In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Self-promote away.

43 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. In addition to my usual blogging this week, I started a new project on Tumblr called: Sexism! As Seen on Facebook ( If you want to learn more about it, you can here: Please follow it on Tumblr, submit, and share!

    I also wrote about:

    The wrong idea of equality:

    Breaking Bad, power, and abuse:

    and how we teach kids fatphobia:

    (Please excuse the lack of hyperlinks. I only have my iPhone right now.)

  2. I wrote a swift response to why Akin’s seemingly stupid comment about “legitimate rape” could prove to be more dangerous than expected

    I noticed that Julian Assange has rather stupidly imprisoned himself without trial rather than face justice

    I took down a thoroughly silly story about how blow jobs cure morning sickness (spoiler: they don’t and they can’t)

    …aaand I explain what feminism and women’s groups have done for Jenna Jameson to put her in a position to reject them

  3. Stuff I’ve written lately:

    Memo to Tony Perkins : On the slap-you-in-the-face brutal, absurd irony of Tony Perkins claiming that those who call the Family Research Council a hate group gave “license” to the man who shot their building manager

    How not to be creepy : On the first episode of the Paging Dr. Nerdlove podcast, which discusses that very topic

  4. Yesterday was the 50th anniversary of Sherri Finkbine’s abortion. Who was Sherri Finkbine? She and her family lived right here in Arizona, and in 1962 her decision to terminate her pregnancy marked a turning point in the U.S. abortion debate. Read about the circumstances surrounding Finkbine’s choice to terminate her pregnancy — and the obstacles she faced.

    We also posted the sixth installment in our series, Over 90 Percent of What Planned Parenthood Does. This post focuses on vaccination. Public health experts agree that vaccines are one of the most important advancements in medicine, and are safe and effective in preventing infectious disease. Planned Parenthood Arizona offers vaccinations against hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and human papillomavirus (HPV).

  5. Closetpuritan guest authored at Anytime Yoga, writing Hating Gym: Guest Blogging Edition — ” Gym class for me neither encouraged me to be active during the class itself, nor outside of class. I am fairly active as an adult in spite of, not because of, my gym class experience.”

    I wrote Can’t Have Everything on Internet spaces — ” I’m not saying that these are now bad spaces or that we don’t need spaces that focus on 101-type social justice education. However, I think it’s not always possible to be a space that’s both open to folks who’d like that 101-type explanation to their questions or reservations and that’s supportive of folks who are literally frustrated to screams and tears by the repetitive and potentially insensitive nature of those questions.”

    And Things That Are Awesome About Southern Arizona — Because contrary to popular national media coverage — or even my own local election-related coverage — Arizona is not actually filled to the brim with suck.

  6. Does anyone else like dubiously accurate online quizzes that claim to tell you interesting things about yourself?! I know I do! And I created one about feminism!

    Are you a feminist? If so, what kind?

    Answer 24 awesome questions and see if your result comes up as “liberal feminist,” “socialist feminist,” “radical feminist,” or “anti-feminist.”

  7. Woo, I actually have something to contribute this week!

    I’m planning a series of posts on Hinduism, Indian culture, feminism, religion and sexuality as they pertain to me, and discussing the problematic and/or egalitarian aspects of Hinduism.

    My intro post is here: where I provide some background on myself.

    The master post for reclaiming Hindu rituals from the perspective of an expatriate of non-acceptable sexuality (in oh so many ways):

    Finally, an analysis of Nombu, a festival ostensibly all about and exclusively by women, where I discuss the problematic aspects of it and about how being in a same-sex relationship erases me from participating:

  8. @16 lotus becca: 1 of those questions asks if women should work in coalition with other oppressed groups such as poc, transgender people and the working class – FYI all those groups actually include women.

  9. Great point Nadine. That question was very badly worded and, on reflection, didn’t convey what I wanted it to. So I appreciate you pointing out the faulty assumptions embedded within it. I’ve changed the wording. . .do you think this addresses your concerns?:

    “Women’s groups should work in coalitions with other leftist groups dedicated to transgender rights, racial justice, and economic equality in order to abolish capitalism and other systems of domination.”

  10. I’ve joined in on the chorus denouncing Todd Akin in my post here :

    Incidently, Kudos to Obama in his response to Akin : “The views expressed were offensive,” said Obama. “Rape is rape. And the idea that we should be parsing and qualifying and slicing what types of rape we are talking about doesn’t make sense to the American people and certainly doesn’t make sense to me. So what I think these comments do underscore is why we shouldn’t have a bunch of politicians, a majority of whom are men, making health care decisions on behalf of women.”

  11. I have recently completed a series of posts entitled “Imagining Social Justice Through Sci-Fi TV: From Trek to Torchwood” that I thought I’d share with you all. Here is the link to the last post where you will find links to all the posts in the series! To any who think that sounds interesting, I hope you enjoy. 🙂

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