In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

Netiquette reminders:

  • we expect Content Notes as a courtesy to our readers for problematic content in linked posts and/or their comment threads (a habit of posting only triggering/disparaging links may annoy the Giraffe (you really don’t want to annoy the Giraffe))
  • extended discussion of self-promotion links on this thread is counter-productive for the intended signal-boosting –  the idea is for the promoted sites to get more traffic.  If it’s a side-discussion that would be off-topic/unwelcome/distressing on the other site, take it to #spillover after leaving a note on this thread redirecting others there.

40 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. It’s Men’s Health Week (until the end of the day, anyway), and in observance of the occasion we wrote about penile skin lesions. Have a penis? Are you worried about any changes in appearance, such as bumps, blisters, spots, sores, warts, or rashes? Lesions can be caused by a variety of things, including infections and even cancer. Luckily, they are usually easy to treat. Learn more!

    * * *

    Decades ago, more than 10 tons of an inedible yam were harvested in tropical Mexico every week! Why, you ask? The yams were a source of valuable chemicals, and served as raw material for hormonal birth control pills! Read about the people whose hard manual labor was the powerhouse behind Mexico’s steroid industry, which fueled the production of game-changing pharmaceuticals like birth control pills and cortisone. Some say their labor was exploited.

  2. This week I reviewed Icons, the new sci-fi release by the co-author of Beautiful Creatures– it’s interesting and may end up getting attention, but it’s clumsily paced and doesn’t use these characters to their full potential.

    I also reviewed Prince of Thorns, which is dark as hell but a definite shift away from predictable fantasy tropes.

  3. CN: Explicit same sex romance, BDSM discussion and excerpt

    I joined the Marketing For Romance Writers Rainbow Blog Hop.
    My post is ” Kink in Spaaaaace.” There is a chance to win the novel, and a link to a free excerpt book with bits from all the bloghoppers.

    CN: impolitic use of the word “porn”

    I also blogged about Pinterest, and why it’s dangerous, at least to my wallet.

  4. Iain (M) Banks and grief for those we’ve never met
    Finding a space to express sadness over the loss of the many people who, although we’ve never spoken to them, influence us immensely. And why it is okay to be sad.

    Absolut’s new Pride video
    A really wonderful, well-made, touching video asking many of Dublin’s most influential white, middle-class, cisgender, abled, monosexual gays what Pride means to them. Yeaaaah.

    I like people. People are cool.
    I can forget sometimes that people are, in general, generous and kind. Then I fell off my bike. People are great, y’know?

    Gender Recognition, Intolerance in Ireland, and Food Poverty.
    News roundup! Got anything to add?

  5. This week at Yes Means Yes Blog:

    Australian Army Chief Of Staff Gen. Morrison issues a stirring call to action for equality and against workplace sexual harassment. I write briefly about it, but I also have a full transcript for anyone who can’t listen or would rather read.

    I wrote at some length about the guy in Texas who murdered Lenora Frago and got away with it because juries hate sex workers. There are some good posts about this on by-and-for sex worker sites, some of which I link.

    By now, a lot of people here will have seen a link to my post about the guy who sent an unsolicited penis picture to a woman he didn’t know. I take the position that this is predatory boundary testing.

    1. Anna P, I have deleted your previous posts in this thread because they are not abiding by the post parameters. Please link to writing of your own (SELF-promotion) elsewhere online rather than reproducing the whole body of text in comments here.

  6. I shared an abstract I wrote for this year’s upcoming Feminist Art History conference in Washington DC – and a little on why I’m so excited to research and write more on the amazing Women’s Domestic Needlework Collective.

    Extra excited about this as I just recently got the acceptance email from the organisers!! Hello America. I’ll be visiting soon. 🙂

    No Goddesses, No Mistresses: A tactile history of the Australian Women’s Domestic Needlework Group

  7. [Comment redacted in its entirety for holy shit, how did that even get through? Jesus Christ. – Mod]

    1. Well, I thought that was racist even before I clicked over to the site, but the site itself seems to be… a rant against white women in favour of “petite sexy submissive” Asian women.

      We need a giraffe here. We may need a whole bunch of giraffes.

      [Moderator Note: thank you for sending a giraffe alert]

    2. My God. The only amusing part is the revelatory typo — in extolling “East Asian” women, the disgusting person who created this fetid cesspool accidentally (I assume) typed “East Aryan.”

    3. Whoa. Yeah, we need a giraffe here.

      [Moderator Note: thank you for sending a giraffe alert]

    4. I’m the one who let that through moderation initially. I blame my headcold for the branefail. Sorry about that, everyone.

  8. Easy Sunday Reading #2!

    This is one of those pieces that invades your thoughts never to leave your mind the same. Scientists unlock the secrets of willpower, bestowing it with a sensible modern face. No longer some vague transcendental quality anchoring the moral universe within us, willpower is simply “a finite store of mental energy.” Used for exerting self-control, it is exhausted as we go about our day making decisions from the mundane to the major. And it is glucose, not personal character, that is central to its constitution.

    Research like this goes a long way in illuminating ordinary social reality, and how human biology and behavior intersects with and is exploited by powerful interests. The knowledge and insights here are the kind that open you up to not only your own experiences but to the experiences of others. It’s an honest and edifying attempt at understanding the world, and why I need doughnuts and The Daily Mail on a daily basis: Continue Reading.

  9. Finally, I restarted my blog about the nightmare I’ve been living over the last five years while trying to get help for my daughter. It’s called The Notebooks of Mother X. Last week I posted “All Kinds of Ways to Lose a Child.”

      1. I tried to link to a review but my posts when I include a URL to my blog at Shigekuni don’t go through. What do I do wrong?

  10. Just another day in a male dominated sport: I complain that one of my temporary tae kwon do coaches is making inappropriate innuendo and unprofessionally flirting with students.

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