In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Go for it.

77 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Good afternoon, self promoters!

    A few new blog posts and some free fantasy fiction this week.

    A guest post about Morals and Beliefs. “Compassion for others springs from an inner place, whatever you care to call it, however you think it got there.”

    I did an Interview on Taboo Erotica. “Women are, by and large, the ones demanding these rape stories, these incest stories, these barely legal stories.”

    Male Default – Part 1 “I thought nothing of playing male characters in a video game, because that was usually my only option.”

    Male Default – Part 2 “I have no problem with depictions of sexually charged women, sexually provocative women, or partially dressed women.”

    Weekly Blog Roundup with links of gaming, feminism, sex work and erotica. There’s a lot of interesting links this week.

    As always, you can get new fantasy fiction with a dose of sex at The Keep. My partner and I are currently working on editing a scifi/romance story so I hope to have that out in the next month or so.

  2. Trying out the blog thing…some comments on uses of the Pill and endometriosis. I know a lot of this has been said (probably better) by other people, but we might as well ALL speak up, right?

  3. Hi all!

    I’ve written a couple of bits recently, one a thoughtful, measured piece about my attitude to clothes and fashion ( )

    and one an outpouring of angst about cis friends’ responses to my decision to request a different name and pronouns ( ).

    I hope you enjoy them 🙂 I’m off to read that temptingly-titled piece about Sherlock Holmes …

  4. This week I wrote about the utter joke of “small government” republicans (especially in TX):

    My belief that you can’t teach younger generations if you approach them with youth-negative bias:

    And my take on International Women’s Day:

    Sorry I didnt hyperlink…I only have my phone right now!

  5. It’s been a slow few weeks for me, but I did manage to read and review a book about the history of sex discrimination for the past century or two:

    In Her Place: A Documentary History of Prejudice against Women, edited by S. T. Joshi

    It was not my favorite.

    I also reviewed Winter World by Bernd Heinrich, which was also not my favorite, but it was a book about snow and small birds and not at all related to the subjects at hand here, so I won’t link directly.

  6. Face Off: Andrea vs Andrea – the Walking Dead Comics vs TV Series: In an effort to look at the treatment of women we examine the Andrea of the series and the Andrea of the comic books.

    Cover Snark: She Must Be Freezing : looking at how having sexy protagonists on urban fantasy covers is more important than having them dressed in weather appropriate gear. Even if this means their lady bits have to freeze.

    Appropriation in Urban Fantasy Should Not be a Plot Point : Looking at how commonplace appropriation has become in the genre as well as blaming supernaturals for horrible human events like the holocaust.

    The Walking Dead Season Two, Episode 11: Judge, Jury, Executioner : Looking at the most recent episode of The Walking Dead.

  7. Will gonorrhea become the MRSA of sexually transmitted infections? Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona posted about antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea. On the one hand, fascinating from an evolutionary perspective, and on the other hand, worrying as a potential public-health crisis.

    Additionally, our blogger Stacey continues her twice-monthly pro-choice link roundups, delivered with her trademark snark.

  8. This week a local group blessed an ultrasound machine and then donated it to a crisis pregnancy center:

    Queering reproductive justice:

    The OK Senate wants fetuses to ‘communicate’ to women:

    ‘Quit yer Oklahoma bashing’ (Seriously people in red states need your help not your judgment):

  9. This week, I engaged with a post by Gay Christian Geek and wondered about fanfiction, the Bible, and preaching.

    I summarized a brand-new article by Richard Bauckham, one of the scholars who’s been working on an inscription from the so-called “Jesus family tomb” at Talpiot you may have heard about in the news lately. He concludes it has nothing to do with Jesus, but is a fascinating and unique artifact from one strand of Second Temple Judaism.

    And I did a little round-up for International Women’s Day, lifting up the work of some women in theology and church ministry. If you’re a woman studying or practicing in either of these areas, please stop by and self-promote in that thread!

  10. For International Women’s Day, I discussed (once again) new reasons that it’s important to achieve gender balance in work places.
    It started like this:

    Group intelligence reflects cooperation between people. A group’s ability to solve challenges is not significantly influenced by the intelligence of the individual group members nor by having one group member with a very high IQ.

    A group’s ability to solve problems is revealed instead through three characteristics.

    The first two characteristics are that groups should have good social skills and good patterns of talking together. Groups in which just a few members talk a lot and others talk little or not at all, perform worse than groups with more evenly distributed participation.

    The third characteristic that reveals group intelligence is gender balance in the group. When that is achieved, groups are better at solving various types of problems than groups that are dominated by just one gender.

