In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Links, etc.

Twisty writes A Cult Is A Cult Is A Cult, about invisibility, feminism, aging and religion.

I can’t believe I’m actually writing this, but I love Pink. Video via Lauren.

This piece by Bitch Lab has been going around for a while, and has generated quite a few responses (see Amanda here and here, F-Words here). Everything I would say has already been said. I identify as a sex-positive feminist, and I think it’s completely possible to be sex-positive and simultaneously able to criticize the commodification of sex in our culture, the misogyny of the sex industry, and the problems with pornography. It’s also possible to be a sex-positive feminist and have your life involve things other than sex. Which is basically what Bitch Lab says.

Textaisle gives us a piece on parental consent in the UK.

Saudi blogger Farah’s Sowaleef takes on 99 Traits A Man Would Love to Find in His Wife.

The Countess on Breaking the Silence and child custody.
Super Babymama reminds us: Anyone can be poor.

Amp takes on the very basic economics of abortion, arguing for its necessary legality in a fabulous post.

If you haven’t read this poem at blacademic yet (second item down), go, now.

Our Word details stories of abortions before Roe.

Thank goodness this guy ain’t my daddy.

GenderGeek Emma says the vacuum cleaner is not liberating.

Liberal Serving explains why the Dobson-view of why same-sex marriage will inevitably lead to turtle-humping.

Maryanne gives us a taste of what it’s like to grow up female in Egypt.

Digby calls out an anti-choice leader on her bullshit.

Scott at Lawyers, Guns and Money tells us that, to our great surprise, conservative white guys are not quite the same as African-Americans in the 1950s.

Michael Berube comes in with a thorough post on academic freedom.

Pinko Feminist Hellcat on bias against boys.

16 thoughts on Links, etc.

  1. A friend of mine ran into Lizzie Grubman on the street and just burst out laughing in her face when she realized who it was.

  2. Robert considers meeting Jeff Goldstein a celebrity sighting.

    I’d like to meet Jeff so I can chew him out for besting me on a prank phone call.

  3. You don’t want to meet Jeff. He’ll ogle your breasts, steal your beer, tell the bartender you’re yearning for sweet manflesh, and post pictures of you taken the morning after a 17-hour Guinness-and-klozopin debauch.

    At least, that’s what he did to me.

  4. I’d like to hear Amanda, in the guise of the IMS, weigh in on Pink’s new video.

    It reminds me of when Matt Good slammed Creed, Default, and Nickelback for being the same band, and his next album sounded exactly like it. Making fun of other celebrities doesn’t make Pink not suck.

  5. Who the hell is Lizzie Grubman? (I don’t really care enough to look it up myself.)

    Lizzie Grubman.

    Short version: She’s the daughter of a multimillionaire entertainment lawyer; she gained some recognition for being a celebrity publicist, but she gained notoreity for backing her father’s Mercedes SUV into a crowd of people at a Hamptons nightclub after the bouncer told her to move the car.

  6. The actual song does nothing for me, but I do enjoy the video. Especially the part in the bathroom. As she’s “using the toothbrush” you can hear her scream, “I want to be skinny!”

    I just about died laughing at that point.

    I don’t know if this video speaks to “The Suckage of Pink” or not, but regardless of what you think of her, she said what errybody else was thinking.

  7. Just wondering if you ladies have casted all your spells today? For your witch craft classes.

    Just please don’t sharpen the noses of your brooms, because you might get stuck in too many trees and the government will be on to you, and George Wiah is going to spy on you, and this will create another political lose for the left in the next presidential election.

    Keep those spells handy ladies, consult with the stars regularly as well, ‘its a must.’!!!

  8. Just remember that it took feminist women just 52 years from the time they got the vote, to legally start killing the children in their womb!!!!

    That is 52 million ladies!!! 1/3 of everybody under 34!!!

    Yikes. Way to go! That is more blood than all the wars you protest, and all the presidents you want to kill for not wanting to kill more of your babies.

    Did I read somewhere that men are conniving, sinister human beings that are hell bent on beating their wives and chaining them to the kitchen.

    1 in 4 women are raped, did feminists bother doing the math, I didn’t think so. Ladies, ask a man to do the math for you, so that your numbers will add up.

    Your idea that 90 million women have been raped, with only 2 million men in prison, only about 200,000 in for rape, doesn’t add up. Crunching numbers, I know, is something women aren’t good at, and I don’t mean to rub it in!!!

    So besides your bad man, and your venom spewed at men, did you know there is more lesbian on lesbian violence than there is between men and women?

    So It’s about time manly men started coming into your groups and telling the truth, feminists lie, bottome line. I figured 1 out of every 4 feminists is a liar.

    I think you women should veiw every man as a potential husband, instead of someone that is trying to hurt you. Because your other option is women, and they will actually beat you.

    I’ve had women punch, spit, hit and bite, throw things at me, etc. One actually made my arms bleed, now if I had stood up for myself she would never have thought domestic violence against me ever again.

    You women say you stand for equality, then why do you need alimony. If I had custody of my children I wouldn’t need a woman’s support, which usually isn’t that much when the woman pays the man, when men pay women there is wife support figured in.

    If you women are equal, you wouldn’t need the extra money now would you? Equality is a joke and women prove it every day. You want as many befits of being a man, retain all that being a lady gets you, and then claim your equal and can do anything a man can do.

    Ladies will recognize they are ladies, and avoid becoming indoctrinated by the nanny state.

  9. Your idea that 90 million women have been raped, with only 2 million men in prison, only about 200,000 in for rape, doesn’t add up. Crunching numbers, I know, is something women aren’t good at, and I don’t mean to rub it in!!!

    1. Unreported assault.
    2. Unresponsive legal system.
    3. Repeart offenders.

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