In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Great! News!

We have talked breastfeeding to death and it is gone, all used up, over. I’m finished here, you’re weaned.

Thanks for having me, it was lovely at Feministe. You were lovely! A big thank you to Jill for inviting me to be a guest writer here and my gratitude to all of you who read and commented on my posts and made interesting conversation with me. My biggest nightmare was that they would all have tumbleweeds rolling about through them, so thanks for not letting that happen.

Finally, a special thanks to the person who wrote me a scathing critique of my morality as someone breastfeeding a kindergartener – I will always be a “filthy mother”, just for you. Sorry you never made it out of moderation, you sounded fun.

All my love,
blue milk

Also, @bluemilk on twitter.

8 thoughts on Great! News!

  1. I am not ready yet! I am only 36, and current guidelines clearly state that I should not have to be weaned from your awesome posts until I am 40! You are a selfish, abusive blogger who doesn’t care about what’s best for me!

    Oh…I can just start reading your blog?

    Um, never mind then.

    Thanks so much for all your posts. I really loved them.

  2. blue,

    I’ve really enjoyed your posts! I haven’t commented because I’m a cis male with no kids, but I wanted you to know I found them and the ensuing discussions really interesting.

  3. Why didn’t tigtog give us a like button when we got threaded comments? I need to like Past my expiration date’s comment.

    That said, blue milk, I’ve really enjoyed your posts. They have been thoughtful and kind, the latter of which is frequently underrated on the interwebs.

  4. Thank you blue milk, for bringing your voice here, and thank you Feministe for inviting blue as a guest blogger.

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