In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote away.

70 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. This week I posted about the Elate Eight round of Lent Madness, and some spiffy saintly swag I discovered along the way.

    I wrote about a different kind of Stations of the Cross, based on news photographs from the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

    And I reflected on the Palm Sunday liturgy with its reading of the Passion through Girardian eyes. Rene Girard is a humanities scholar who has done some groundbreaking work on the nature of violence and scapegoating that brings an entirely different interpretive framework to the atonement (ie, it’s not God that’s violent and bloodthirsty, it’s us).

    Wishing a blessed Holy Week to those who observe it,


  2. Last week I mentioned a post I wrote about the student protests happening here in Montréal against the tuition hikes proposed by the Charest government. I finished a drawing of Jean Charest this week that reflects how I’m feeling about him.

    Reflection on Jean Charest

  3. Posts on Femmedia this week:

    Guest Post: Male Emotions in the Media: Why are stereotypes perpetrated in the mass media? Why do the Hollywood-type movies tend to portray the same type of “male” characters? Is it really what people think, or is it because it is what they are made to think or believe? Guest post on Femmedia by Jess C Scott.

    Single Story Beauty: This reflects the single story we have of physical attractiveness and doesn’t fulfill our desire for variety. But I feel the solution to this isn’t to insult those who present this story, but rather encourage them to be more creative and open to differences in body types and personality tropes. To support companies when they make decisions that give a variety of options for males and females to alter their body shape or type, and to explore a broader range of complexion and facial features to be more racially inclusive.

    Don Draper’s Alcoholism: Don Draper is an alcoholic. No, not just in season 4 when it’s portrayed as a negative thing – he’s always been an alcoholic. He has – conservative estimate that he told his doctor – 5 drinks a day on average, but he’s almost always drinking hard liquor.

    Blog Roundup

    I also guest posted on Ms Behaved about Relationships and the Success and Beauty myths in heterosexual relationships: And our friends don’t make it easy on us to make these decisions. While we all logically know that people can love without success and beauty, we have a tendency to disbelieve people who tell us otherwise. A man might expect a wink and a nudge when he says he loves his beautiful girlfriend for her personality, or a woman a knowing smile when she says her unattractive lover’s money doesn’t matter to her.

  4. I posted a list of standard modifications I use, as someone with a larger body, in yoga.

    On Blog for EC Day, I posted Irresponsible [notes for slut shaming] about judgmental attitudes toward emergency contraceptive use.

    Rounding out Endometriosis Awareness Month, I posted about having endo, being a teacher, and why I have that ginormous stash of pads in my desk drawer.

    Finally, in somewhat more lighthearted geekery, I posted my fantasy and YA heavy reading list.

  5. I always want to apologize for my shameless self-promotion, and then I look at the title of the page, and think “Well, that is kind of the point.”

    I discuss the problems of the Lexile Test in a cursory manner (or: my twelve year old brother complains about the lexile test, and I plagiarize his ideas complain with him).

    My tribute to Haley Reinhart, the one singer who convinced me to watch American Idol (very temporarily).

    And my (February) monthly reading roundup, with recommendations for some good Sci-Fi/ Fantasy mashups. Because February was all about the mashups.

  6. The brand of fake feminism that shares the ideology of the most anti-women regime of the XXth-century: “”

    In this thread we were discussing whether it’s OK for a father to call his teenage daughter “a whore” and I was shocked by how many people defend this as a good and useful parenting strategy of a caring father:

    Are sad developments in public education a reason to homeschool?

    Here I reviewed a book that offers a perfect explanation of why feminism is crucial to society:

  7. The Gender Inequality Index. I wrote a three-post series on the three components of the gender inequality index (GII): reproductive rights, empowerment, and labor.

    Doughnuts & The Hunger Games. I devoured the trilogy in a few days at the same time my husband and I began craving doughnuts. Coincidence? Delicious.

    What I Read. A compilation of stories that caught my eye this week.

    My blog friend S over at The Feminist Mystique and I are looking for women and/or couples to participate in a new series we’ll be launching in April about how individuals think and decide on their last names upon marriage. Email me at danielle [at] fromtwotoone [dot] com if you are interested!

  8. When you dread word problems as much as parking enforcement:

    When taking calculus starts feeling like you’re in the Hunger Games, there’s a problem:

    Validation from the universe — it’s not you, it’s him:

  9. I’m feeling to sick to debunk the essay right now, but Cathy Brennan has, apparently approvingly, reposted one of Jan Raymond’s 32-year-old anti-trans tracts, “Technology on the Social and Ethical Aspects of Transsexual Surgery.” It doesn’t have the gratuitous insults and rape imagery of “The Transsexual Empire” and may come across as relatively sober. But it has been used to deny medical care to trans people.

    Since it keeps going around, it probably still needs debunking.

    I’m not sure how the gender clinics viewed transsexualism in 1980, but it has nothing to do with how trans activists view this in 2012. Even when we support a medical model, it’s not the same medical model. So the tract’s continued use amounts to a straw man argument.

  10. Amid all the Arizona bashing, you might enjoy reading this account from one of the many pro-choice Arizonans who are taking a stand for abortion rights. She testified before the House of Representatives against a bill that would have banned abortion after 20 weeks, even in the case of fetal anomalies. This post set some major traffic records for the blog, and I hope it will inspire people to speak out against horrible legislation here in Arizona and across the country.

  11. I did a (slightly dodgy) experiment this week! You know how people always say that women making themsleves attractive and sexy is biological, so that they can attract a partner? Well, I did a survey of 52 asexual people to see if people who weren’t looking for partners still felt pressure to bee “attractive.”

