In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Do it do it.

62 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. We at Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona FINALLY moved our blog from WordPress to our official website. The improved URL is rivaled only by the improved layout. Check it out:

    Additionally, in honor of National Condom Week, we posted about the condom, that all-purpose contraceptive method that reduces risk for both pregnancy and STIs. You will either learn new ways to maximize condoms’ efficacy, OR you will learn nothing in which case you get a gold star for your safer-sex knowledge. A win-win, either way. This post is the second installment of our “Over 90 Percent of What Planned Parenthood Does” series, inspired by our Senator Jon Kyl.

    We also wrote about Arizona’s high teen pregnancy rate, and then the article takes a completely unrelated turn toward a discussion of Arizona’s abstinence-only education policies.

  2. My partner and I are writers of high fantasy and erotica, and we’re taking a unique approach to trying to find people who enjoy our work since it’s a niche market. We’re posting our Forgotten Thrones series online on our website, as well as selling it through Amazon, Goodreads and Smashwords.

    Forgotten Thrones will be (at least) a 3 book series set on a foreign planet with elves, demons, orcs, vampires, etc. focussed on the individual relationships that spring up between characters as they struggle to navigate an unforgiving world.

    I would be thrilled in fantasy/erotica fans would check out the site and, if you enjoy it, subscribe to email updates.

    I’ve also put out a short erotica that focusses on blackmail and coercion, “After Office Hours”. Available through Amazon, Smashwords and Goodreads.

    In other news, I’ve been blogging as usual! This week I’ve posted about:

    Women, Erotica and Rape Fantasies
    Racism in Fantasy and Science Fiction
    Infantilizing Women in the Name of Feminism
    And a Weekly Blog Roundup that focusses mostly on sex work, writing, erotica, books and media.

    I’m also currently looking for a guest blogger or two who has something interesting to say. Specifically I’d love to get more opinions on erotica and sex work, especially how it relates to media and public perceptions. You can email me at thejmkeep [at] gmail [dot] com for more information or connect with me on Twitter.

  3. This week at re:Cycling, we’ve got a fantastic guest post from Holly Grigg-Spall about feminist health activists criticizing the pill — that is, how raising concerns about health and safety risks of hormonal contraceptives seems to get one pegged as Republican, or Christian, or anti-choice, or just some kind of anti-woman wingnut when that isn’t the case. (What would Barbara Seaman say?)

    We’re also turning the tables on a menstrual shaming mariachi band, and posting more about menstruation on our Facebook pages, and of course, we’ve got our regular Saturday round-up of women’s health links.

  4. What motivates women who still vote Republican?

    What makes a marriage?

    “Rape by Government” legislation.

    The differences between truly constructive criticism and manifestations of aggression that mask as such:

    Should I take care of myself or of others?

  5. Then and Now: My New Approach to Health– After years of frustrating relationships between weight, food, and health, I finally feel like I’m in a good place.

    Burlesque, Lady Gaga, and Sexuality: What’s Feminist?– After reading some very different opinions on whether feminine displays of sexuality can be feminists, I try to figure out what I think.

    Another Day, Another Problematic Facebook Meme– A look at how oversimplified Facebook memes send messages beneath the surface.

    PETA: An Equal Opportunity Offender– I already knew PETA had no problem with exploiting women for publicity, and now I know they have no problem exploiting racial issues, either.

  6. I blogged about a couple of books this week. Sacred Shock: Framing Visual experience in Byzantium, by art historian Glenn Peers, is one of those books that delve into the surprisingly fascinating minutiae of an obscure topic. In this case, the topic is not Byzantine icons, because that wouldn’t be obscure enough, but the framing of those icons — not just the physical frames, but the artistic framing elements.

    And there’s a new translation of the Bible coming out soon that intrigues me.

    For Western Christians, the liturgical season of Lent starts this week on Ash Wednesday, and I blogged about something called Lent Madness! After I figured out what it was, anyway. It apparently has something to do with a basketball thing that happens every March? Except with saints. Wonderfully irreverent, right up my alley.

  7. Escorting this week, I was confronted with my true identity and how to keep it secret. In this age of domestic terrorism, how does a clinic escort keep his or her identity safe?

    Also, on a different note. The first new nuclear construction permit in more than a generation was issued last week by the U.S. NRC. I took a few minutes to reminisce about what was happening in the world the last time a permit was issued.

    Fun stuff!

  8. This week Oklahomans for Reproductive Justice wrote about:

    The contraceptive debate and our dysfunctional healthcare system:

    The Jezebel controversy in “fake feminists and exploitation”:

    A review of the personhood debate on the OK Senate floor:

    And a round up of this week’s god awful news, including the Oklahoma Personhood Act, the confessions of a serial rapist at the University of Oklahoma, and a hipster fetus:

  9. A stream-of-consciousness rant about vegetables and manliness and health.

    The rape of men, from an intersectional/human-rights/international perspective.

    Marc’s call for a Valentine’s Day he can be proud of.

  10. Hi everybody!

    I wrote a short piece on PeTA’s terrible new ad that promotes domestic violence; a post about a Toronto Sun editorial on our mayor and how he gives random voters money when he’s out and about; a rant about while it’s grew that now so many (more) progressive men are taking notice of the war on women’s reproductive choices, it’s brutal that it took State-sanctioned rape; and for something a bit lighter, I always thought I was pretty laid-back but this week my best friend set me straight.

    Have a wonderful week!

  11. Anytime Yoga is having a birthday, complete with my favorite posts from the past year.

    In This Is Not News, I wrote about an article finding that women’s pain is often dismissed and undertreated. (In equally revealing news, bears have been known to shit in the woods.)

