In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

69 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. This week on broadsspeak, some poetic relief from Emily Dickinson about the media’s awful coverage of Steubenville, and some thoughts on the deeper meaning of the increasingly common feminist phrase “I can’t believe I have to say this.”

    1. About Arizona, Coy and the washroom issue – this is my first time tackling trans issues because I don’t want to flub it, so if I’ve fucked up or inadvertantly said anything hurtful (I hope not!) please call my shit out.

      It looks good to me! Thank you for this.

  2. I have some results from an online survey I gave on how people view developmental college classes.

    I recently read a post on why people need to stop lying on Facebook, and I generally agreed with it. But I wonder, where’s the line between lying and whining?

    After yet another of my Facebook friends was sympathizing with the rapists in the Steubenville case, I wrote a post on all the links I wish people who say it was “too harsh” would read and one on why rape culture is bad for men, too. (Good news: this particular friend apologized, took down his post, and then we had a long talk about rape culture where he said he’d never thought of it that way and that he understood it better now.)

    1. Nice post. About 94-95% of men don’t rape, ever, and yet here we are. If men who don’t rape started to hold rapists accountable—instead of whining “not all men are like that!” when feminists started to talk about rape—the problem would shrivel to a fraction of what it is.

  3. A Critique of a Critique of Extended Breastfeeding

    “My toddler still breastfeeds, and I’ve read/heard a lot that supports that. I’ve read/heard some things that aren’t crazy about it, but this is the first thing I’ve read that is actually opposed to toddler nursing, offering a detailed list of reasons to wean by your kid’s first birthday.

    “As I read it, however, I found some of the arguments to be pretty inadequate, some outright silly. So I decided to share it with you, for a laugh, and to add my own commentary.”

    Thanks for the opportunity to shamelessly self-promote!

  4. Continuing the series about sexism and misogyny at university, “Glosswitch” argues that it’s an attempt by privileged men to defend what they see as “their” territory: “All Up In Their Space”
    Still looking for potential contributors to the series, would love to hear from people!

  5. Stuff I’ve written this week:

    Demystifying “premarital”: On Idaho’s “symbolic” statement against the depiction or discussion of premarital sex on TV, and the general ridiculousness and hypocrisy of both the “pre” and the “marital.”

    Look at you, all flaunting your autonomy: On a Danish imam who exposed himself to a woman after declaring that women deserve no respect if they don’t dress appropriately (by his standards), and the bizarrity of that notion of “respect.”

    Shame, sexism, and soft bigotry: On those three things.

  6. There has been quite a lot of tension online recently in UK feminism, with people feeling they cannot speak for fear of being attacked.

    i wrote this in response.

    Earlier this week I wrote about the idea of sisterhood and victim blaming after the Stuebenville verdict.
    Trigger warning, this post describes a sexual assault, alcohol misuse and victim blaming.

    1. What. I don’t want to click this link but it sounds well dodgy. Giraffe???

      [Moderator note: Thank you for sending a giraffe alert.]

      1. I read it, and as much as the topic sketches me out, I didn’t it was terrible. She makes a point about the difference between proclivity and behaviour/action

    2. Yes, but I’m not sure I buy the implication that being a “pedophile” is some sort of alternative “sexual orientation” (“but Your Honor, I was born that way!!”), and that there are all these brave pedophiles out there who resist their impulses, and have never touched and never would touch a child.

      1. I’m not sure I believe that either, but I certainly do NOT want to see the “kill ’em all before they can” thought policing that the linked article’s (the article that this one is in response to) commentators want.

  7. All Bodies Are Beautiful? — “Sometimes I think of my body as beautiful; a lot of times I do not. And I am okay with both of those. Moreover, whether or not people perceive me as beautiful does not matter in terms of how I fundamentally expect they should treat me. ”

    Admitting — “And yet, despite that not a one of them seemed miffed that I asked them to alter their behavior for me, I felt really awkward and self-conscious in asking this from my students.”

    Also, a fun conversation about backflips and a links/self-promotion post of my own.

    1. I’ve been thinking about the parallels to the Glen Ridge case a lot, given that I lived there at the time that happened (a year or so before my son was born), and for many years thereafter.

    1. I don’t understand why it is contradictory to simultaneously be pro-women-in-the-military and anti-military – to say “we shouldn’t be fighting wars, but if I can’t talk you out of that, we should have equality in that sphere.”

