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Shorter Tucker Max: Wah wah wahhhh.

Ohhh Tucker Max. I don’t even want to respond to this blog post because the writing is bad enough to be nearly incomprehensible (editors!) and Tucker himself appears to have an IQ slightly above that of a medium-sized houseplant, but against my better judgment, here we go.

So Tucker haz a sad because he tried to donate to Planned Parenthood so that PP would name a clinic after him and he could be like, “LOL the Tucker Max Center for Pushing Bitches Down the Stairs” and instead PP was like, “Hey we appreciate the offer, but we think taking your money and naming a clinic after you is a bad idea given that our funding is on the chopping block around the country and accepting this donation will definitely be used against us and could result in our losing millions of dollars, so thank you but I think we have to pass on this one.” Instead of dealing with it like a big boy and recognizing that maybe PP has more important things to consider than how they can assist Tucker Max in being perceived as slightly less awful, Tucker has decided to be exactly as awful as he is and pitch a virtual fit about how PP is just so judgey and they don’t even know him, GOD.

I was very serious about this donation: Lots of people have tried to call this a “stunt.” That’s funny, I didn’t know that a 500k check is a joke to them. So maybe if I gave a million dollars, then it’d be real? I’ve been pro-choice my whole like, I used the services of PP when I was poor and got help from them, I believe in their mission and I believe in universal access to family planning services. I’ve ALWAYS believed in those principles, and this was a sincere attempt to cut Planned Parenthood real check. A “stunt” would be doing something, I don’t know, that DIDN’T INVOLVE GIVING HALF A MILLION DOLLARS TO THEM. Its ridiculous how people think what you do doesn’t matter, it’s only their perception of your action that defines you.

We understand that you actually intended to give PP $500,000. We also understand that the attempt to give PP $500,000 was something “spectacular or unusual done to gain publicity,” which is the dictionary definition of “stunt.” Stunts may be very expensive; stunts may also involve a cause you actually believe in. “Stunt” is not a synonym for “joke.” Attempting to give an embattled organization half a million dollars so that they’ll name a clinic after you and wouldn’t THAT be funny and great publicity for your new book is, in fact, a stunt.

This was not about my image: Some people have tried to say this about me “rehabbing my image” by using PP. That’s comical bullshit. Right now, I have THREE books on the NY Times Non-fiction Best Seller List and millions of fans, I’m VERY happy with my current image. I have no need or desire to apologize for anything or try to change into some bullshit that other people should think I am. So why did I want to donate this money (other than the fact that I believe in PP’s mission)?

Yeah, so weird that anyone would think you were trying to “rehab your image” after your PR strategist published a column in Forbes stating, “This would have been a win-win-win-win situation. Cut a check, keep a clinic open. Rehabilitate some of Tucker’s PR.” But you know that feminist media, so full of lies and comical bullshit. (Also, if you’re going to quote someone, maybe use their name or add in a link?)

Yes, I did want something: What I really wanted from this–aside from that good feeling of doing something actually positive for men and women who need help–was a way to get a different type of press for my then-upcoming book (which was now been out for two months). There is a bullshit idea that comes from a certain type of media person that my writing is anti-woman. Mind you, none of these people have read my writing, and none of them have EVER addressed the idea that my writing can’t be anti-woman when half my fans are women, but whatever, who needs facts in media, right?

So you weren’t trying to use a PP donation as a publicity stunt, you just wanted publicity for your upcoming book by donating to PP and making a big public deal about it. I see. Thank you for clearing that up.

Also, just because some women are a fan of something doesn’t mean that it cannot possibly be “anti-woman.” Look: There are women out there who oppose the right of women to vote. There were actually very large proportions of women who, at the time the 19th Amendment was being debated, opposed voting rights for women. It does not follow from that, though, that laws barring women from voting were not anti-woman just because some women — or even a lot of women, or more than 50% of women — supported them.

Anyway, I thought this would be the perfect hook for a ton of stories that would spin this idea on its head, and I was laughing just thinking about these idiots trying to explain this away. After all, if you think Tucker Max hates women, how to do you explain him giving 500k to PP? Well, they said this made me…MORE anti-woman? HAHAHA! I swear to god. So to these people, cutting a 500K check to help women out is ANTI-WOMAN!! Politicians cutting money to PP is anti-woman, and now, so is me giving money to PP. I guess regardless of what I do, I’m against women. That is kind of awesome when you can make someone so angry, they can’t even be ideologically consistent in their criticism of you.

