In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Monday

Sorry we didn’t get this up yesterday! Self-promote away.

56 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Monday

  1. I’m celebrating my blog’s second birthday with a writing series on identity and balance (info here), and I would love your submissions! (Here’s my first guest post from the series, a look at transportation and class.)

    I’ve also got a post questioning who really profits from the “Mommy Wars,” not just politically, but also economically.

    Finally, I have a post titled “Sitting at a Table for One: Why I Love that Ashley Judd Piece” that is a response to claims that those of us promoting Judd’s manifesto are “pseudo-feminists.”

  2. This week, Douche, Bag and Shoes have looked at:

    Using my own personal experience to think about whether ‘ugly’ can be reclaimed and its use to silence, embarrass and shame, subverted, ‘The Reclamation of Ugly’:

    In the light of the initial furore over Girls, we look at who is doing most of the commenting…and ask why…’Girls- The Pity Party’:

    In light of Adele’s inclusion in Time 100 2012 and in anticipation of the column inches devoted to praising her ‘curves’ etc. we ask whether Adele’s particular ‘brand’ is all that revolutionary. ‘Adele- Breaking the Mould?’:

    Most criticism of Page Three (topless women in UK tabloid The Sun) comes from middle-class journalists who probably never grew up with the paper and focus on impressionable young girls and the male gaze. My personal experience is a little different, though no less negative. ‘Page Three and Me’:

    We ask, only slightly tongue-in-cheek, whether there is anything that we can learn from Kim Kardashian, in ‘Kim Kardashian – Feminist Icon?’:

  3. 50 Words You Should NOT Say on a Standardized Test:

    Complicating White Privilege: Poverty, Class, & the Nature of the Knapsack:

    “I have to return these because I’m having a girl”: Beyond Gender Identity:

  4. What do women care about more: the economy or contraception?

    Who can value a househusband?

    A shocking statement at Ms. magazine about criticizing a woman’s body

    Hairy armpits of the French women:

    Why some people obsess over cleaning:

  5. Not My Representatives, a post about Germany’s federal minister for women, Kristina Schröder, who is a declared anti-feminist and has now published a book that denounces gender equality politics, and why I still won’t sign the Open Letter white German feminists have addressed to her because they neglect to even mention Schröder’s nationalism and racist tendencies that go hand in hand with her anti-feminism.

    When Violence Is “Somewhat Mild”, a short rant about my outrage that Judge Lester set bail for George Zimmerman and the stated “reasons” for that ruling.

  6. Lately on OK4RJ we’ve been digging into our Oklahoma history –

    from the use of ‘Okie’ as a slur Why I Don’t Say Okie to a Pre-Roe illegal abortion clinic in a small town in Honor, Appropriation and Misuse in Pro-Life Narratives.

    The only full Women’s & Gender’s Studies Program in Oklahoma is supposed to get their funding cut by half.

    But of course there was still good news this week because the Personhood Act will not be heard in the House this session.

  7. Apparently this was the week where I went from having feminist themes in the background of my blog to full scale feminist rants. Hurrah! (I blame my finals).

    First, a post on Eight Great Science Fiction Books for Women – an analysis and response to flavorwire’s catastrophically terrible list of SF books for women (hint: if you want to get women to like a genre, don’t tell them to read start by reading blatantly misogynistic works of SF)

    And then a post about Why Women Can’t Win American Idol (Hint: It’s Not Teen Girls), in light of Jessica Sanchez’s almost-ouster two weeks ago. The post analyzes how the show creates an uneven playing field for male and female contestants… and then I rant at length about the ways in which Idol fans blame gender disparity on the show on teenage girls.

  8. As a Christian and a feminist, I explained why I submit to my husband. (Hint: Because he submits to me. We submit mutually to one another.)

    At it’s core and as an outsider (as I am not yet a mother), I believe that the mommy wars are about insecurity and unfairness. I call for disarming the mommy wars as they benefit no one.

    Polly of Douche, Bag and Shoes at The Last Name Project explains why she took her husband’s name when getting married and how complicated choices like these are often judged by both feminists and non-feminists alike.

    Scott at The Last Name Project discusses how he and his wife kept their own last names and then alternated last names for their children.

    One of my 30 Things to Do Before I’m 30 is go on an international mission trip. But I have a few questions and reservations about short-term missions.

    A weekly compilation of What I Read, including some great posts by Balancing Jane and Jill here at Feministe!

  9. At Yes Means Yes Blog, I have posted the next part of the There’s A War On series about rape and abuse in BDSM communities. I’m determined to make it impossible for the folks in “the scene”, such as it is, to ignore the problem. Part 3 is titled A Fungus Among Us, and focuses on stories (with names changed, mostly to protect survivors) of rape and abuse that are not on the fringes, but right in the core of the community, by respected community members. BDSM communities don’t work to stamp out abuse. Too often, the operate to enable it.

  10. My entry for the Ethics of Meat Contest

    Side note: did anyone else notice that the six finalists out of ‘thousands’ of entries are all to some degree anti-meat? While I certainly respect the opinions of those who choose otherwise, wasn’t the point of this contest for people who believe meat eating is ethical to express their reasons for that belief? What up with that?

