In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

67 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Wow I have not done this in a while!

    My new erotica available:

    Amy’s Innocence – Pt. 1 – Coming of Age/Deflowering Erotica
    Hot Desert Daze – M/M erotica
    A Night of the Arts – Exhibitionism / Female Worship Erotica

    Femmedia blog – my partner is now my blogging partner too!

    Introduction: Class, Poverty, Gender And Violence – I watched powerlessly as a boy as my mother was abused, emotionally and physically. I suffered it myself, but always pushed it away to the back of my mind, forbidding it purchase in my thoughts because I had to care for my mother and sister, help them through.

    Video Games And Violence: The Connection – The violence that concerns me most is that perpetrated by the state. Today the west–though primarily the US–is engaged in many wars, mostly undeclared, across the world. Wars and extra-judicial executions.

    My blog posts on an erotica blog:

    Cock Worship – Worship is something I’ve always felt a little too shy to do, both in real life and in writing. It always seemed that it would come off as really cheesy and porny, over the top and unrealistic.

    Valentine’s – I just don’t buy this idea that women are only interested in having sex with their partner in exchange for material goods, or that men have to take their partner to an expensive, crowded restaurant on one of the busiest days of the year. It’s a societal expectation, however, and people do like that.

    Comments and reviews are always loved as long as they’re respectful 🙂

    1. Thank you Miss Nancey Green for that information about Nurse Seacole! She was one heck of a hero and nurse! Thank you for enlighting us! I hope she doesn’t censored and her story stays out into the light! I just wish that I could have meet her!

    2. I have been following, and supporting via my real name the campaign about this, its a travesty, tho the whole of Goves idea of what history is sucks.

  2. February Recipe: Lentil-Stuffed Acorn Squash and coming to terms with some of my emotional baggage around “convenience” foods.

    Other than that, it’s been kind of a feh pain week, so I wrote a bunch of shorter, less serious stuff, including reactions to two Sesame Street clips — one on how to act like a grown up and what makes me feel better when I hurt.

    And some quick thoughts on the character of Tuppence in Agatha Christie’s The Secret Adversary.

  3. I have a brave 15 year old son, who is very secure in his identity.

    Leek and Potato Soup. Note, it does not freeze well, which I just learned yesterday.

    Forward Thinking is a community values project. This week’s topic was Talking to teens about sex. All relevant content notes…

    A rare religious post: Theogamia, Hera and Geasa or why I pray to a bath oil bottle.

    What I am currently writing. Probably needs warnings for straightness, gayness, werewolves, werehorses, and campiness. I finished the first of these four stories last night.

  4. Is our “pickiness” helping plunder the planet?

    Read our interview with Megan Kajitani, founder of Giraffe Revolution, about how she helps others live with heart:

    25 children’s books for social & emotional learning:

  5. “Homophobia at Home in Connecticut” started as a comment I couldn’t fit into a literal & metaphorical comment box. As a citizen-anthropologist of sorts, I find small, local media outlets to be amusing, even fascinating, sometimes encouraging, & sometimes disturbing cultural “artifacts.” However, there are moments when the online debate over LGBT civil rights—or lack thereof—is simply painful. Here’s my latest post for The New Civil Rights Movement.

  6. It’s been a busy week for me.
    This week, I used physics to show my husband how he probably saved a guy’s life, explained how the Superdome is like a nuclear plant: When the Lights Go Out, why Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station had to shut down and watch you can this super cool video of the steam generator replacement at Sequoyah Nuclear Power Station Unit 2.

    Also, I got really mad when a girl on twitter reduced Beyonce’s performance to nothing more than a strip tease.

    What a busy week.

  7. Religion, Twitter, and Tolerance: What Can We Learn by Listening?– Fred Phelps granddaughter left the Westboro Baptist church after a Twitter argument made her question her beliefs. What can we learn by testing our beliefs against other ideas?

    Reading in My Own Time: Outdated Bigotry in the Sot-Weed Factor, Dr. Seuss, and Disney– I read John Barth’s The Sot-Weed Factor for class and was surprised that very few people seem to be reacting to page after page of “humorous” rape.

  8. This week:

    The latest in a conversation I’ve been having about Alive! Gay Pro-Life Network. They claim to “bring together LGBT Americans in support of the right to life”. I think not.

    In Marriage and the Homos: I get comments, I talk about the idea that pleasure-seeking in relationships is somehow a bad thing, as well as the idea that relationships without kids are somehow meaningless.

    I repost a couple of oldies on civil partnerships, and why I hate being called bisexual (call me bi).

    And finally, something very important:

    UK LGB (yes, that’s not a typo) charity Stonewall have released a booklet called “So you think your child is gay“, which purports to be for parents of LGB kids but entirely fails to include anything that relates to anyone other than cis gay men. Since LBTQA kids deserve to not be marginalised relative to their cis gay male counterparts, I want to make an inclusive version, but I need help! If you’re queer, trans or ace, or if someone in your family is and you had a tough time dealing with that initially- please get in touch!

  9. Two posts on the Finally, A Feminism 101 Blog this week:

    * Call for Feminism 101 Links V

    Drop your favourite introductory/clarifying-concept/debunking-factoids feminist posts here! Recent links ideally, but older links that you just keep on sharing are also welcome.

    * Cyberbullies 101: Part 2 – The Art & Science of Moderation – Free Speech vs Free Audience

    I had a long post in the works about comment moderation, but RealLife™ intervened and I hadn’t been able to complete it.