The above paragraph doesn’t actually make much sense, but I’ll do my best with it. We understand that you were trying to use PP as a gotcha point — so when you were accused to misogyny for writing ridiculously misogynist things, you could be like, “BUT SEE I GAVE MONEY TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD!” And that’s the point: You don’t actually view PP’s mission and women’s health to be important unto itself. You view women, and Planned Parenthood, as things that might be beneficial to you, and that you may use to further your career or get something else you want.

As Irin Carmon pointed out at Salon, Max has commented on Planned Parenthood before — in tweets like ““Planned Parenthood would be cooler if it was a giant flight of stairs, w/someone pushing girls down, like a water park slide #FF @PPact” and “In South Florida. This place is awful. Shitty design, slutty whores & no culture, like a giant Planned Parenthood waiting room.” SO WEIRD that a lot of us maybe don’t believe that Max is really a dedicated supporter of women’s health and PP’s mission.

[Another thing to consider: Think about how completely fucked up someone’s worldview is when they don’t judge you based on your ACTIONS, they judge you based on their PERCEPTION of your actions. That’s what all the articles critical of my donation are attempting to do: They create some sort of mental gymnastics to try and make my act out to be evil, even though it is unarguably good. That’s when you know someone doesn’t care about truth, just about defending their own ideology.]

Actually, we are judging you based on your words. You know, the words you write (hint: writing is an action that you choose to take). And your donation was not “unarguably good.” You donated specifically because you wanted publicity. It would have been good publicity for you, but bad publicity for Planned Parenthood, and so they declined. And now, because you’re an entitled whiny-ass titty-baby, you’re taking to the internet to try to vilify an organization because they protected themselves.

I really thought PP would be excited about this: Look, I recognize that, on one level, it may seem absurd to name an abortion clinic after Tucker Max (of course its also funny as well). But once you really think about it, it makes a ton of sense, and perhaps it was dumb of me but I honestly thought PP would be excited about it. And they were at first. Of course my assistant told them who I was and what I wanted from the donation, and they were falling all over themselves pitching me. They set up a lunch to talk and finalize the deal. I expected the lunch they scheduled would be about negotiating how much the donation would be, and what would get named. I was cool with whatever spin they wanted to put on this, I really just wanted my name on a building or a room or something big. That was it. And then, as I was DRIVING TO THE MEETING, they called and cancelled everything. The meeting, the donation, everything.

You thought PP would be excited about naming a clinic after you? That is because you, sir, are a narcissistic idiot. I don’t know whose fault that is, but it’s not Planned Parenthood’s. Maybe take it up with your parents.

And “I really just wanted my name on a building or a room or something big.” That’s the point, right? This wasn’t about Planned Parenthood. It was about you and your own image. And now, instead of doing something positive or realizing that maybe you have an image problem, you’re going online to malign a really fantastic, necessary and embattled organization because they didn’t put their own existence and reputation on the line by naming a building after you.

I don’t know why PP turned the money down, but I can guess: People keep asking me why they turned the money down. Other than what they said to me on the phone (“We don’t believe taking your money would be in the mission of Planned Parenthood”), I have no other information. I do have speculation.

I think this is about status and signaling and institutional power, and has nothing to do with women. Planned Parenthood proved something I have always believed: Most charities are not run to help people, they are run because they are ways for people to signal status about themselves to other people. I think there are many great people that work at PP, but I think the people who run PP are power-hungry bureaucrats who care only about how a select group of their friends and peers view them, and that’s what this is about. I wasn’t the “right type” of person to take money from so they’d rather close clinics. It’s the worst kind of elitism, the kind that cloaks itself in altruism. They care more about the perception of themselves and their organization than they care about its effectiveness at actually serving the reproductive needs of women.

I don’t expect that Tucker Max ever reads a newspaper, but if he did, he might realize that PP HAS to care about how people view them. There are organizations dedicated to destroying Planned Parenthood. There are politicians who run on anti-PP platforms. Congresspeople regularly brawl it out over Planned Parenthood’s funding. It’s not “elitism.” It’s not that a group of people at PP sat around and said, “You know, Tucker Max’s books are really stupid, and we are all dumber for having read them, we award him no points and may God have mercy on his soul, so let’s not take his money.” What probably did happen is that a group of people at Planned Parenthood found out who Tucker Max was, realized that his donation was going to be big news, and decided, “You know, if this is made into a big public thing, Republicans are going to use it as further evidence that PP is a terrible organization that should not receive any more federal or state funds, and it could result in us losing millions of dollars in funding and having to close down even more clinics, so let’s not take his money.”

