In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

44 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

        1. It’s generally expected, though seldom spelled out these days, that you will include a link to a specific post, not just your whole blog. And generally preferred to have a link at all. 🙂

  1. Nominations for the Hugo Awards (for Science Fiction) are due tonight, and I (FINALLY) have my (SUPER LAST MINUTE) recommendations. Including lots of female artists and writers for the fanwriter and artist categories (which are typically dominated by men)!

    Also, Galactic Suburbia put out their annual award for activism and/ or communication that advances the feminist conversation in the field of speculative fiction in 2012, and I’m on the honors list. SQUEEEEE.

  2. I am Pseudonym, hear me roar. I look like Clyde the yellow ghost from Pac-Man, and I similarly go off doing my own random thing rather than chase the pie-face. My favorite expression is “xargs!” which is a Unix command that reads arguments from standard input and uses them to build command lines to execute. My best friend is tac, a reverse cat.

  3. Slightly random, but if you know of anyone who might be interested I’m co-organising the following conference and there are two doctoral places available:

    Ruling Bishops and Ruling Eunuchs, c. 400-1800: The Gender of Authority: Celibate and Childless Men in Power

    For more information see:

  4. Hair — I got my hair cut recently, noticed a mother trying to manage her daughter’s haircut, and thought about the times that’s happened to me.

    For Endometriosis Awareness Month, I wrote I Hate My Hips about a disease that goes further than chronic pain. (If you’re not sure what endometriosis is, I’m writing an introductory series at the PPAZ blog.)

    Trail Mix, a fun story about food.

  5. Only one brief post in Fromage this week: my rant for International Women’s Day.

    Sick of it started with a tweet. I had been feeling that I ought to write something for IWD, and the tweet got me going. Please forgive any Feminism 101 in the hastily written piece. I grew up in the “legal equality” era, and it has taken time for me to really grasp just how much more there is to our struggle than that.

  6. Hi all! Thanks for the opportunity and all these enticing links! Female Catholic bishop here, joining in for the first time with a radical and emotionally healthy take on the Prodigal Son parable.

  7. I got into a good discussion of Discursive Markers of Submission, reflecting on verbal and non-verbal language patterns to indicate true or false humility, and how these vary (in both usage and significance) by gender.

    I reviewed a delightful little mystery by Dorothy Gilman, A Nun in the Closet. (No, not that kind of closet.)

    And I engaged with a post by Andrew Marr reflecting on how praying the psalms orients us towards the experience of victims in Gathering to give Life to Victims.

  8. It’s Endometriosis Awareness Month, so we kicked March off with an Endo 101 post, which explains the basics of this relatively common but often misunderstood condition. It’s the first of a three-part series!

    Also, today is National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers — and the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. David Gunn. Read a bit about anti-abortion violence, and if you like you can take the opportunity to express some appreciation for abortion providers in the comments.

  9. This week I reviewed Ted Dekker’s Black, which was…not my favorite. It started out as potentially spiritual and ended up taking a hard left into the land of unsubtle Christian symbolism, with fun detours into making all the female characters little more than cheerleaders for the male lead.

    If anyone’s interested in talking about the weird-but-tiresome trend of appropriating civil rights dynamics and slapping them onto magical races in urban fantasy, my review of Right Hand Magic is definitely still up for discussion and suggestions.

  10. A little random but here is a little bit on Satanism.

    I don’t have anything yet, but I wanted to write a compare and contrast blog post between Satanism and feminism. A lot of people from both communities don’t know anything about the other.

  11. Having been an avid follower of the feminist blogosphere for ages I finally decided to bite the bullet and start my own feminist blog (on International Women’s Day, no less!)

    I’m trying to create an alternative sex-ed by writing about the things girls should learn but never do in sex-ed, i.e. consent, body image, pornified images of sex, etc.

    This week I wrote about how women shouldn’t worry about always looking sexy or dressing to please their partner.

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