    Luckily Bora Zivkovic at Blog Around The Clock has a long and detailed post full of relevant links which includes pretty much every point I wanted to make. I’m providing a summary of his headings with some meaty quotes, but please make sure to click through and read his post in full in order to see all the points he makes and the many link citations he provides.

    The op-ed regarding moderation was scheduled last weekend before the Threads O’Doom here this past week, the timing is pure serendipity.

  10. Faye Wattleton was Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s president from 1978 to 1992 — tumultuous years that saw the rise of the religious right, organizations like Operation Rescue, and escalating anti-abortion violence. We’re observing Black History Month every Monday with a blog series sharing our recent conversation with Ms. Wattleton. In last week’s inaugural installment, she reflects on her career in the movement for reproductive rights, comparing the cultural climate over the decades. Some readers might be surprised to learn that Ms. Wattleton believes that, despite the slow erosion of Roe v. Wade, in some ways, things have gotten better for us!

    * * *
    The birth control pill works best when it’s taken every day at the same time. For those of us who have a lot of trouble remembering to take our pill at the same time day after day, Depo-Provera shots may be the way to go. Depo-Provera is given as a shot in a doctor’s office or a health center such as Planned Parenthood, and lasts for three months to prevent pregnancy. Curious about this option? Read our blog to learn more about it.

  11. Women, people of color, and others lacking power in unbalanced relationships are often punished for showing anger. Painful double-bind messages convey that any anger is “too much” but calm speech can be ignored. Ideally, we would lovingly welcome anger like any other emotion. We can start by acknowledging its existence. “Here it is.” Loving Anger

  12. How much of the shit that gets labeled “mental illness” these days is really just poverty, the logical result of the way employers treat workers combined with the messages our culture sends out about money and personal worth? I wrote a poem about what happens when your job is killing you:

    Arbeit Macht Frei

    And a prose post about same:

    Arbeit Macht Frei (part II)

    The second post contains an appeal for funds. That’s not the only part of it, though, so please read/comment regardless of whether you’ve got money or not right now.

    1. Please don’t think I don’t appreciate what you’re saying. And I liked both your posts. But the title you chose makes me extremely uncomfortable, and I wish you hadn’t used it.

    2. The title is disgusting. It’s appropriation and despicable. Checking in as a black women who would have been just as pissed if you’d used pictures of slaves and named it after a plantation.

      In other words, take your self absorbed white privilege and shove it up your tone deaf a**.

      1. Seriously? First of all, how do you even know she’s white? Second, if anyone should be offended by mentioning Nazis, it should be Jews*, most of whom have white privilege themselves**. So, no.

        *Personally, it didn’t offend me, but I don’t speak for all Jews, and I can understand why others might be uncomfortable.
        ** Yes, there are Jews of color! But the majority of Jews in the US are Ashkenazi, and are considered white today, although we weren’t in the past.

  13. This week I reviewed Soulless, a fun piece of steampunk comedy fluff. It can get a little melodramatic in places, but it also has interesting flashes of examining societal gender roles. The vampires are ruled by hive queens and the werewolves by male alphas, and both societies blend interestingly with human life.

  14. February 8, 1887 the Dawes General Allotment Act was enacted by the U.S. Congress regarding the distribution of land to American Indians in Indian Territory (later Oklahoma).

    The Act was amended in 1891 and again in 1906 by the Burke Act. The act remained in effect until 1934. The act provided for the division of tribally held lands into individually-owned parcels and opening “surplus” lands to settlement by non-Indians and development by railroads.

    By dividing reservation lands into privately owned parcels, legislators hoped to complete the assimilation process by forcing the deterioration of the communal life-style of the Native societies and imposing Western-oriented values of strengthening the nuclear family and values of economic dependency strictly within this small household unit.

    The land granted to most allottees was not sufficient for economic viability, and division of land between heirs upon the allottees’ deaths resulted in land fractionalization.

    Most allotment land, which could be sold after a statutory period of 25 years, was eventually sold to non-Native buyers at bargain prices. Additionally, land deemed to be “surplus” beyond what was needed for allotment was opened to White settlers, though the profits from the sales of these lands were often invested in programs meant to aid the American Indians.

    American Indians lost, over the 47 years of the Act’s life, about 90 million acres (360,000 km²) of treaty land, or about two-thirds of the 1887 land base. About 90,000 American Indians were made landless.

    1. Pheeno, thanks. Are there any good sources/discussions you’d recommend that go into more detail about this subject?

  15. Spent Sunday packing and thinking about being home and getting into my kitchen! Making some really good Jambalaya with lots of meat and veggies! Along with some shredded beef tacos and some carbonara! Along with reading a couple of good books and finding out that someone thinks that I hate women. I hate it when someone comes out and says something using a great big word that you have to look up in a dictionary when simple word or two works! I like women, no I love women being women! It makes life so much more enjoyable! Not that I would ever fool around on my wife, to death do us part is the rule I live by unless she wants to trade me in on a new model! Then it will be who wants a man who can cook, clean, please a women every dang way he can while still being a really good guy! But I don’t do litter boxes! LOL!

  16. As I’m a sex worker and think my comment on this is relevant, I’ll dare to promote myself even though the comment section of the sex worker threads is closed: @ Jill, even though I strongly disagree that paying for sex is in any way inherently unethical, I’m very happy to see that there are opponents of sex work who don’t just abuse the phrase of “solidarity with sex workers” to inflict harm on us, but actually mean it.

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