That’s smart. PP has to think ahead. And I’m amused that Tucker thinks this is about “status” and “elitism,” like Planned Parenthood is sitting on a big leather couch adjusting their monocle and deciding that Max is just uncouth. No, PP needs funding to survive. In order to get funding — in order to not have even more states attempt to cut off their funding — PP does need to maintain an image of a serious reproductive health provider. Naming a clinic after a dude who suggests that “Planned Parenthood would be cooler if it was a giant flight of stairs, w/someone pushing girls down, like a water park slide” would turn Planned Parenthood into a joke.

How else can you explain Planned Parenthood’s preposterous logic: that a CLOSED clinic is better than one with my name on it. Seriously—after they turned my money down, they CLOSED CLINICS IN TEXAS. That is not better for poor women. It is only better for people who run Planned Parenthood. Because it doesn’t threaten their delusion self-image and offend the people whose opinions they care about. But it does hurt the poor women they’re supposed to he helping.

Here’s how: One closed clinic > ten closed clinics.

You want to know how I know this wasn’t about money, that this was just about them judging me? They never even suggested an anonymous donation. Never suggested I name it after someone else. Never brought it any of it up. They just flat out said no.

Now, I’ll be honest, I don’t think I would have done an anonymous donation for that much, but the fact is, THEY NEVER EVEN BROUGHT IT UP! To them, just taking my money signaled the wrong things to the people they want to impress, so they wouldn’t do it, regardless of the circumstances. We don’t want your dirty joke money!

See, he was donating the money because he really cares about PP and not because this was a publicity stunt, but he would never have donated all that money anonymously because where’s the publicity in that? But it’s PP’s fault for not even suggesting an option he never would have availed himself of! Because the entire world needs to hold Tucker Max’s hand.

I told PP when this whole thing went down that I was going to tell the truth about what happened, and so I have. That it enrages people is not my fault. They need to look at Planned Parenthood and how it conducted itself, not blame me for trying to help the organization out.

Haha. Except people aren’t “enraged” at Planned Parenthood. As far as I can tell people are “enraged” at Tucker Max, and then he’s like “It’s not my fault people are mad at me after I publicly attacked a great organization just because I’m an attention monster of staggering proportions! Don’t blame me for sounding like the petulant child I am! It’s not my fault!”

It’s probably not his fault, since he does appear to have the socio-emotional development of a four-year-old. He didn’t get the exact publicity he wanted, he decided to throw a public temper tantrum, and now the entire internet is pointing with raised eyebrows and being like, “Where are that kid’s parents?”

Someone get him an ice cream cone or something.

(Thanks, Cynthia, for the links).

60 thoughts on Shorter Tucker Max: Wah wah wahhhh.

  1. Dishonest about his intentions, demands a pass on the effects of his past actions, claims to be helping women while promoting himself, has a legion of apologists… does this sound familiar to anyone?

  2. Dishonest about his intentions, demands a pass on the effects of his past actions, claims to be helping women while promoting himself, has a legion of apologists… does this sound familiar to anyone?

    Hmm… rings a bell maybe…

    (seriously, it’s a damn pattern with some people, innit.)

  3. Yes, TuckerMax is a douchebag. I still don’t understand how accepting this donation is bad for Planned Parenthood, they get $500,000.00.

    Let’s say Michael Vick donated the same amount to the ASPCA. The ASPCA takes the money, Vick rehabs his image a bit, life goes. Sure the ASPCA is not as controversial as PP, but I still think the analogy stands.

    Here’s why PP should have taken the money.
    1. it’s $500,000.00
    2. They can say they count on everyone as supporters
    3. The story lasts about 5 minutes.

    I guess the better question is who cares about Tucker Max? For 18-25 year old males he’s hilarious, to everyone else he is an idiot. Mr. Max isn’t going to be any less of a jerk because he donated. It doesn’t help his image. He’ll make a few tweets about it, but no one will care.

    By not accepting the donation, PP is worse off.
    1. They don’t have $500,000.00 now,
    2. The story drags one. First they do accept it, then they don’t.
    3. PP looks entitled.