    And got pissed (again) at the Arizona legislature for introducing a bill that would hold public teachers to Federal Communications Commission regulations.

    Finally, to wrap up what’s been kind of an angry — or at least exasperated — news week for me, I wrote to the people against funding contraception in health plans.

  12. It seems like a lot of the problems with asexuality discourse among non-asexuals, and a lot of the reason why said discourse devolves into 101, is that “does not experience sexual attraction” isn’t a very accessible definition for people who are not asexual, so I wrote about what it means for me not to experience sexual attraction.

    After finding bananas listed on an affordable raw food blog, I wrote about why bananas are so cheap and why it bothers me to find them on a list like that.

  13. As I said last week, after being appalled by the amount of misinformation and paternalism out there about high-risk HPV, I’ve started a special-purpose blog to summarize and analyze high-risk HPV information from a feminist perspective.

    This week and last were all about the summarization, with posts on:

    Whether older women are less likely to clear HPV. (Answer: No, we clear it pretty much as fast as anyone else.)

    Whether you can get type-specific HPV testing (Answer: Yes, in most places.)

    And a really much too long post summarizing recent research on why not all “high-risk” HPV is created equal.

    Next up I hope to cover evidence-based recommendations for reducing HPV risk, and then move on to a couple of rants about how physicians talk (or don’t talk) about HPV risk.

  14. I wrote about why I identify as a feminist despite the negative stereotypes associated with feminism:

    I also wrote about the difference between criticizing and complaining when it comes to blogging about social justice:

    Also, I forget if I already linked to this, but in case I haven’t–this is why I think traditional dating scripts are still so pervasive, and why we should let them go:

  15. Lost Girl: not as Gay Friendly as it Seems.: Despite have two lesbians and one bisexual character Lost Girl’s inclusion is not at great as it seems as first blush.

    Cover Snark: Who is this sex object and what did you do with my heroine?: Looking at how strong women are reduced to sex objects on urban fantasy book covers.

    Face off: Grimm vs Once Upon a Time: The two fairytale shows came out at the same time so we thought it would be great to do a compare and contrast.

    Alcatraz: Episode 1-6 Recap & Catch Up : A critical look that is touted at the new replacement for Lost.

  16. Haven’t I Been Saying This where I lose my temper about the ongoing war on women. And I lose it, complete with harsh language. (take that for a warning if you need it)

    I also questioned the “I need guns to defend myself from my government” mindset, asking how much good a household weaopn is really going to do against some of the military ahrdware out there.

  17. Egads I didn’t realize many of my links up in post 7 were broken for some unknown reason… I don’t see a way to edit it. Anyway this could be modified and/or the above post be deleted? Thanks so much!

    My partner and I are writers of high fantasy and erotica, and we’re taking a unique approach to trying to find people who enjoy our work since it’s a niche market. We’re posting our Forgotten Thrones series online on our website, as well as selling it through Amazon, Goodreads and Smashwords.

    Forgotten Thrones will be (at least) a 3 book series set on a foreign planet with elves, demons, orcs, vampires, etc. focused on the individual relationships that spring up between characters as they struggle to navigate an unforgiving world.

    I would be thrilled in fantasy/erotica fans would check out the site and, if you enjoy it, subscribe to email updates.

    I’ve also put out a short erotica that focuses on blackmail and coercion, “After Office Hours”. Available through Amazon, Smashwords and Goodreads.

    In other news, I’ve been blogging as usual! This week I’ve posted about:

    Women, Erotica and Rape Fantasies
    Racism in Fantasy and Science Fiction
    Infantilizing Women in the Name of Feminism
    And a Weekly Blog Roundup that focuses mostly on sex work, writing, erotica, books and media.

    I’m also currently looking for a guest blogger or two who has something interesting to say. Specifically I’d love to get more opinions on erotica and sex work, especially how it relates to media and public perceptions. You can email me at thejmkeep [at] gmail [dot] com for more information or connect with me on Twitter.

  18. This week, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I shared one of my favorite poems. I also wrote about the infuriating all-male panel Republicans organized to discuss the birth control mandate, and how Republicans have decided women shouldn’t have a say in reproductive health and don’t have religious consciences. This post is fun because people comment with things like, “$70 a month sounds like a manageable expense for a woman whose lifestyle requires birth control” and “If women are struggling to put even food on the table, as you suggest, sinking $70 a month into birth control is pretty irresponsible.” I also posted a video of a Catholic nun speaking out against the birth control mandate. It is a great little video because it shows the Church’s rhetoric around the birth control mandate and the gendered theology that surrounds contraception. She says that if you’re using contraception you don’t understand what it means to be a woman. Thanks Sister!

  19. liberatory words that may recall the four elements:

    fire: a remark on sass of folk of size:

    earth: a warning on the wages of imperialism:

    air: a meditation on becoming free:

    water: exploring affection while accepting boundaries set by violations and introversion:

    please visit and enjoy.

  20. I hope I’m not too late!

    Curses!!! More Witch Hunters! A Rant! is where I explodingly explore yet another movie being made which glorifies witch hunters and portrays witches as evil creatures who need to captured or killed. That is so medieval.

    Then, Be Still My Heart, shows Pagan Culture’s Sexy, Dark, Bloody 3rd Blogoversary saving the day!

    Lupercalia and the Roman Problem shows my misgivings about celebrating the ancient Roman holiday while being feminist and Italian-american

    Thursday night, I led a Collaring Ritual for two of my friends. It was a a great example of BDSM relationships and a sensual and powerful ritual. Read the whole thing here!

    And lastly, here is my weekly contribution for the Pagan Blog Project, D is for Dance

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