In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

Netiquette reminders:

  • we expect Content Notes as a courtesy to our readers for problematic content in linked posts and/or their comment threads (a habit of posting only triggering/disparaging links may annoy the Giraffe (you really don’t want to annoy the Giraffe))
  • extended discussion of self-promotion links on this thread is counter-productive for the intended signal-boosting –  the idea is for the promoted sites to get more traffic.  If it’s a side-discussion that would be off-topic/unwelcome/distressing on the other site, take it to #spillover after leaving a note on this thread redirecting others there.

41 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. After hearing this terrible news about justice in Florida (contrast the Marissa Alexander and George Zimmerman trial outcomes), maybe we need to think about the new film A Girl and a Gun.

    A Fresh Slant on Gun Culture

    And because these themes are always related to violence along the US-Mexico border, I also offer my views on the new series The Bridge — which recasts the Scandinavian series. How much is this a re-run, and how much new material does it offer?

    The Bridge as ReRun

    Justice for all.

  2. Used to be there was no such thing as rape– except for slutty women who were asking for it. Not nice to talk about it anyway. Blame the victim and tell yourself you are safe. No need to ask how you would feel if it were your own son in a vigilante’s gun-sights. You are nice people, not like that kid who got himself shot. Why it is such a heavy lift for white women to see what black women must know to survive…
    George Zimmerman is a Nice Guy

  3. I saw an owl in the woods, and wrote about owl mythology around the world:

    The Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival is coming up, and I wrote about Lisa Vogel’s recent, confusing statement on trans women’s exclusion.
    Trigger warnings for some of the comments, which are all over the lot, and I haven’t censored any of them.

    1. Additional trigger warning for numerous attacks (in both Daisy’s post and the comments) on the people at Feministe who objected to Daisy’s previous post on trans issues (calling us “mean girls,” etc.), as well as — wait for it! — Daisy and others attacking people here for not commenting on the new post she now links to. As if we are all immediately aware of what she writes, but are too cowardly to go to her blog to comment on it. Also, trigger warning for Daisy’s once again raising the so-called issue of “why do trans women care so much about what anti-trans radical feminists say,” and assuming without evidence that the people who knocked those leaflets off the DGR table at that conference actually were trans women.

      Further comments on this should probably go to the latest spillover thread, so as not to derail Self-Promotion Sunday.

        1. Any chance you saved a copy and can post it again in the spillover thread? I’d love to read what you wrote.

        2. Oh, I think I knew what you meant. I’m sorry I wasn’t clear; I was trying to suggest that if you go ahead and post it in the spillover thread, then the moderators can simply not approve it here, thereby avoiding duplication.

      1. It’s also worth mentioning here that in addition to everything else mentioned here, Daisy’s happy to write off any dissent as the fevered ramblings of people who’re Just Too Young And Ignorant to know what they’re talking about, bless their precious naive college-age socks, lolololwftbbq. The irony of doing this while simultaneously accusing these folks of disagreeing with her solely because they’re Totally Indisputably Ageist against anyone over the age of 35 is utterly lost on her, so I’d strongly suggest not engaging unless playing with rad!fem! trolls on their own turf/terf is your idea of fun…

  4. Lots and lots of triggery stuff: medical and poverty and PTSD, also pictures of artillery shell casings and bullets

    It’s been a difficult week at Chez Mudd. Mainly because I’m adjusting to the absence of Mudd himself.

    Took the kids to the museum. We have a WWI exhibit, mostly of Trench Art, stuff soldiers made while in the hospital or from found objects. I took pictures.

  5. I wrote about the day my daughter announced that she planned to live full-time with her father & drop out of high school. This post is part of an ongoing blog about my last five years of parenting my at-risk teenage daughter while my efforts were overtly undermined by her father to a degree I couldn’t imagine possible until now. She’s gone.

  6. If you’re looking for some summer reading, check out our review of Crow After Roe, which might both enrage and inspire you! The authors argue that recent anti-abortion legislation puts women — especially poor, minority, and rural women — in a separate and secondary class of health care consumers who have little control over their reproductive health. Is the main goal of these laws to render abortion “legal in name only” — still legal, but largely unavailable?

  7. Content Note: Discussion of sexual assault statistics and an empirical analysis of false rape allegations.

    This week the CBC reported that an MRA group in Canada was conducting a postering campaign to encourage young women not to lie about sexual assault. In response, I get my academic rant on about false rape allegation statistics, and how they are used incorrectly to spend misogyny and harmful myths about sexual assault.

    Conversations about False Rape Allegations are Generally Full of Bull&%$*

  8. Just the usual – poverty, ostracism, abuse, bullying, incitement to commit suicide, misrepresentation, censorship, harrassment and so on.

  9. Only one post in Fromage this week. I was a lil busy! Crazy love isn’t quite a recording studio diary because I was too knackered at the end of each day, but it’s basically what went on during the very quick recording and mixing of the second EP by Lisa’s Hotcakes. There should be a follow-up to this one.

  10. This week I reviewed Night School, a decent YA boarding school novel that falls down on having a coherent villain but has the honesty to call attempted date rape what it is and deals with teenage mental health problems decently well.

    I also reviewed Passion Play, which sounds like it’s going to be about a courtesan-spy and then does *really* good and forthright handling of the aftermath of rape and trauma as the protagonist builds a new life.

    And so while neither novel was top-drawer excellent, they gave me hope for the future of the genres I love.

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