In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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37 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. A couple of pieces from me this week – and the links/ self promotion post on my blog, for your meta enjoyment…

    Identity Politics and Shared Humanity – about why I’m uncomfortable with attacks on identity politics in favour of “true quality” or “believing in humanity”

    Reclaiming the F Word – a review of the second edition of Aune and Redfern’s book – more necessary now than it was three years ago!

    Weekend Links – some reading suggestions and space for your own links

  2. I wrote about my experience at CU Boulder with trying to report someone who “is accomplished in his field” for sexual harassment (sexual assault), and included quotes from the investigative report. I want people to know that the other student who recently filed a Title IX complaint is not alone. There are some perpetrators who don’t even get punished.

    Trigger Warning for this post, as it does discuss some details of the incident.

  3. This week I tortured our listeners with a cover of Rihanna’s Stay

    I hate to admit it but I’m really proud of it. We present these performances as a joke, (the same joke every week really- dancey pop hit played on acoustic guitar) but I actually love the result this week.

  4. Over at delagar, I wrote a ruminative post on why being anti-feminist has not become the third-rail that being racist has, in a post called “I’m No Feminist, I Just Think Women Should Have Equal Rights.”

    Also, a follow-up post to that one, reacting to the NYTimes article on the results of the Opt-Out movement: “Traditional is An Interesting Word For Master.”

    And finally, another in my series of posts on Laura Ingalls Wilder: “Laura and Lena on the Prairie.”

    1. Please tell me that you’re going to review the rest of the Uglies series- shit’s barely begun to get real by the end of the first book, and Tally Youngblood is only just getting started as a badass character…

  5. Please help us reach 500 signatures, 500 people taking a stand about keeping Thornton Park in Vancouver dedicated to women’s rights. We feel passionately about this symbolic issue and want the municipal government to fully correct the disrespectful way we and the Women’s Monument here has been treated.

  6. What is fertility awareness? It can help you get pregnant by teaching you to keep track of your fertile window. It can also help you to avoid pregnancy, especially when combined with other birth-control methods. Whether you want to avoid or achieve pregnancy, fertility awareness explains how the female body works, and that’s worthwhile information to have in and of itself.

    1. Wiley, I can really relate to the anger and frustration with one’s own body, and the way it forces one to deal with reminders one would prefer to forget. It can be excruciating.

      As for being 5′ 2″, I know it isn’t so easy to fit in as a guy who’s that small, but I know it’s possible. My son is 5′ 2″ and visibly gay, and I know he wishes he were taller, but he almost never gets misgendered (when he does, it’s because someone isn’t paying attention; it happened much more when he was younger, before he started getting facial hair). And I managed to live as a 5′ 2″ man for 20 years or so after I reached adulthood. As miserable as I was. I was — more’s the pity! — never gendered as a female except on the telephone, because I had a high voice for a guy. So you’re not alone in the world as a 5′ 2″ guy. For whatever that’s worth.

      1. Thank you!!

        You know, there is a tumblr called F*ck yeah short guys that I like to look at when I’m feeling down about being tiny. Maybe your son would like it!

  7. This week I’ve been catching up on reviews. I managed to hit two opposites, really. Shades of Milk and Honey is a light Jane Austen knockoff with a bit of fantasy to it– not extraordinary, but a nice quick read.

    The Corpse-Rat King is a black comedy alt-fantasy adventure that dwells with loving detail on rotting flesh, cannibalism, and the seamier side of both the world and human nature. I enjoyed it at times, but it was trying much too hard to be edgy.

  8. I started a food blog that, out of necessity, tries to find foods with all of the four cardinal food virtues: easy to make, tasty, healthy, and inexpensive.

    Posts on food-related justice issues like fat acceptance, food deserts, and sustainability will be added as time goes by.

  9. I wrote a feminist review of the animated short KICK HEART–a project by Production IG who brought us Ghost in the Shell, FLCL and more. I talk about how the short perpetuates fat stigma, but also provides an interesting take on BDSM and sexualized violence. For those of you who’ve checked out my other posts, I sense a theme. LOL

  10. This is not promotion for me, but for a friend of mine who just started an amazing tumblr — it’s all fat positive images of fat women (including women of color) in historical dress.

    She’s trying to fill a big gap: much like contemporary media, many (or in some cases, all!) of the only images you see of historical fashions are on thin, white bodies. So she is making her own images!

    She’s a professional theatrical costume designer and an artist, so the paintings are awesome, and 100% historically accurate.

    Check it out: Historical Fatties!:

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