In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

45 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I wrote about:
    On fatshion and cultural appropriation: an open letter to Jes of the Militant Baker
    The Big Thrifty, an awesome plus size shopping event that I went to last weekend.
    Happy International No Diet Day!
    INDD links roundup, and delicious noms.
    Two exciting upcoming events in Boston: the Fab Fatty Frolic and Three Big Fat Voices.
    -Two quotes of the day related to my feelings about climate change
    -my weekly links roundup, where people are welcome to self-promote as well!

  2. Revolution and Race : Looking at how Revolution treats characters of colour and how it fits into the way that dystopian shows normally treat POC.

    Hemlock Grove – So Many Problems: Looking at Netflix’s original production Hemlock Grove from a social justice perspective. Specifically looking at gender, and sexuality.

    Written-By-Numbers Drinking Game: Paranormal Romance: Paranormal romance has so many repetitive tropes that we simply had to create a drinking game.

    Written-By-Numbers Drinking Game: Paranormal YA : Paranormal YA is so trope laden that we created a drinking game to survive the repetitive tropes. You may have to do this one with water.

  3. Last week I wrote about some surprising remarks by Cardinal Braz de Aviz on authority and obedience in the context of the interaction between the LCWR (the nuns) and the CDF (the bishops/Vatican).

    I critiqued a new blog in which Catholic men* discuss God, Man, and Atheism (*and three Catholic women).

    And after a long stretch of paralysis, I have finally managed some thesis blogging, reflecting on Amy Plantinga Pauw’s essay on the gaps between beliefs and practices. A point of feminist interest in this essay is the analysis of religious practices in terms of insights obtained by the practices of motherhood.

  4. This week I reviewed Troubled Waters, a fun high fantasy book that treats men and women as political equals for the most part; no big thing is made of it, but family leaders and noble houses simply follow an even gender split. It’s a great change from the normal male nobles and helpless brides, with the bonus of a budding industrial revolution and great intrigue.

  5. I just want to say I’m sick of people treating Mother’s Day as “mom’s day off”, like obviously she does all the housework and childcare all by herself for the rest of the year, and that’s fine as long as you give her one day off.

    Not to mention people saying “being a mom is the hardest, most important job in the world”, while not offering to compensate that job in any way, and never saying “being a parent is the hardest, most important job in the world”, always specifying mom, because again obviously mom’s expected to do all the work and that’s just fine apparently.

  6. a humorous piece about me as a “try-athlete” –how i hit the road running for myself but also to show my kids that middle-aged women have desires, strengths, and vulnerabilities too.

  7. This week I wrote about arithmetic and inequity. I’ve been talking to a variety of parents from a variety of backgrounds, and I’m getting a sense the math fact memorization is getting short shrift and that this is contributing to the opportunity gap. Is this something other people have noticed?

    I also continued my series of “feminist takes” of Doctor Who companions. My latest is an appreciation of Zoe Heriot, mathy sciency Adventure Hero extraordinaire.

    And I continued my series on persuasive writing for activists, touching on how to learn about your audience.

  8. I’ll be honest, I’ve been doing a lot less stuff to do with feminism because I’m trying to make writing a real, solid career. It’s taking a lot of time and energy, but maybe some of you awesome people like scifi/fantasy/romance/erotica?

    Here’s some links!

    Bound as the World Burns Goodreads Giveaway (An Apocalyptic Interracial BDSM)

    Amazon is filtering erotica in the most dishonest and roundabout way possible – and readers don’t realize it’s happening.

    Like me on Facebook | Follow me on Twitter | Chat with me on Goodreads

  9. Love this blog! I write for Where Is Your Line & am a teenage women’s rights activist. If y’all could do me a favor & like this poem I wrote on youtube, that would be amazing!!! I’m trying to win a contest! Thanks so much!!!

  10. Better late than never right?

    Choice Rocks 2013 is an amazing fundraiser I am working on with Planned Parenthood of New Mexico. If you will be in the are or have family/friends/colleagues in the Albuquerque are, please buy a ticket and support an amazing show! There are some great raffle prizes, like SxSW tickets, and fun adult toys!

    and from my blog, Armed Venus:

    Hospitality – in which I muse on the Pagan obligation to take my friends to the Hot Springs ( oh poor us )

    Apothecary Solutions for Spring – a few herbal recipes for escaping th cruelty of allergy season

    Beltane and the Yoni– in preparation for my local Beltane gathering, I talk about the magikal properties of the Yoni that we create to hold the Maypole, and balance them with queer notions of creating genitalia and using dildos.

    The Magik of Beltane – I review the camping festival and learned somethings about myself regarding event planing that are *very good to know*. Also, sex swings, May Queens and Sacred Sexuality

    Judgement– I compare the Tarot card with co-parenting my nephew, and try not to pull my hair out!

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