    Read the rest of “Sometimes you just need a woman

  11. Hi, i am the community coordinator at The Guardian America. I’m Reaching out to Feministe readers & contributors for The Guardian’s latest People’s Panel. The topic is “Sex in America”.
    Responses have been coming in quickly but I am keen to get Feministe reader perspectives before the Tuesday Noon deadline. Hope to hear from you!


  12. A week of good and bad at my university: first I show just how backwards our student union is by trying to replace an existing, thriving women’s collective with an “official” group that doesn’t even exist just to discredit us.

    And then there’s the 40 years of women’s studies celebration, where I meet a seminal Australian feminist and a bunch of other cool people and see how far feminism has come (and how far it has to go).

    Also, I posted a linkspam of all the cool stuff I’d read recently on IWD.

  13. Dudely wonder of the day: after 2 years of the most extreme ostracism, poverty, hopelessness, illness, abuse … you know, the usual stuff … due entirely to the sexist behaviour of a large group of ex-colleagues, who are of course all male … one of these old King Dude ex-colleagues (from rich, prestigious institution) emails me to say, “what a shame”.

  14. Some thoughts on Invisible Children and Kony 2012, from a friend who does development work in Uganda.

    Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures. My thoughts on International Women’s Day and what we can do to inspire girls.

    I have issues with sex-segregated bathrooms. But pink and blue bathroom signs? Come on! Some thoughts on “potty training” and reinforcing gendered binaries through bathroom signs.

    Danielle, who blogs at From Two to One, writes a guest post on not buying anything new for a year.

    Old news now, but Catholic nuns filed a brief supporting the Affordable Care Act.

    Winter in New England means dry, itchy lizard skin. Combat it by making your own homemade sugar scrub. It’s cheap, easy, and chemical free!

  15. Amazons to Know is my weekly round-up of people who fight in ways big and small to being equality into the world. Aaaaand, there is a chance to win a prize!

    Witches’ Pyramid of Diversity expands on an idea I had a few weeks ago for Pagan Blog Project. I take a familiar witches’ creed and spin it to help us “to be inclusive in their discussions, topics, ideas, friendships, rituals, and even in really mundane stuff”

    E is for Excuses is my excuse for not having a lot of posts this week. Written for the Pagan Blog Project

    And, Pagan Culture nominated me for a little award! A versatility award! I am honored and uber-excited

  16. International Women’s Day I chose the second option because I know one particular organization with a particular person who has helped to inspired a generation (and more) of girls to reach their potential. That organization is the Girl Scouts and that person is my Mom.

    All Mom Blogs Are Not Created Equal\. There are three basic types of mommy blogs: 1) Modern Motherhood, 2) Simple Living Motherhood, and 3) Feminist Motherhood. I talk about my aspiration to have parts of all three options.

    8 Months. A love letter to my husband about my eight favorite things about being married to him for eight months so far.

  17. Two things I wanted to draw particular attention to on my blog this week:

    A review of Pandora Blake’s fairtrade spanking porn “Non-Violent Resistance” – how often does porn have a genuine debate about political activism? this is porn to stimulate the brain, not just the loins! Also, I raised a concern about the agency of the female top character and Pandora replied in comments about the ethos behind the movie.

    I had a visceral response to part of Clarisse Thorn’s new book that gave me a new angle to understand women’s concerns with PUA.

  18. This post is a few weeks old, as I’ve missed the last couple of Shameless Sundays. However, I would really like to get this out there for myself, as it is really important to me. I’ve been looked down upon as a woman, and I’m also sneered at for being an atheist. Some parts of this post involve humor, but it is pretty serious business for me:

  19. SnowdropExplodes, seeing as you admitted to planning and nearly carrying out a rape, why the hell are you here in a feminist space?

  20. This week, I wrote on the circularity of the common Muslim debate on whether or not Muslim women can marry Christian/Jewish/monotheist men (whereas consensus permits all Muslim men to marry Christian/Jewish women/monotheist women):

    I also sent out a call for a little help in finding some Pashtun bloggers, preferably women but men’s blogs are also welcome, who write on social justice and/or gender issues for a study I’m conducting on social networking and gender empowerment among the Pashtun ethnic group of Pakistan/Afghanistan:

  21. Southern Poverty Law Center Names Men’s Rights Activists (MRAs) as Hate Group

    “In its latest quarterly publication “The Year in Hate and Extremism” (Issue 45, Spring 2012) the Southern Poverty Law Center, or SPLC, names Men’s Rights Activists as a hate group, citing the MRAs’ — alternately known as “Father’s Rights Activists” — virulent misogyny, spreading of false anti-woman propaganda and applauding and even encouraging acts of domestic terrorism and extreme violence against women and children, up to and including murder. ”

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