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So Paul Ryan.

So Mitt Romney selected Paul Ryan as his running mate. I’m not pointing out anything particularly new here, but perhaps the architect of the GOP budget plan which would have slashed health care to poor children and turned Medicare into a privatized voucher system isn’t the best pick? This will be a fun one.

19 thoughts on So Paul Ryan.

  1. Guilded Age? They don’t like unions.

    Ryan is such a fucking hypocrite. He was able to go to college because he received Social Security benefits after his father died while he was in high school. But heaven forfend anyone else get to benefit from the system we all pay into.

    This has disaster written all over it. If there’s one thing that would get seniors to stay away from Romney, it’s the guy who wants to gamble with their Medicare.

  2. Part of me strongly wishes that people like Romney and his pal never, ever have power in this country. Another part of me wishes that they win the election just so that people rise up with unprecedented ardor and wreck their plans to engender further oppression. Because if those conservative shitheads get into in office, they’re certainly going to screw things up, to put it mildly.

  3. yes there has to be endless “NOISE” about Ryan getting SS benefits. drown him in the noise of hie hypocrisy.

    show him for what he is. Liar, hypocrite and member of the Elites screwing the 99%.

  4. @mxe354

    “Another part of me wishes that they win the election just so that people rise up with unprecedented ardor”

    Will be hard to do with a Romney white house giving its blessing for runaway voter suppression, alas.

  5. @mxe354

    It’s a nice thought, but I’m not 100% certain that the country would survive.

    Further, do you really want to subject everyone but rich, white male hetero christians to the plans these guys have for us while the country wakes up and fights back?

  6. No thanks. A near-decade of Dubya rule has soured me on the notion that the American people have enough long-term memory to learn from their mistakes. Look how quickly they allowed the anti-regulatory Tea Party to seize power, mere years after anti-regulatory GOP policies nearly brought Wall Street to its knees, along with the United States.

  7. Mainstream media in the Southeast has a hands-off policy regarding Republicans. This means that unemployed Southern manufacturing workers will be left in the dark about Mittens’ repeated exporting and offshoring of jobs, & about Ryan’s attempts to dismantle Social Security so GOP solons can raid the fund. They will vote their prejudices and not their pockets. If Midwestern media follow the same pattern, we may be unwilling reenactors of Dickens’ novels.

  8. Romney and Ryan appeal to a very passionate and active base. We who want equality for women and a social safety net have to volunteer, donate and talk up our vision for the country. Protecting the vote is key, but getting people to vote is what will win.
    And if we get President Obama re-elected our work will just be starting.

  9. @Hina:

    He’s such a handsome man but with very little intelligence

    Handsome? Are you talking about Romney or Ryan. The former I’ll concede, handsome in the whitest, blandest possible way, with much less of interest than the average GQ model. But Ryan? He obviously has a certain height and trim, athletic build, FWIW. And the right shot can make his face look OK, but usually it’s … well, sort of gaunt, with those sunken eyes and toothy grin. I thought Charles Pierce’s characterization of him as the zombie-eyed granny-starver from Wisconsin was apt. [content note for link going to Esquire, which I know is problematic, but some of their content is OK]

    Anyway, it’s not about looks and I know that you know that, I’m just sayin’ — and believe me, I love looking at beautiful men.

  10. Yeah, this is bad news for anyone remotely invested in gender/medicine equality

    As soon as I heard, I thought this was wonderful news: older voters, who are statistically more likely to vote GOP, might be more inclined to vote the other way this time.

  11. Fantastic news. The danger to Obama would have been picking a Republican “moderate” like Christie. Now we have several issues to hammer home – (1) Romney’s a rich kid who laid workers off to make money for himself and his partners and masters at some company whose name ends in “capital”, (2) old people will come out in droves to protect their social insurance policies from being deleted, and (3) team Romney will continue the republican attack on women’s healthcare. It should be like shooting fish in a barrel. The fact the Republicans have moved so far to the right is actually a huge bonus – they will be left with a disgruntled minority of voters supporting them.

  12. Mainstream media in the Southeast has a hands-off policy regarding Republicans. This means that unemployed Southern manufacturing workers will be left in the dark about Mittens’ repeated exporting and offshoring of jobs, & about Ryan’s attempts to dismantle Social Security so GOP solons can raid the fund.

    Hmm, I assume you’re talking about local news outlets, since I presume all national outlets in the States broadcast the same material, albeit at different times in different timezones. What you said makes sense (why else would seniors vote for someone who thinks Social Security violates the Constitution?) but are there articles documenting this, in case I want to cite it in an op-ed?

  13. I wish Obama could commune with the ghosts of Truman and LBJ. Obama’s gone pretty negative lately, so he just might be finding his inner LBJ. The Republicans just declared open class warfare, Obama has nothing to lose by fighting back.

    Seriously? Vouchers to buy insurance in place of Medicare and Medicaid? Medicaid and Medicare are amazingly efficient. Mere pennies per dollar disbursed are taken up by administrative costs. So now that money is supposd to be filtered through insurance companies?

  14. Angie unduplicated, I live in NC and only get news via print or web, but I’ve certainly read many local pieces discussing Romney’s outsourcing. You’re painting with an awfully broad brush. You’ve heard, perhaps,that the Dem Convention will be held in Charlotte?

  15. Another part of me wishes that they win the election just so that people rise up with unprecedented ardor

    One problem is that that unprecedented ardor generally results directly from an enormous amount of death and suffering. I’d much prefer to just prevent that…

  16. That’s it, I’m volunteering to get this man embroiled in some awful sex scandal already. You don’t even have to thank me!

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