    PP looks worse by not accepting the donation. First, they come off as entitled and stuck up. “your money is no good.” Short of the money coming from the young KKK there is no harm in cashing the check. So the opponents of PP state “you took money from Tucker Max.” PP Spokesperson “Yes, Mr. Max donated $500,000.00 while we do not agree with Mr. Max’s views on a great many things, we do agree that women’s health is important. We thank him for his donation and the funds will go towards keeping a women’s health center in Dallas, TX open.” Bam end of story.

    PP has ceded the tone of the conversation over to Tucker Max. This leads to post like this one, where supporters of PP are having to rebut his rantings instead of moving on.

    Universally a bad move on the part of PP.

    1. Yes, TuckerMax is a douchebag. I still don’t understand how accepting this donation is bad for Planned Parenthood, they get $500,000.00.

      Let’s say Michael Vick donated the same amount to the ASPCA. The ASPCA takes the money, Vick rehabs his image a bit, life goes. Sure the ASPCA is not as controversial as PP, but I still think the analogy stands.

      No, it doesn’t. Because in this universe, no one would use Vick’s donation as a talking point for why the ASPCA should receive no funding. No state or federal elected official would attempt to pull millions of dollars from the ASPCA because of Vick’s donation. So the analogy does not at all stand.

  4. Between standing up for their principles and making smart financial decisions, Planned Parenthood made a fantastic decision here, and if Tucker Max can’t see that, then, well… it’s further evidence that he cares only about himself.

    Looking at just the financial side of things – according to Planned Parenthood’s 2009 – 2010 Annual Report, they received $228 million in private donations from ~528,000 donors, for an average of $430 per donor (yes, those are skewed by large gifts, but it’s the best we can do with the available information). Now, imagine the Tucker Max donation is accepted, there’s backlash from this blog and other blogs, and it goes viral. All it takes is 0.25% of the current donors (~1300 donors) to be upset at the Tucker Max donation for PP to end up losing money on the donation. I’m guessing that people who donate to PP would be upset at naming a clinic after a misogynist, so losing 1300 donors certainly seems possible. And that’s just for one year – imagine the long-term damage to Planned Parenthood if 1% of current donors and 1% of potential new and lapsed donors change their donation habits over a 5-10 year span due to naming a clinic after a man who makes a living by treating women like garbage.

    Good call by PP.

  5. But Tucker Max has changed! He’s into third wave feminism and other words he knows from the Wiki article he had other people scan to defend him. He’s sex positive! He’s all about being down for a bang, or whatever.

  6. Bam end of story.

    Except the part where they also name a clinic after him.

    Also, PP is entitled? Fuck that. They are. They are very fucking entitled to not take money from asshole douche dude-bros. They should what? Get on their collective lady knees and thank Tucker Max for his fucking publicity stunt? Should they not only name a clinic after him, but a whole line of STD tests? He could brand name fucking! How good of a PR move would that be? For fucks sake, You know what closed down Texas clinics? Texas officials refusing funds because they would go to PP. Fuck Tucker Max and his ego stroking.

  7. Instead of dealing with it like a big boy and recognizing that maybe PP has more important things to consider than how they can assist Tucker Max

    No, because NOTHING is more important than Tucker Max.
    (I had to google him because I — unworthy female — didn’t know who he is. I liked not knowing him a lot better.)

  8. My hat’s off to you Jill for wading through this fool’s self-involved ramblings and rationally responding to the sundry incoherent bullshit he was passing off as an argument. That this person apparently has “THREE” books on the New York Times bestseller list does not make me respect him any more, it merely makes me want to uncontrollably sob about the state of the American publishing industry.

    The thing I enjoyed most about what Mr. Max has to say here is the rampant psychological projection he engages in. According to him, Planned Parenthood is only concerned about “status” and “power.” They pretend to want to “help people” but actually only care about how “their friends and peers view them.” Hmmm. Does this sound like anyone else you may know of? (Hint: the answer to that question is “Yes. Tucker Max”).

  9. Someone get him an ice cream cone or something.

    He has half a million dollars to give away. Surely he can buy himself an ice cream cone.

  10. Let’s say Michael Vick donated the same amount to the ASPCA. The ASPCA takes the money, Vick rehabs his image a bit, life goes. Sure the ASPCA is not as controversial as PP, but I still think the analogy stands.