      For example, I am a vegetarian and think nobody should kill animals to eat them, but I would be adamantly opposed to any law banning women from working in slaughterhouses, as butchers, eating meat, etc.

  8. DIY space in Greenville opened! Got pictures!

    Governor Nikki Haley continues to work on my last good nerve

    Odds and Sods (assorted links)

    First Caturday of Spring (its my babies!)

    Another Bob Jones University sex scandal (keep in mind, what is a sex scandal at the most conservative, fundamentalist college in the country, would not necessarily be one anywhere else!)

    1. Hi – this is an interesting post but I couldn’t reply on your site. I initiate by stepping forward first and stretching out my own hand, so the “thing to do” is unmistakable. It’s funny that this is the first time I’ve thought about it. I was doing it instinctively.

    2. I also couldn’t reply on your website and enjoyed your post. i CAN’T STAND the whole hug, european kiss thing. I lead with a handshake to make things clear. sometimes i catch someone going for a hug before they realize i’m going for the shake. this usually makes me feel like i’m being stand-offish – but I have to resist that idea because it’s really offensive to me that women are expected to hug people they’ve just met or are only acquainted with.

    1. Your comment was mod-botted because of the number of links (there should have been a “This comment is pending moderation” notice at the top of it for you to see but nobody else).

  9. I wrote Shir HaShirim for Pesah. As I was writing it, I was impressed again with how the lovers’ voices blend one into another without signal, how mutual is their focus on each other’s bodies and features, how symmetrical their features. It’s one of the more lovely ritual documents to write and I’m glad I had the opportunity.

  10. I’ve been playing with drawings and comics. This week, Casual Gamers and Procrastination.

    I wrote up my highlights from the Irish Abortion Rights Campaign’s Ten Days of Action.

    In Whose Body Is It Anyway, I talk about how forced birth in this country is about a lot more than just abortion- this month, one woman’s doctors took her to the High Court to force her to have a Caesarian against her will.

    This particular woman has had her right to refuse treatment- the right to ownership of her body and to not be forcibly anaesthetised and have someone cut into her body with a scalpel when she has refused consent- revoked.

    You guys know that Kate Bornstein has cancer, right? And that she needs our help to fund the treatment she needs to stay alive?

    This week, TENI launched a nationwide campaign to report incidents of transphobic harassment and violence. It’s anonymous, it’s safe, it’s online, and the data they get together will be used to create strategies to end it. It’s called STAD- Stop Transphobia And Discrimination. (Stad, by the way, is Irish for ‘stop’)


    Massive TW for this one for violence, misogyny, and terrifying anti-choicery. Life? Life, my ass is all about one person’s reaction to their partner’s abortion.

  11. Killer cramps and chronic pelvic pain might be signs of underlying problems, but diagnosis can be tricky. March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, and our blogger Tori is doing her part to spread awareness! Learn about how endometriosis is diagnosed — and why diagnosis can be difficult.

    One of the most confusing STDs out there is herpes, which is caused by the herpes simplex virus. This virus can infect our faces to cause cold sores, and our pelvic regions to cause genital herpes — and can be transmitted from the mouth to the genitals during oral sex. Even though most of us have been infected with the virus that causes cold sores, there is still so much confusion, stigma, and misinformation out there.

    And for those of you who need more links, check out Stacey’s collection of reproductive-justice-related headlines — the good news and the bad.

  12. Many people think that the obvious answer to abusive relationships is to leave, but there’s more to it than that. If you know someone in an abusive situation, express your trust in their essential strength and capacity to find their way. Help them notice what they are doing well. Reasons to Stay

    1. Thanks for this. I had an experience in class last week where the subject came up (a classmate compared the responsibility of getting/staying sober to the responsibility of a woman/victim leaving her abusive partner) and this is exactly what I would’ve liked to reply. At the time I only pointed out that there are many reasons for which people stay with abusive partners and the example I gave was one of your points – that it is safer to stay and/or they are convinced that leaving would actually result in their death rather than “just” abuse. So yeah, this is a good list and I’m going to keep it with me in case the subject arises again.

  13. I wrote a post in response to an article I read where the author of the article basically suggested that the UK government’s advisory to its women travelling to India (following gang-rapes of travellers as well) should be something that all Indian women should adhere to as well.
    My rape advisory to men in India

  14. On my bog about living in German this week I discuss the contradictions of living in a place with a hard history.

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