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Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

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43 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I wrote Belly Shot about yoga and body image — particularly my relationship with my belly.

    And Something About Boobs on Planned Parenthood Arizona’s mobile mammography clinic. With bonus introduction by small dogs!

    Obamacare, Birth Control, & Me on hormonal contraception, endometriosis, and affordability (which I’ve recently learned may be based on an inaccurate understanding of this provision, so there may be a follow up in my near future).

  2. I don’t feel like I’ve written much in the last few days, but there was a mid-week DRAMAH on my blog when someone attempted to out me. I feel like I’m making a big deal out of nothing by posting it here, but y’know – that’s what’s happened round my way this week. I guess I learnt about the power of an apology to make stuff actually, genuinely, be a bit less shit. That was good.

  3. Teen Wolf: Bromance is easier than Inclusion : though Teen Wolf has been praised for its GLBT inclusion we believe the representation to be hollow and that Teen Wolf is playing more to slashers.

    Women in Science Fiction Week: The Problem with Female Representation in Science Fiction on Television : Examining the shows Continuum, Sanctuary and Falling Skies we look at the role of women on television.

    There Can Only Be One Strong Female Character : looking at the tendency to avoid multiple strong female characters in the urban fantasy genre.

    Review: Thirteen by Kelley Armstrong, Book 13 of the Otherworld Series : this is the latest book in the popular series



    ↑↑↑Check out the link above for tons o’ information about a fundraiser I am working on with my creative collaborator Gianna Love. We are working on a feature-length documentary on the religious and scientific policing of gender from a queer and trans feminist perspective. We have been working on our project for over 1.5 yrs and are trying to get it finished by 2013. We have tons of gifts/rewards which you get in exchange for contributing. If you can’t personally contribute, please consider taking the time to link to our campaign over FB or similar to help us b as viral as possible! 😉 Thanks so much everyone. ❤

  5. Tempering Our Activist Goals: The Long and the Short of It“–Reading Peter Elbow talk about how he handles the reality of teaching in light of his idealistic goals makes me think about how all of our activist goals could use some time and depth perception to be most effective.

    Transitions: How Do You Know When Your Life is Forever Changed?“- Tomorrow, my life is changing forever. Like (almost) all of my life changing moments, it seems sort of anti-climactic.

    Gabby’s Hair and Olympic Role Models“- I had a long rant about the reaction to Gabby’s hair ready to go. Instead, I embedded a video of my toddler daughter watching the gymnastics team and trying to do some flips–because that’s what I want my Olympic role models to inspire.

    My Favorite Thing About Buffy (So Far)“– I’m watching Buffy for the first time. This is my favorite thing.

  6. On Collegiate Feminist this week, I wrote about being published on Michele Norris’ The Race Card Project with these 6 words:

    “WHITE feminism. I Live With Contradiction.”

    I also have posted several mini reflections on spending this summer making documentaries about families living in Medellín, Colombia as part of the DukeEngage program.

  7. On Collegiate Feminist this week, I wrote about being published on Michele Norris’ The Race Card Project with these 6 words:

    “WHITE feminism. I Live With Contradiction.”

    I also have posted several mini reflections on spending this summer making documentaries about families living in Medellín, Colombia as part of the DukeEngage program.

  8. We were back from our trip last Monday, but I was too jet-lagged and/or knackered to get it to together to post any links. At any rate, the only really relevant post is the one called Fabrication, about garments and sustainability. An eco issue is a women’s issue!

    If you’re interested, the table of contents points to a few other posts from our trip.

  9. I’ve started a series of posts analyzing PostSecret postcards, because I keep saving the things.

    And early in the week I did a dissection of rapey pickup artist tactics, which I’m trying to boost the signal on in every possible way.

    Sidenote: I didn’t blog about it, but I hope everyone in the world is considering going to see Beasts Of The Southern Wild. It’s a brilliant magical realist indie film about Katrina and marginalized communities and relationships and AMAZING.

  10. Artist Sarah Frost’s work deals with the YouTube community of boys making paper guns. Her installation in the upcoming Corcoran Gallery 31 show “Manifest: Armed” (an art exhibit on American gun culture) says a lot about how we gender weaponry and toys.

    I’m interning at the Corcoran this summer, so I’ve been working with this show pretty closely. It’s going to be really amazing! If you’re in the DC area it runs from August 8-September 2 with a reception August 9 at 6 pm.

    Also, a post on the Renwick’s current show, “40 Under 40: Craft Futures”. Check this show out too! Like many craft shows, this one features a ton of kickass feminist artists.

  11. In August 2012, a middle-aged couple from Southern California will walk the 84-mile path along Hadrian’s wall in Northern England to raise awareness about the erosion of women’s rights in the U.S. and to raise funds for Planned Parenthood. Watch the vid!

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