    Actually, the HSUS received a large donation from the Philadelphia Eagles. People who give a shit about dogs were absolutely disgusted that the HSUS would be complicit in rehabilitating Vick’s image, and in that case the money didn’t even come from Vick himself but from his employers. It starts to look an awful lot like hush money, and it’s disgusting.

  11. Nope, no ice cream cone. No lolly, no dolly, no big fat reward for having a tantrum in public–straight home for him and bed without supper.

  12. Yes, let’s say Vick donates money and wants a shelter named after him. Does this lead people to not want to use the shelter and other donors to consider looking elsewhere? Probably. That’s what Jill is saying.

  13. Surely he can buy himself an ice cream cone.

    But he wants an ice cream cone!! He WANTS it!!!1!! He’s very, very important and shouldn’t have to buy his own frozen novelties!! FashionablyEvil–you’re such a hypocrite–you pretend you want to help Tucker be self-sufficient, but you’re really only concerned about maintaining your image to other Feministe posters as someone who doesn’t buy ice cream for the “wrong sorts of people.” Fuck you and your moral high ground!! Do you want Baskin Robbins to go out of business or something? And for what? Just so you can impress your friends and feed your insatiable lust for power? For shame!!!!

  14. All it takes is 0.25% of the current donors (~1300 donors) to be upset at the Tucker Max donation for PP to end up losing money on the donation.

    Thanks for crunching the numbers.

    Let’s assume skew and say it would take twice that to lose money on the deal, still seems like the right move to me.

  15. If Tucker Max were really interested in helping PP, he’d donate anonymously, instead of whining like a baby all over the web about how mean everyone is to him.

  16. Oh, I love this post. I love it, love it, love it. So glad you went against your better judgment and did this. I think house plants are more interesting though…

    He came to my college my junior year and screened the movie of I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell and people protested. Sociology and Women’s Studies majors all over campus. It was both beautiful and absurd.

  17. Tucker Max should not be able to rehab his image by throwing money around. If he wants people to see him differently, he should change what he says and how he acts, and stay changed long enough for people to have confidence that it’s not an act.

    Very few people do that.

  18. Sheesh, what a whiny baby. And I have a sneaking suspicion he would have used this donation as some sort of “get out of jail free card” for all sorts of bullshit. “I can’t be a misogynist asshole, I gave Planned Parenthood 500k! Now let me tell you this awesome joke about bitches!”

  19. FashionablyEvil–you’re such a hypocrite–you pretend you want to help Tucker be self-sufficient, but you’re really only concerned about maintaining your image to other Feministe posters as someone who doesn’t buy ice cream for the “wrong sorts of people.” Fuck you and your moral high ground!! Do you want Baskin Robbins to go out of business or something? And for what? Just so you can impress your friends and feed your insatiable lust for power? For shame!!!!

    It’s true. You totally caught me. I want nothing more than to put Carvel’s, Baskin Robbins, Friendly’s, Marble Slab, Stone Cold Creamery and Dippin’ Dots out of business.

  20. @19

    Bingo. Single acts of questionable “contrition” fo not erase a history of behaviour. Justice and redemption are not economic exchanges with dollar values. They are processes.

  21. If Tucker Max just wanted to give a $500,000, no-strings attached donation, Planned Parenthood might have been smart to take the money.

    Instead, Max wanted to buy the naming of a women’s health center. That’s unacceptable.

    Buying the naming rights was a bid to degrade women. For Max, the “joke” was to dangle the money he made degrading women in front of a cash-strapped women’s organization and see if they’d abase themselves by slapping his name on their clinic.

    If Max really cared about Planned Parenthood, or its mission, he would have quietly withdrawn the offer. Big donations with unrealistic conditions attached get turned down all the time. Usually the people who make these offers have the good grace to quietly withdraw, rather than attacking the organization they claim to care about.

  22. This part – “Planned Parenthood would be cooler if it was a giant flight of stairs, w/someone pushing girls down, like a water park slide” makes me want to throw up.

    My best friend’s sister in law lost her baby because her asshole boyfriend punched her in the stomach, which is about equal to pushing a girl down the stairs trying to force an abortion. That’s not sex-positive, that’s not loving women, and that’s certainly not funny. It’s disgusting and fucking misoginistic and I’m glad that PP declined his money.

