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Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote away! (Just as a heads up, I’m out of town for the long weekend here in the U.S., so moderation may be slow. Please be patient).

38 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I continued my coverage of the Fantasy Film Festival:

    Day 3: (Girls against Boys, Excision)

    Day 4: (Black Rock)

    Day 5: (Amy Heckerling’s Vamps, Jennifer Lynch’s Chained)

    Day 6: (God Bless America, Beasts of the Southern Wild)

    Day 7: (Compliance, V/H/S)

    Day 8: (Beast)

    And I also linked to 5 interesting links:

  2. Red States, Welfare, and Poverty“- A look at the intersections between political affiliation and assistance programs.

    “Ann Romney Tells Me Mitt Doesn’t Know How to Love: Ann’s RNC Speech”– If Ann Romney’s RNC speech was supposed to convince me there’s no War on Women, she failed.

    “I Finally De-Friended Someone on Facebook”– I had a rule that I wouldn’t de-friend anyone just because I disagreed with what they posted. Then I broke it.

    “Does it Matter if Bic Sells Pens ‘For Her’?”– I have nothing against sparkly ink pens, but what else is going on in gender-based marketing?

  3. She’s Gone Again — I spent some time at the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona blog writing about HOPE (hormonal birth control without pelvic exams).

    Vote for Me — Wanting to nominate myself for a leadership position at school. Feeling conflicted, not because of doubt in my ability, but because it’s somehow unseemly to suggest I might be the best at something.

    Finally, an Everyday Yoga post, how different bodies look in standing forward fold.

  4. Invisible Inclusion: Google the Minorities : Looking at why it is problematic to have marginalized characters in books or movies with no plot that recognizes the oppression they face.

    Reverse Oppression: A Fad that Needs to End : Looking at a movie which intends to teach the harm of homophobia by having a world in which gay people are dominant and are oppressing straight people.

    Recap and Review of Grimm: Season 2, Episode 3: Bad Moon Rising

    Cover Snark: Who is this woman? : Examining the problem with the cover of Ever After, the upcoming novel in The Hollows series by Kim Harrison.

  5. The calculus is back! Will this class finally work out?

    On having cautious optimism with this new instructor — will shared gender make a difference?

    When even good instructors can mean gaps in knowledge:

    Ghosts from spring semester are haunting me:

  6. “The Risk (Part 4”) continues a series about life as a gay woman, wife and mom. In this post, I focus on the Mollie Olgin/Kristene Chapa murder/attempted murder–and the detective at the heart of the investigation. There’s been little to nothing about this case in the media for awhile now. This post includes an update on Kristene’s astonishing recovery and the case, as well as what I learned about my own conscious/unconscious assumptions.

    Here’s the link:

    Yesterday, EQUALITY TEXAS ran the series as one piece and so I also posted a link to that:

  7. The Weight of Despair. For those struggling with body image issues or recovering from eating disorders, this poem is for you (and me).

    Why You Should Invest in Yourself
    . If you can’t convince yourself that you’re worth the investment, why should other people invest in you? Some words of encouragement for those who struggle with feeling overlooked or discouraged in their writing, blogging, art, or life in general.

    Anne [The Last Name Project]. Anne shares how she is disappointed, but not surprised as a feminist, that we are still having these debates over last names in the 21st century.

    Being a Christian in a God-Forsaken Country. Writing about the hazards of faith, including time abroad while experiencing depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

    What Does A Good Dad-Daughter Relationship Look Like? This someecard made me uncomfortable, but it took me a while to put my finger on exactly why it rubbed me the wrong way. What do you think the card means, and what are your thoughts on what a good father-daughter relationship looks like?

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