In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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41 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. As we waited for the Supreme Court decision on Prop 8 and DOMA, we observed the anniversaries of two other major Supreme Court rulings that impacted gay rights. In fact, today is the anniversary of Bowers v. Hardwick, which affirmed states’ rights to to outlaw sodomy 27 years ago. And exactly 10 years prior to the DOMA decision, Bowers was reversed by Lawrence v. Texas, which struck down sodomy laws nationwide.

    And Thursday was National HIV Testing Day, which we observed with a post about rapid HIV testing. If you’re too nervous to wait days or weeks for your results, rapid HIV testing might be a good option for you.

  2. The Grammarian and the Alderman– I wrote to an elected city official to express my concern over a proposed sagging pants ban, and it turned into a ridiculous, unprofessional interaction where he told me it wasn’t his job to listen to me. I can’t say politicians like this are the reason my city is number 3 for murders, but it can’t be helping.

    Tightropes and Hard Times– So many of the famous rhetoricians (especially the female ones) had really hard lives. Does it take living a difficult life to hones these skills?

  3. [CN: male privilege, reproductive justice, anger]

    I wrote a hypothetical letter to my male friends after getting tired with their refusal to see why feminism (and women’s rights) are important. The rolled eyes and sighing were just becoming too much!

  4. I’ve been blogging, as usual, about mental health and what it’s like to try to recover from a mental illness, with a healthy dash of family shenanigans and occasional pictures of my puppy.

    Content note for the various mental health issues, depression, suicidality, disordered eating, and so on.

  5. An ode to Sansa Stark and why I think she’s an unlikely but strong female character, and why I think Game of Thrones does a great job with its women in general. Spoilers for the Game of Thrones TV show and CN for mention of graphic gendered violence therein.

    1. Sansa is super underrated. I think most people don’t get that of all the Stark children, she is the one who is most like Ned: she wants to fit society’s ideal of what someone in her position should look like, and goes about sculpting her life to meet that imaginary picture – then meets disaster when the reality of her society collides with its (already pretty messed up) ideals.

  6. “America’s Most Wanded (The Texas Mandated Transvaginal Ultrasound Song)” is a lighthearted music video addressing one of Texas’ abortion laws. Content note: NSFW, contains images of a transvaginal ultrasound device (that we’ve turned into a cute-ish puppet) as well as images of Rick Perry.

  7. “A Beautiful Body” Book Project by Jade Beall

    As I write this, I am less than an hour from administering my trigger shot, which means that in exactly 36 hours I’ll be under anesthesia while the doctor extracts a batch of cells from my very stimulated ovaries. These eggs are destined for another uterus. I am an egg donor and after viewing these moving images I hope more than ever that the recipient of my eggs gets big and beautiful and falls madly in love with her pregnant and post-pregnant body. Continue Reading

  8. This week I reviewed Brandon Sanderson’s new book, The Rithmatist— it’s engaging and has some fun ideas, but the female lead starts out as more or less a redheaded gender stereotype.

    I also reviewed Ready Player One, a virtual reality treasure hunt adventure that doubles as a love letter to the 1980s.

    1. Miranda, blogspot hates me for commenting, so I’m doing it here; sorry. I just wanted to say that you sound very thoughtful and intelligent and generally awesome, and that you are really courageous for speaking up. Thank you.

      1. Thank you so much, Mac. It really means a lot to hear such encouragement and compliments from such a cool person. πŸ™‚

  9. I think I missed last week, so there are two posts at Yes Means Yes Blog that I have not posted on a self-promotion thread:

    When Does “Allegedly” Die?!, which I wrote in a fit of rage at Whoopi at The View using “allegedly” to describe the Steubenville rapists even though they were duly convicted after a trial, and Barbara Walters’ tap-dance around Mike Tyson’s status as a rapist who was convicted by a jury, appealed and lost, and served a prison term. Look, at some point, there is no legal justification for “allegedly” and instead it stands as a value judgment that the commentator doesn’t want to concede that the person being discussed is, in fact, a rapist.

    Boundaries Are For The Little People, a guest post by a sex worker about a sexual assault by a client, and the issues of power differential and entitlement.

  10. I thought I’d add my own feminist ending to the Song of Miriam. (Don’t worry, this is really short.) The Song of Miriam from the Bible (JPS version) is in bold, followed by the additional lines to it which I have written. I did another version of this before, but this one is explicitly feminist:

    Sing ye to the LORD, for He is highly exalted:
    The horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea.

    He has liberated us from Egypt, from slavery;
    We must now liberate ourselves from sexism.
    Sing ye of the pain of sexist oppression,
    Sing of the joy and righteousness of women’s liberation.

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