  23. @7 Jill,
    @8 Jonathan

    Who is going to use Tucker Max as a talking point against PP? PP has been around for sometime now, 1916-1942 according to wikipedia. I am fairly certain that people know where they stand on PP. (FTR I am for PP)

    The two-bit internet star that tucker max is, is not going to change public perception of PP.

    Who here on this board that previously donated to PP, would not be willing to do so in the future if PP accepted the tucker max money? I don’t think there is a soul out there that cares that much about tucker max to do so.

  24. @MoneyisMoney

    Tucker Max didn’t just want to give them money. He wanted to give them money in return for his name being attached to something of theirs, such as a building. He wanted a continuous, public, visible reminder to the world that PP is sponsored by, in addition to others, someone who thinks pushing women down the stairs would make PP cooler.

  25. For Max, the “joke” was to dangle the money he made degrading women in front of a cash-strapped women’s organization and see if they’d abase themselves by slapping his name on their clinic.

    Dead on.

  26. Looks like the desperate fumblings of a one-note “comedian” who’s suddenly realized he’s pushing 40 and can’t keep up the frat-boy schtick much longer.

    Actually, the HSUS received a large donation from the Philadelphia Eagles. People who give a shit about dogs were absolutely disgusted that the HSUS would be complicit in rehabilitating Vick’s image, and in that case the money didn’t even come from Vick himself but from his employers. It starts to look an awful lot like hush money, and it’s disgusting.

    The HSUS is a front for PETA and does very little animal rescue. They mostly just profit off of confusing people by having “Humane Society” in their name as most humane societies are locally run and not affiliated with the HSUS. People who give a shit about dogs should oppose anything the HSUS does, and people who know PETA shouldn’t be surprised about the stunt.

  27. “They care more about the perception of themselves and their organization than they care about its effectiveness at actually serving the reproductive needs of women.”

    Is this asshole talking about himself? His “ideas” about PP and their rejection of his phony publicity whore stunts are pure projection if I’ve ever read it before. He’s being, in his mind, subjected to the same disregard that he’s given to other people on the past, but instead of being judged on a superficial level, he’s actually being judged, gasp, by his own words and actions. Unfuckingbelievable. Only a totally self involved dick would think that an organization is OBLIGATED to take his “donation” so that he could “rehab his image” and feel better about himself. If he wants to rehab his image, he could start by writing about something besides his weiner as the center of the universe. Christ, it is exhausting that we’re still dealing with individuals who are self damned self absorbed.

  28. I’m in construction. $500,000 buys VERY little. Their yearly operating budget is close to a Billion dollars. If he was going to make a sizable donation, say in the $4-6 million range, they may have taken him more seriously (then again, maybe not…). But he thinks this fairly paltry amount of money is worth it for Planned Parenthood to debase themselves? You’re right. This all says WAY more about him than the organization.

  29. Who is going to use Tucker Max as a talking point against PP? PP has been around for sometime now, 1916-1942 according to wikipedia. I am fairly certain that people know where they stand on PP. (FTR I am for PP)

    Fucking hell, pay some attention to the goddamn news. You so sure PP is in such a great place now that they should bother to associate with Tucker Max? Even if they were doing good, why the fuck can’t hey decide that his asshole record stands on it’s own and they don’t think the strings that come with his money are worth it? He is not worth the controversy, and he would be used against them, and his public hissy fit is not making him seem like less of a douche.

  30. The people who run Planned Parenthood know exactly how badly they need this donation.

    They also know what Tucker Max demanded in return for the money.

    They also know what sorts of other people regularly donate, and why, and who threatens to pull their funding, and why, and who’s on their side, and why, and who’s not, and why.

    They know the facts of the situation, and the battle they’re in, better than we do. Did they turn down this donation lightly and frivolously? I would guess not. Would they love to take half a million? I would guess so. Did they examine all angles of a tough decision and make the right choice? In their estimation, I would assume so.

    It seems bizarre for people to chide Planned Parenthood for making a bad decision, scolding PP about needing the money, as if you know more about the situation than they do and can make better choices on their behalf than they can.

    I have to trust PP to know what’s in its best interests, long-term. They’re in this fight every single day. They know the stakes.

