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Sunday Dog Blogging

Miss Miss was being boring this week at the park, so no really good photos of her doing action stuff at the park. She didn’t even bother Bella the Boneless Puppy. But here she is in repose, on my bed:

I spent several hours this afternoon watching Puppy Bowl and trying out my new rice cooker. I suppose someone won the Super Bowl.

6 thoughts on Sunday Dog Blogging

  1. She’s just so precious. I’ve got one each of my doggies/kitties up that I posted Friday. Your puppies ears remind me of Echo’s: big! lol.

  2. kactus – you should have seen the doggie/kittie bowl on Animal Planet. So much more worthy of viewing.

    They had kittens this year? Aw…and I missed it this year. I love Puppy Bowl, but I have to feel bad for the poor sap they convince to dress up like a ref and call ‘puppy fouls’ on defecating puppies who they then clean up after. And be taped doing so. I hope they paid him a lot for that…

  3. I really gotta turn on that television I got for my birthday. Sounds like some interesting shit happens on it.

    Hehe, just kidding–sorta. I turn it on for Masterpiece Theater (although I hate their current adaptation of Bleak House) and for Manor House. And the Simpsons. But not for sports, no way.

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