In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

59 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I wrote my first in a series of posts making legal or academic feminist subjects clear and accessible. This one is about how abortion law in the UK works to control women’s bodies whilst appearing liberal amd permissive. Tune in next week for the next part!

    Beyond Abortion Law

  2. TW for sexual harassment. Normalizing And Desexualizing Kinks – I ran into someone on Fetlife looking to join a guild where they harassed her for being a woman, and having them be unaware that she wanted it.

    TW for rape/mental illness. Empathy And Depression – People have difficulty understanding when others have trouble with something that they think they have experienced.

    Eat In Public – It took me a long time to be able to eat in front of others, and I still don’t like to do so in front of people I don’t know.

    I also recently renovated my WoW Fanfiction section of The Keep and added in some GW2 fiction.

    I also really don’t know if anyone here would be interested, but my partner and I now own Darknestfantasyerotica, a site that is dedicated to erotic fanfiction, fanart, and roleplaying. We’re especially dedicated to the above in MMORPGs like WoW, SWTOR, etc.

  3. I returned again to the subject of Royse’s awful piece at Good Men Project. I noted as an aside in a previous post that it read as if it were made up of flashcards from opposing positions, shuffled together. That was more than a facetious aside, so I decided to demonstrate it by actually splitting much of the text of the Royse essay into two separate essays built from the text of her original, that take opposite positions. The post is Good Men Project: Royse Versus Royse.

  4. Assortment, contains a bit of gun discussion in comments:

    Everybody is ignoring General Petraeus’ neocon connection… by contrast, his extramarital affair got nonstop coverage (sigh). This is far more important, and its getting ignored:

    A Voice for Men (men’s rights blog) got mad at some unseemly feminist demonstrators yelling at guys that they are “fucking scum” and went after them in (what I feel are unsavory ways). Discussion in comments.

  5. Planned Parenthood Arizona treats epididymitis. Epididy-WHAT? It’s an infection of a small tube inside the scrotum, and is commonly caused by sexually transmitted bacteria, such as those that cause gonorrhea and chlamydia. Because it’s so common not to have symptoms, it’s important for sexually active people to be regularly screened for STDs!

    What’s a colposcopy? No, it’s not a colonoscopy — a colposcopy might be recommended after an abnormal Pap result, and it will check for cancerous or precancerous cells on the cervix. This life-saving procedure is one of the many preventive health care services offered by Planned Parenthood Arizona. Our blogger Tori answers these questions (and more): What does a colposcopy do? How do I prepare? Does it hurt? What are the risks? What’s next?

    Lastly, for those of you seeking yet more links, our blogger Stacey put together a collection of choice-related headlines — fully half of which are good news! (The other half is a mixture of bad and weird news.)

  6. I enjoy reading Feministe posts as they come out, but being showered with scores of them on one day [Shameless Self-Promotion Saturday-/Sunday-s] is too much to handle! Moderation in all things!

    1. It’s tremendously supportive of Feministe to offer itself as a platform for blogs that incur less traffic. If that’s got your knickers in a twist though, fortunately it’s not compulsory to read it. So quit whining and just skip the post already.

      1. If everyone who is overwhelmed by the unwanted flood of email takes the obvious step of taking themselves off as followers of Feministe’s posts, how does that benefit the shameless self-promoters OR the other CAREFULLY SELECTED posts?

        1. Well, we have fewer irritating people visiting our blogs. Always a plus in my book. Seriously, this site doesn’t exist to cater to your whims.

          If you really like the site and hate these posts, you can always take yourself off the mailing list and visit the site periodically to see what the new posts are.

          1. I have to say I am rather confused, you only get every Shamless Sunday post if you subscribe to the comments, so clearly the poster chose to do that.

            I like SS because whilst I do not have time to check every post there is always something good which I would have never seen any other way, so i tick the notify new comments box after I post. If you dont want that, don’t tick the box, or am I missing something?

          1. Andie: I have counted 13 posts today (so far), not just one, EACH with the SAME non-descriptive title “Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday”, so one couldn’t pick out one from another if one wanted to look back at something in particular.

        2. You’re assuming that everybody react as you do. Not everybody will feel overwhelmed by the self-promotion posts. Personally, I like them. I discovered quite a few interesting blogs that way I might never have heard of otherwise.

    2. Wordwizard, I’m glad you like the blog, but you are not obligated to read everything we post. We have a ton of amazing readers and commenters, and there are lots of interesting writers on the internet who none of us have the time to read consistently. Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday is a weekly opportunity for folks to put their best posts forward, and share them with a wider feminist audience. You don’t have to read these posts, but we’re going to keep on posting them. We have registered your complaints, but we won’t be acting on them.

      1. Jill: So noted. Thank you for the respectful tone of reply! Would it at least be possible for the people posting to be able to offer their own titles for the subject line of the e-mails? That way, people would be able to tell what the particular posting was about, and would be able to find the one they wanted again later.

        1. What e-mails are you talking about?
          If you are receiving too many, have you considered finding another way to read/follow Feministe content?

  7. It’s “the holidays.” It’s weird celebrating a holiday that means something completely different to you than it does to other people. But there are some things we can all celebrate. Which had me contemplating occasions that would actually require me to go to church. Atheists In Church

    1. Wow. I’m not in the targeted group, but I find myself as offended by presenting the desire to “kill as many J–s as possible” as good old nostalgic American culture as I am by the racist slur. Would NPR run a segment about how great it’s been to go out there and kill [insert racist slur for Iraqis] during the more recent wars?

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