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The Government Should Keep Its Hands Off of Rand Paul’s Body

But not off of women’s bodies, of course.

Senator Rand Paul, the libertarian-leaning Republican from Kentucky, was detained at the airport in Nashville by the Transportation Security Administration on Monday, according to people close to the lawmaker, although the T.S.A. quickly disputed their account.

Instead, the agency said the senator had been denied entry to the secure part of the airport after refusing a pat-down,and was “escorted” from the screening area by local law enforcement, but had never been “detained.”

The presidential campaign of the elder Mr. Paul, a harsh critic of the T.S.A. and its procedures, released a statement assailing the agency. “The police state in this country is growing out of control. One of the ultimate embodiments of this is the TSA that gropes and grabs our children, our seniors, and our loved ones and neighbors with disabilities. The TSA does all of this while doing nothing to keep us safe.”

A posting on the senator’s own Twitter account shortly before the incident announced that he was headed to Washington to speak at the “March for Life,” an anti-abortion rally.

11 thoughts on The Government Should Keep Its Hands Off of Rand Paul’s Body

  1. Fuck yeah! Rand Paul! Defender of liberty and speaker of truth to petty bureaucrats everywh-

    A posting on the senator’s own Twitter account shortly before the incident announced that he was headed to Washington to speak at the “March for Life,” an anti-abortion rally.


  2. You know, life would be so much easier if we were evenly split into “good people” and “evil people.” I hate agreeing with anti-choice people on non-anti-choice matters. Hate it. It’s easier when they just suck all the time.

  3. Ms Amiable – You remind me of the occasion on which I agreed with Rush Limbaugh. Back when I worked where talk radio was played all day, I was not paying full attention when Mr L went off on a rant about how the Saturday morning cartoons at that time were all part of a diabolic plot of the liberal media’s to turn America’s young people into environmentalist whackos. As he geared up to name the sort of cartoon character who ought to be on the air instead, I wondered what sort of horror would suit his fancy. Then he called for the return of Penelope Pitstop, one of my favourite childhood role models. That really stung.

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