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Friday Cat Blogging

Guess where I had been sitting until a few minutes before this was taken?

5 thoughts on Friday Cat Blogging

  1. What a sweet, precious kitty!!!! I so did not want to leave my Minka kitty this morning. When I left, she was sitting at the top of the stairs, looking reproachfully down at me. She really wanted mommy to stay and continue playing!

  2. Zuzu looks remarkably like the babydaddy’s old cat, Nikki. One of E’s first words was “kiki” and we still use it to call our kitties.

  3. Did you see the link on Cute Overload to a Fat Boy Slim video winner who used lots of kitties (dressed up at that) to make it? It’s so cute and it’ll make your day, I promise. I highly recommend you click there now anyway because there is a bunny laying frog style and a puppy laying flat out on it’s back like a person. It’s all so adorably cute!

  4. Zuzu: are your animals guilty of the same? It seems every time I get up my cat, Pablo, steals my seat. Then when I return and demand that he move, he turns his back to me and “meows” at the wall, indifferent. And if I move to a different chair, he’ll steal that one as soon as I get up again.

    Cats. Furry little shits think they own the world.

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