  31. Yeah, for me, sitting here facing credit card debt, student loan debt and a mortgage on a crappy part time, minimum wage job, a 500k, one time donation sounds like a big chunk of change. And it would be for a single, stand alone clinic as well. But Planned Parenthood is a national organization, and frankly while a 500k one time donation is nice and certainly welcomed, they aren’t going to give a tongue bath to a guy whose views are reprehensible. And that is what dude seemed to want, with his whole wanting a clinic named after him thing.

    When I worked at the clinic, I remember when a HUGE anonymous grant came to help fund uninsured women get hormonal IUDs for only the cost of the office visit. It was for bunch of clinics, not just Planned Parenthood, I think whoever was associated with the National Abortion Federation. But I don’t know all the details, as I was front desk, and I didn’t handle administrative or financial information. We had our suspicions as to who it was from, (rhymes with tuffett) but as far as I know, nothing was ever confirmed, no clinic was ever renamed “The Tuffett Clinic” in honor of his awesomeness, because it seemed whenever a HUGE grant found its way toward the assistance of helping low income take control of their reproductive health, it was anonymous.

  32. I’ve known about Tucker Max and his supremely douchey ways for some time now, so what’s most surprising to me in all of this is his poor writing. I honestly thought that he would be a wittier asshole, having gone to U of Chicago and Duke Law.


    Aww, that just makes my heart beat with even more love for Mr. “Tuffett”

  33. Yeah, I’m sure PP doesn’t want to name a clinic after a dude who punches vaginas.*

    *Yeah, I read a few pages of his book. It was frightening.

  34. It seems bizarre for people to chide Planned Parenthood for making a bad decision, scolding PP about needing the money, as if you know more about the situation than they do and can make better choices on their behalf than they can.

    Bizarre? Substitute “women” for “PP” and you have the Republican platform.

  35. Who is going to use Tucker Max as a talking point against PP?

    Tucker Max. And all of the idiots who think it’s the height of offense to call him a misogynist.

    Who here on this board that previously donated to PP, would not be willing to do so in the future if PP accepted the tucker max money?

    It’s like you guys refuse to read the fucking posts. Planned Parenthood is constantly under attack from Republicans, right? They’re constantly trying to revoke their funding. How do you think this could affect their rhetoric? Or are you seriously incapable of complex thought such that $500 today > $0 today is legitimately the best you can do?

  36. Because in this universe, no one would use Vick’s donation as a talking point for why the ASPCA should receive no funding. No state or federal elected official would attempt to pull millions of dollars from the ASPCA because of Vick’s donation. So the analogy does not at all stand.

    Also, no one ever gave Michael Vick a million dollars for kicking a puppy on national TV.

    Tucker Max has not pled guilty to the, I would imagine, many, many sexual harrassment cases that could be made against him. He has not publicly apologized for being such a terrible role model for young people. He has not had to pay back book deals from publishing companies that are now disgusted to be associated with him. He has not done time, lost all sources of income, and had to declare bankruptcy. He has not gotten out and worked with non-profits discouraging young men from abusing women or lobbied against sexual discrimination. Vick often comes up in these sorts of discussions, but when you look at the consequences he has dealt with, it doesn’t compare to the extravagant rewards showered on Max for, basically, being an asshole loudly. I’m not trying to excuse Vick, but just to highlight the differences between how society rewards violence against women versus, say, violence against dogs. I say this with nothing but love and concern in my heart for dogs in general and pit bulls in particular, but maybe it’s time for society to rethink its priorities a little.

  37. as far as I know, nothing was ever confirmed, no clinic was ever renamed “The Tuffett Clinic” in honor of his awesomeness, because it seemed whenever a HUGE grant found its way toward the assistance of helping low income take control of their reproductive health, it was anonymous.

    Maybe that donor had read Maimonides’ list of the different levels of tzedakah, from least to most honorable. I’m pretty sure Tucker Max hasn’t read it, because I don’t think his brand of giving is even on the list.

  38. I honestly thought that he would be a wittier asshole, having gone to U of Chicago

    I remember once asking my son who he was — I’m still really not sure, because I refuse to look him up, especially now — and my son was embarrassed even to admit the affiliation. Not that he should be; there are a lot of awful and not particularly intelligent famous people who graduated from the college I went to, and I try not to take it as a personal affront!

  39. @MoneyIsMoney,

    There’s also the issue that a lot of people, once they’ve decided they don’t like _____, will believe and promote any bad thing they hear about _____. And if you don’t think anyone would “use Tucker Max as a talking point against PP”, imagine him making an alleged joke about this being his personal Planned Parenthood clinic … and then Google “John Fleming abortionplex”.

