In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

11 thoughts on When women are denied abortions

  1. Clearly this isn’t as distressing as poor poor menz having to write a check every month.

      1. Well, why discuss hardships women face due to misogyny when we can discuss the fee fee’s of men who didn’t want to be fathers and how a mans mother might have been harassed (even though that’s just pulled right out of people’s asses and they have no idea how she feels about it)

        It’s not WHAT we talk about that’s important I guess. It’s how long (read entertaining) the subject matter is, and we all know blaming women and cooing over mens fee fee’s is far more entertaining.

        It’s just so boring when too many people agree on oppression.

  2. It makes me so upset to think about the culture that men have created for women around abortion.

    “Do you think God would forgive me if I were to murder my unborn child?”

    Perpetuating this Judgy Man Watching You In The Sky shit is so reprehensible. SO REPREHENSIBLE.

    1. What kills me is that it’s two sides of the same coin. If followers of the “man-in-the-sky-watching-you” really wanted to stop abortion, they would have to acknowledge that people have sex and deal with the potential outcome accordingly. Why provide access to education, contraceptives, and assistance raising kids that were so precious in-utero when you can just legislate the problem out of existence?

  3. Perhaps because of S.’s difficulty breast-feeding, Baby S. wasn’t gaining weight. Her physician threatened to call social services.

    Yes, well done, Doctor. Threats are exactly the right thing to do there.


    1. That point got me too, Tyris.

      Our culture here in the U.S. has so many conflicting narratives when it comes to sex, and reproduction, contraception, abortion, and parenting. That actual people get caught in the crosshairs of these impossibly conflicting narratives (don’t have sex! use birth control, but we will make it next to impossible to access, if you have a baby you must breastfeed! but will get zero support, plenty of medically incorrect advice, and then treated like shit if you have any problems, etc) is apparently of little import.

    2. When you’re poor, you’re always one step away from someone calling social services. And once they’re in your life, they are in it forever. They can come back in 10 years and investigate you, even if they found nothing the first time. A good friend of mine had her child temporarily taken because of a bad diaper rash. She took that baby to the doctor almost weekly, because nothing was working. The doctor couldn’t figure out what was wrong, so of course he called cps on her. CPS is the go to threat they hang over your head when you’re poor. I can’t imagine what this woman has used against her, if they know she wanted an abortion first.

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