In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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  • Want to recommend someone else’s writing instead? Try the weekly signal-boosting thread.
  • we expect Content Notes as a courtesy to our readers for problematic content in linked posts and/or their comment threads (a habit of posting only triggering/disparaging links may annoy the Giraffe (you really don’t want to annoy the Giraffe))
  • extended discussion of self-promotion links on this thread is counter-productive for the intended signal-boosting –  the idea is for the promoted sites to get more traffic.  If it’s a side-discussion that would be off-topic/unwelcome/distressing on the other site, take it to #spillover after leaving a note on this thread redirecting others there.

28 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I take on the arguments of the right wing of the Catholic Church, particularly relating to LGBT and women’s rights issues at:

    Thanks for the opportunity to share, Jill!

  2. Content Notes: Homophobia, Sexism, Bullying. This was an unpleasant trip to a memory of being told to “Tone Down the Gay” in a previous workplace.

    Content Notes: Denial of Privilege, Invisibility. Then I wondered if Lesbians Can Disappear as part of a writing exercise on superpowers.

    Content Note: Anti-Trans Violence, Transphobia, Anti-Disability Violence, Murder. I was sad to report that two trans women were murdered in the same week in Cleveland, Ohio. And, sadly, the media hasn’t helped by their refusal to validate the identities of the women.

    On a lighter note, I explored my inability to sustain Words With Friends games for the long haul: I’m a Words With Friends Failure

  3. My latest post includes quotes from women who are currently in verbally abusive relationships — and the hopelessness they feel. The more we talk openly about verbal abuse, the more we can help other women who live in a state of fear and sadness.

  4. Finally getting back into substantive blogging:

    Advise the Bishops about Marriage and Family Life is a close read and analysis of the questionnaire that Rome has sent out in preparation for the Extraordinary Synod on the family in October 2014. Of particular interest to current or former Catholics whose advice is being solicited, but additionally of interest to anyone curious about just what the Catholic church is doing here.

    In Mimetic Rivalry, Reform, and Unity in the Church, I deconstruct the rivalistic dynamic in a recent commentary on church reform by a liberal Catholic theologian, only to get caught up in the same dynamic myself. Oops.

    Also has some commentary on the applicability of 1 Tim 2:8-10 as relevant to rivalry and unity in the church: there’s actually more to that part of 1 Tim than silencing women.

  5. It’s year-end time at Fromage. In My tiny musical slice of 2013, I offer up my totally biased choices for best music that I heard. And even though I use the term “all-female” only once (because the media made a big deal out of it), it just so happens that the list includes many female musicians.

    1. Thanks for these. One must never forget the ironclad rule when it comes to trans people: whoever’s analyzing us, whether they’re sex/gender essentialists or constructionists, and whatever we do, we’re doing it wrong and don’t really exist in the way we think we do.

  6. Happy Holidays everyone here at Feministe. I must say I have been lurking on this site for quite some time now and really enjoy the various perspective here. As a male ally I made it a point to just “listen” to what feminists are saying rather than comment. The problem with gender relations or really any relations is people do not listen enough and just want to talk over and comment. Well I have learned much about Feminism here and how it helps helps liberate men as well as women. I saw this open thread and figured I would express my appreciation. I am so encouraged that more men are now a part of feminism and the fight for equality for all human beings. If anyone is interested fwiw on a good male feminist site that is sort of under the radar, there is a site a friend of mine male feminist Rob Okun created it has some pretty good info it. I look forward to continually reading this site and and learning.

  7. The ‘Call Cops’ Theory: A post about the agency of those who have been abused, their right to choose how to address abuse and societal & state responsibility, written in the background of calls in India to have all cognizable offences mandatorily be investigated by the police regardless of whether or not the person who has been abused consents.

    (Trigger warning particularly with reference to content in the first four paras. for abuse & the non-provision of healthcare.)

  8. I’ve recently started writing at Feminist Borg, a new feminist blog whose contributors are comprised of some regulars from the Man Boobz community (e.g. kittehserf). We have posts sorted by theme of the month, and this month’s theme is pregnancy.

    I wrote a post in response to Jill’s recent article about the abortion restriction scenario. (I’ve only written about two posts so far, although I’ll be writing more often these days. Here’s my first post there on rape jokes.)

  9. The homophobic things straight women say to gay men, and the sexist things gay men say about women.
    Gay men, straight women, and unexplored tensions.

    A response to the study about female “indirect aggression” and competition, and the New York Times write-up that used the study to say slut-shaming is all women’s fault.
    Girl-on-girl crime: competition and slut-shaming

    How to respond when a friend/family member/co-worker unknowingly says something sexist. And how to come out as a feminist to friends/family members who have the wrong impression of feminism.
    Q & A: How to react to my friend’s sexist statement

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