  40. I agree with Cactuswren. I think the real reason he offered the money was to get his picture taken in front of the “Tucker Max Abortion Clinic” with a douchey smile and a thumbs-up. He’d put it on the cover of his next book, “Here Cums Tucker.”

  41. Maybe that donor had read Maimonides’ list of the different levels of tzedakah, from least to most honorable. I’m pretty sure Tucker Max hasn’t read it, because I don’t think his brand of giving is even on the list.

    No, he’s the cautionary tale. In this as in so many ways.

  42. Personally, I Love that he keeps whining and humiliating himself. he’s utterly worthless, and its fun to watch his failures adding up.

  43. Planned Parenthood proved something I have always believed: Most charities are not run to help people, they are run because they are ways for people to signal status about themselves to other people.

    Silly me. That’s exactly why I work at “charities” (also know as non-profits). Telling people in my conservative state that I worked at PP really gave me a status boost (more like a blank stare and awkward silence). I’ll be sure to tell my client from this morning that I can no longer help them find services because it does nothing to boost my own status.

    So out of touch.

  44. One important factor is that Max attempted to donate money to PP last August. It wasn’t recent. At all. Holiday and Max waited until the perfect timing (near the release date of some books) to cash in on PP’s news headlines so they could splash themselves all over the media. That way, they could talk all about how Komen was awful and how Texas PP really needed the money because the state’s Medicaid funding got cut due to a stupid law, etc. It’s disgusting, but even I have to admit that Holiday knows how to get attention.

  45. My hat’s off to you Jill for wading through this fool’s self-involved ramblings and rationally responding to the sundry incoherent bullshit he was passing off as an argument. That this person apparently has “THREE” books on the New York Times bestseller list does not make me respect him any more, it merely makes me want to uncontrollably sob about the state of the American publishing industry.

    I second LotusBecca. I saw that Max had written a blog post, read the first paragraph, and immediately wanted to go take a shower forever. This way, I was still able to inform myself of what Max was, in his juvenile and incoherent way, attempting to say.

  46. I can definitely see why Planned Parenthood did not take Tucker Max’s money and I commend them for it! As an undergrad going for my BSW degree, I have to read dozens of case studies about agencies: both government and non government funded. When an agency has a specific mission statement (like most do) they tend to not accept contributions (especially large donations) from other organizations with contradictory beliefs. This is a way to protect their self identity.
    Yeah, Planned Parenthood could have definitely used the money. But is it worth taking it from a source who conflicts with what planned parenthood is all about? Ok I’m going to be honest here, I don’t know what PP is specifically all about, but from my understanding of it, they value women and aim to provide them with the care they need.
    I checked out Tucker’s website for about a minute and it didn’t even take me that long to realize he does not share that same appreciation for women.
    I think that if Planned Parenthood had accepted the money, it would have compromised their own mission and in a sense would be selling out. So props to them for staying true, despite the hefty temptation.

  47. “Planned Parenthood proved something I have always believed: Most charities are not run to help people, they are run because they are ways for people to signal status about themselves to other people”

    Could anyone demonstrate this better than Tucker Max himself, who apparently will only donate to an organization if it puts his name on a building? He clearly only wants to ‘help’ provided it helps his status and image. Tucker Max’s desire to ‘help’ is conditional not on what would benefit an organization (how many women would feel comfortable going to a clinic named after him for any reason?) or the people it serves, but how it serves his own ends.

    And as for some women being his fans, I remember being in college where I would observe young women laughing at men spouting some of the most misogynistic crap I’d ever heard. I realize that this is because women and girls are socialized that it’s their job to make people feel good about themselves. If a guy is trying to be funny you’re supposed to laugh so that his poor fragile little ego won’t undergo any damage.

    I tried to read Tucker Max once just for the sake of having seen it first hand. Reading a phone book would have been more entertaining. Beyond the misogyny, it just wasn’t funny or interesting at all.

  48. If Max Tucker is so supportive of Planned Parenthood, why, when they refused to take his donation, didn’t he offer to donate exactly the same amount anonymously?

  49. Tucker seems like a guy who could wear his underpants on his head and they would be near parts providing the same function as those at the other end. without them, the top end of his spine gives us an idea of what the other end looks like. No matter which end it comes out of, if it looks like it and smells like it, it probably is…

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