a desolate location and witness from afar their mutual annihilation wouldn’t the world be such a better place?

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