    I tried to post a comment to this effect on the NYT blog post, but my comment has not been posted.

  11. Poking around on the Internet, I have found a lot of confusion about genital warts. For instance, because HPV causes genital warts, many people think that if they have warts they can get cervical cancer or “give” cancer to their partners. Luckily, cancer-causing HPV strains are distinct from those that cause warts. However, each year, Americans spend $200 million treating genital warts! And they are largely vaccine-preventable.
    Check out the latest installment in our STI Awareness series: Genital Warts — you’ll almost certainly learn something new.

    In addition, in honor of STD Awareness Month, our lovely pro-choice pharmacist/blogger wrote a post about safer sex, which includes some tips for protecting yourself. It also contains a link to print out a coupon for STD screening discounts at PPAZ — Arizona residents, take note!

    And, after a short leave of absence, our snarky commentator is back with her link roundup series, this time focusing on some of the vile happenings that have occurred here in Arizona, but branching out nationally as well (sigh).

  12. At Muslimah Media Watch last week:

    We posted a collective response (endorsed by MMW, but not written by us) to a Feminist Wire article on hijab, as well as some recommended reading from earlier MMW posts.

    Eren looked at recent coverage from around the world of inheritance laws in Islam.

    Nicole examined media around France’s niqab ban, one year since it came into effect.

    And I linked to a MMW post from 2009 on how to write about Muslims, asking what our readers would add to that list.

  13. Mama Nervosa is a non-niche blog run by two feminist mother-teacher-ex-grad-student types. We are just starting out.

    This week, Lauren talked about 4 things she should have done instead of going to graduate school.

    Lauren and Jen both wonder how to find ourselves as women when neither the mommy option nor the working option seem to offer the kind of fulfillment we’re seeking.

    Also, this week, Lauren is re-reading The Feminine Mystique and planning a series of posts about its relevance to life as a young mother nearly 50 years later, so stay tuned for that!

  14. Too Many [note for sexual assault] — “But not everything matches our narratives for what assault looks like because some forms of it are so normalized.”

    Jalapenos y Masturbation, on learning to self-advocate for my health — “When I was fourteen, I got my first period. It was hellacious, to the point where I couldn’t function in school. I asked to go home. My PE teacher and my guidance counselor both basically told me to suck it up and deal, thus setting the tone for a lot of my teens.”

    Unless You’re There with Me — “Dear Arizona Legislature… With all the lovely, vomitous anti-reproductive rights (because let’s face it, you’ve already decided that ‘merely’ working to outlaw abortion is not extreme enough) bills you’ve been introducing lately, please do not think that Senate Bill 1009 has escaped my eye.”

  15. Happy Monday! This week’s Monday Music Break features a sassy song by an Irish band called Dervish. The song is about a strong woman who likes whiskey, and men who have whiskey.

  16. Oops, so I actually wrote this early last week but didn’t want to post it too late to last week’s Shameless thread, although as it were, I’m late to the party this week anyway. Basically, the ridiculously named “Genocide Awareness Project,” this heinous group that likens abortions to genocide, came to my campus last Monday/Tuesday, and I basically explain how unacceptable their campaign is and why the images they used were damaging and harmful and should not have been permitted.

  17. Lately at Doctor Her,

    Tansy wrote another Domesticating the Doctor, exploring domesticity in Doctor Who. In this post, she wrote about the Ponds.

    Courtney posted a presentation she gave at the PCA/ACA conference in Boston, entitled “‘Oh, You Sexy Geek!’: ‘Geek Girls’ and the Problem of Self-Objectification.” In it, she discusses “sexy” cosplay and the ways and whys of geek women performing sexy.

    And Nightsky writes about how and why Abigail from “A Christmas Carol” (last year’s Christmas special) is a big, fat feminist fail.

  18. I’m late this week and have been having blogging blues, but I did write this piece on why I don’t want to have children.

    A note in advance: I am not attacking your choice to have children or stay at home! Quite the opposite – I’m outlining the reasons why being a parent is hard in this society! Because you know, it’s impossible to write about one’s own choice not to have children without someone taking offense. /snark

  19. A little late, but hey:

    This week was a week of epic headdesking here in Ireland. Homophobia! Transphobia! Anti-choicers on a national scale! I’m amazed I didn’t end up taking a dive off the coast and swimming for England by the end of it all.

    While the anti-choice only got a tired, resigned facepalm from me, I did find the time to translate Richard Waghorne’s article* ‘Gay Marriage demand driven by an intolerant liberal faction’ into something a little more palatable. Possibly.

    Short on the heels of that, however, was one of the most disgusting pieces of transphobia I’ve seen ’round these parts in recent times. Which is saying a lot. Myself and my main bro made a response vid to it, and later I ask her directly what precisely she means by the equality she claims to be in favour of.
    Unsurprisingly, I did not receive a response.

    *not linking to it from here- have no desire to give him even more publicity.

  20. Thanks everyone for showing support and looking at JMU’s feminist blog! We’re 4 posts away from 99,000 views!!!

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