In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Back Again!

Hi all! It’s great to be back here to guest blog for two weeks. For those who aren’t familiar with my writing, I’m a fat, bisexual, religious Jew. Not necessarily in that order. I’m a chemist living in the Pacific Northwest and at least think about petting every dog that I see. Because furry things are awesome.

I don’t have anything for tonight, but I’m currently obsessed with the site Calming Manatee. Because manatees are the most calming animals.

9 thoughts on Back Again!

  1. It’s great to see you back guest blogging again, Shoshie. It was your time posting last summer that caused me to start commenting regularly here.

  2. Fuzzy animals are really the best thing. Cute animals (such as small lizards) that are not fuzzy are referred to as “honorary fuzzies.”

  3. I am not familiar with your writing but your name is the same as my daughter’s and I love your mini-bio. So I will now commence to getting to know your writing.

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