    Some did. Some didn’t. But surprise surprise patriarchy, the biology argument does not hold! You can read more about it here:

    Sex or Society? The Pressure to be Attractive (an experiment)

  12. a friend and i have just started a new blog, Home on the Margins, and are looking for submissions from other womyn of color. copied from our “about” section:

    “Our blog has a vision to be a space of creative writing/artwork/expression for womyn of color around the country. It is in particular for womyn who may not be in the academic world now, or surrounded by folks that can put a name to the marginalization one feels but nevertheless want to express themselves. You don’t have to be an artist, a writer, or a professional. You can just have something to say and submit it. We will review the posts every week and get back to you with our ideas on your piece and either post it or hold it for another week. No one’s post will be rejected.”

    for anyone interested to submit, please follow this link

  13. In my search to find a natural cleanser, I have found the secret to good skin! I am never going back to washing my face the old way.

    I am tired of racism.

    Also, as Danielle said, we want to do a series exploring how women make decisions about what to do with their last name upon marriage (or in life more generally). Email me at hill [dot] shannonp [at] gmail [dot] come or Danielle at danielle [at] fromtwotoone [dot] com if you’d like to participate!

  14. On one of my Tumblr blogs, Feminist Pikachu (a Pokemon fan version of Feminist Ryan Gosling, except nerdy instead of sexy), I made a list of resources for people in crisis. I did it over domestic violence, sexual assault, suicide, abortion hotlines, and just good feminist blogs. I tried to make it for everyone (women, men, trans* people, nonbinary people, LGB folk, people of color, etc.), but need feedback and possible links to add. Help would be appreciated, and the links can always be copied to other sites to help others. I especially need more information on LGB, trans*, and nonbinary people, along with people of color, and domestic violence shelter info that isn’t just for cisgender women (be it men’s shelters, LGBT shelters, etc.). All help and feedback are appreciated!

  15. This week at Muslimah Media Watch:

    Lara was wholly unimpressed by a new art exhibit combining burqas and Barbie.

    Eren looked at all of the things people are reading into the 2011 World Press Photo of the Year, which shows a Yemeni woman holding her injured son.

    I wrote about a recent Huffington Post article on 10 Muslim women people should know, and asked who our readers would add to that list.

    And Safiyyah reviewed the anonymously-written novel Desperate in Dubai.

  16. This is my first time self-promoting … a piece I wrote about how my community is reacting to a recent sexual assault in town.

  17. I started a blog to try to get a job! It addresses media generally from a (smart) feminist perspective–but it’s toned down so that I won’t scare off potential employers! Posts on the recent NYT book review on women in publishing, Mad Men and privilege, and the Mike Daisey thing.

  18. I’m working on a couple of blog postings. I just learned that my site and another critical of the city have apparently been banned from the city’s networks including those at the public library…but porn is still accessible there. I’m still trying to find out if a blog set up specifically to support the city’s agenda and to castigate its critics calling us “tramps” and posting some truly disturbing cartoons demeaning women was blocked or is still accessible. This blogger who assaulted a photographer in front of two police officers at a public meeting is documented to have equipped himself using campaign contributions by at least three elected officials.

    Also on the fact that one of our elected officials was asked at a public meeting if he thought discrimination was funny and he said, “yes”.

    At the same time the city started blocking blogs, the city manager started his own blog purportedly to counter allegations of misuse of public funds that a couple of blogs here had raised. He invited comments so I sent the following subject to approval of course. We’ll see if he approves it and how he’ll respond.

    I enjoyed reading your first posting as I find blogging itself to be fascinating and a very educational experience. I did have one issue that I think might be important for you to address and of interest as well.

    Comments should not contain sexual content or links to sexual content, or content that promotes discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation.

    I agree with this position but I would like to ask you what you thought of a comment made by Councilman Steve Adams at last night’s meeting. When he was asked by a former city employee if he believed discrimination to be funny, he actually answered, “yes”. How is that reconciled with the city’s policy against all forms of discrimination which can’t be practiced if it’s to receive federal funding including grants? How is that reconciled with the fact that discrimination lawsuits have been filed by city employees including those currently being litigated?

    An elected official publicly stated in front of witnesses with memories that he believed discrimination to be “funny”. An employee who is one of your direct bosses pursuant to the city’s charter. Yet under state and federal law not to mention the city charter, there are prohibitions against discrimination by race, gender, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and such in the workplace. It seems like there might be an inherent conflict there on this issue that could have legal and fiscal implications for the city. Including the loss of federal funding and payouts on litigation filed both internally and externally alleging discrimination.

    Thank you for your time and I look forward to your response on your blog.

    I’m not sure he’ll approve the comment or what he’ll say in response. Hopefully will find out soon.

  19. I can no longer keep quiet about blatant hatred of women, misogyny that is being promoted, condoned, encouraged and hosted by OKCupid dating website. The horrendous abuse that is routinely happening on this website and not addressed by the website owner must be STOPPED.

    Sadly, I noticed that many young women started to take dating site abuse and misogyny for granted, as something that is to be expected and normal, which shows how much damage is being done to their self esteem.

    These 2 blogs are just first steps in the massive action that I plan to take against this site and their facilitation of blatant, ruthless and ugly misogyny.

  20. Who doesn’t like a good RED FOX painting? It took me more than a month to finish so at least give it a good once over and say how much you love it.
    Peek around a bit and see what I have to offer if you would.
    Also have a look here at #7 and vote for me.

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