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How Can This Be?

UMass bans drinking games.

Okay, at least they have Amherst and Northampton to go out in, if they can’t drink on campus, and maybe perhaps I’m letting my own experience at UConn, where there was pretty much nothing else to do but drink, color my perceptions. But, gah!

What is college without a good rousing game of Three Man or Up the River, Down the River on occasion?

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25 thoughts on How Can This Be?

  1. Drinking games are flat-out illegal in Canada, and somehow 18 year old University students still manage to get tore up.

    (Just remember. College students are masters at getting away with shit. Don’t worry. The debauchery will continue.)

  2. I started college not too long after the drinking age was raised to 21 (it was 20 when I got my first driver’s license in 1984, because my license expired on my 20th birthday, and I had to get one with a big yellow Y on it for one year). Kegs had been banned a year before I started (and having one in your room, regardless of whether you were responsible for it, as happened to a dorm-mate who was off with the marching band while his roommate had a keg party, was grounds for immediately getting kicked off campus), and alcohol in common areas the year I started, but we still managed to drink. Just with the door closed if anyone was underaged. It was such a relief to turn 21 and get to have the door open.

    But again, we didn’t have a movie theater, there were only two or three bars within walking distance of campus, the dorms weren’t wired for cable, not many restaurants, and because most people went home on weekends, we didn’t even have weekend meals in the dorms until my senior year. What the hell else are you going to do but drink and fuck? And since I wasn’t fucking at the time (even though the school kept me well-supplied with condoms, being realistic about the fucking bit), drinking was pretty much all the entertainment there was.

  3. Yeah, that’ll work. Everytime the powers-that-be “ban” something, it just makes it more popular. It wouldn’t surprise me if students create a new drinking game and name it after the idiots who created this “ban.”

  4. We’ll just have to resort to tests of drinking endurance, like The Century Club or the Turkey Shoot. Oh wait, I don’t live in the Altered State of Drugachusetts.

  5. I guess at UConn, the more things change, the more the stay the same. still only three bars, ted’s, Husky’s and Tequila Cove(where cup o’ sun was). Still lots of drinking, and not much to do. The Jungle is dry now, as is towers and northwest. Despite all this, there still isn’t much going on.

  6. Heh, they banned smoking pot at Emory, too. Um, not that I’m commenting on my own recent undergrad experience or anything.

  7. Honestly, I’ve never had much use for drinking games and related paraphernalia. I’ve been to parties and watched so many drunk people trying to bounce a quarter into a glass, it made me want to cry. Then there’s the guy who wants to play “Farkle,” repeatedly scattering dice on (and under) a glass table until my eyes rattle. How can this be entertaining?

  8. It sounds like you played the wrong drinking games, Marksman2K. It’s all about the beer pong. Or of course the kind of drinking game where you sit around doing shots every time the Monkey-in-Chief says “nukular” during his lousy speech.

  9. You’re right, Joe. I must’ve missed out because I was always in that “other room” blowing smoke when everyone else was busy with their drinking games.

  10. still only three bars, ted’s, Husky’s and Tequila Cove(where cup o’ sun was)

    Cup o’ Sun is gone? Damn.

    Wasn’t there some restaurant/bar in that little strip mall thing near the new public safety complex?

    And the Jungle is dry? I wonder how they managed that one. I still can’t believe the Jungle is still standing, and they razed South Campus.

  11. Wasn’t there some restaurant/bar in that little strip mall thing near the new public safety complex?

    There was, but one night, the police walked in and found 30+ underage drinkers. Now, its gone. Paul’s pizza also closed last year.

  12. zuzu, I could swear they have this new thing to keep college students occupied (other than, you know, learning)…Internet? Intranet? Something like that….

  13. I would be happy with banning drinking games, if only because I’m always the one going ‘look, if you don’t count this sip as a ‘drink’ I’m not going to make it, okay? And I’m sitting out the waterfalls.’ Its all very embarassing, really, that I still end up playing with 19 parts coke, 1 part rum. 🙂

  14. sadly, the city legislature is in the process of banning kegs in tuscaloosa alabama (home of the university of alabama). that’s going to put a serious damper on the amount of beer bong that is played every weekend at frat houses. …what a pity.

  15. Mythago: it’s called Facebook. Such a time sink!

    The libertarian in me thinks this ban is stupid; but I have to say, I don’t see a point to drinking games other than getting trashed. If the uni bans drinking games on campus, I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, as such games inevitably end up affecting those of us who don’t drink, whether it’s the noise, the vomit-covered bathroom the next day, or (as with my dorm) dorm-wide probation and threatened suspension of the housing license.

  16. I would be happy with banning drinking games, if only because I’m always the one going ‘look, if you don’t count this sip as a ‘drink’ I’m not going to make it, okay? And I’m sitting out the waterfalls.’ Its all very embarassing, really, that I still end up playing with 19 parts coke, 1 part rum. 🙂

    Does anyone have any pleasant memories of playing a drinking game?

  17. oh, I love my drinking games.
    like “Hida Kisada”

    kind of a (deeply) inside joke, but it amounts to challenging three people to a drinking contest simultaniously.

    so for each one drink that Sandy, David, and Eric take, I take three

    sad thing is, they’re such lightweights, I can actually win that.

  18. Forget beer pong (though fun), and move on to case races!!

    And yes, I have some fond memories of drinking games. They are a bit vague, but I remember my blurry visions fondly.

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