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Best Thing I’ve Seen All Day

Perhaps this has been going around for a while and I’m the last one to see it, but you must do this. Google “Asshole” and click “I’m Feeling Lucky.” I guarantee it’s way better than “miserable failure.”

I wonder if this has anything to do with the Bush administration subpoenaing Google’s search records?

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6 thoughts on Best Thing I’ve Seen All Day

  1. Betsy, it’s probably not big news here because we knew that war was coming regardless of further UN action. The reason it’s getting more traction in the UK is because the British (and presumably Tony Blair) give more weight to the authority of the UN than American conservatives.

  2. Janet G –

    So? You get the same result if you do a search for tiananmen (all images referenced with tiananmen from sites under the .cn top level domain) at

    Google does rankings by reference. If the Chinese government shuts down sites in that have references to the Tiananmen square massacres in 1989, then there won’t be sites to reference. Since is an index of sites in the .cn TLD, it’s what we would expect to see. Even if there wasn’t supression, Tiananmen is a well known landmark and historical location; it’s possible that Chinese people would build more sites focused on that history than on what outrages the West.

    Now whether Google should have had anything to do with building a Chinese site is a different question, but one that can be addressed without implying they’re fudging their search results. (I haven’t done enough research to figure out which side of that debate I fall on, but I’m leaning to the they shouldn’t’ve side.)

  3. Oh yes, I found this last night and had posted it. I really wanted to send it out to everyone and tell them they must listen/read it but alas, I had no idea how to go about doing that exactly.

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