In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote away.

56 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Do academics defend pedophiles and who needs to promote the belief they do:

    One-sided pleasure: how myths about sexuality are construed

    Contempt for Human Beings as a Political Stance

    Womanly women and manly men:

    Are you wondering whether you are a writer? This is how you can know if you are one:

  2. We always get similar letters in waves over at Captain Awkward Dot Com, and these three are about relatives who don’t understand that being related doesn’t mean that they can say and do whatever they want to their family members. They all contain info about emotional abuse scripts and boundary setting within families.

    My Mom Disowned Me On Christmas
    My Sister Won’t Stop “Jokingly” Calling Me A Slut
    My Mom Is Being A Jerk About What I Name My Baby

    Happy New Year, Feministe!

  3. On moronic efforts to raise “awareness” about breast cancer via cryptic Facebook status updates:

    On why making fun of women for acting “like women” isn’t really funny:

    On why everyone (or almost everyone) should go to therapy:

  4. I have writte two posts,

    You Know It’s A Bad Idea When It’s Blackface

    and the follow-up post, “Reasonable” Racism,

    about an established and publically funded theater company in Berlin, germany, that has had its premiere of “I’m not Rappaport” this week, and decided to stage a little Blackface in 2012 (after casting a white actor as ‘Midge’). When challenged, they strongly defended Blackface and stated that they (like so many other theater companies in german-speaking countries…), don’t include people of colour in their ensembles because the “lack of Black characters” would make that “unjustifiable.”

    …Why, yes, it was a horrible week…

  5. Spunky Agency: Fake Empowerment and not-so-strong Female Protagonists: Looking at the way that supposedly strong female protagonists are disempowered by their decision making.

    Cover Snark: More Tattoos, Less Clothes! : Looking at the role of tats in the cover art for urban fantasy

    Paranormal Steampunk and Dystopian Erasure – the Unpleasant Implications : Examining what it means that marginaized people are particularly erased from steampunk and dystopian novels.

    Paranormal Romance: Engorged, throbbing and fainting, Oh my! : The ridiculous stereotyping of sex in paranormal romance.

    Cover Snark: Disembodied Women : Looking at how strong female protagonists are often displayed at disembodied.

    Cover Snark: The Sideways View: T&A for Everyone! : Common poses on book covers that unnecessarily sexualize women on book covers.

  6. Look Elsewhere — Recapping a conversation in which a coworker thought it was cool to describe someone as “a ham bursting out of Saran wrap.”

    On Squatting — Not shy in discussing malasana, pelvic floor dysfunction, and things coming out the bottom end of me.

    Also a couple of short pieces, one talking about the book that changed my life and an article that talks about how yoga can wreck your body (I did not, however, get around to tackling the assumption that injured/disabled = “wrecked”).

  7. Why I Want My Students to Read – When we take away access to literature, we also take away access to the Human Experience, and part of being a teacher is opening students’ minds to empathy and tolerance.

    Walk Away from Your Problems – Self care is extremely important!

    What century is it again? – Bank of America won’t let a new bride who didn’t change her name deposit checks into a joint account she shares with her husband. What?!

    My husband is a grown man. – It may sound absurd, but it’s true. Women need to stop referring to their partners as “babysitters” and “children” and rather refer to them as equal partners.

  8. Just in case anyone hasn’t heard, there’s a really cool feminist project that needs your help:

    Frances Hugle was a scientist and engineer who developed many processes and pieces of equipment under secret military contract while at Baldwin in the 1950s. She went on to become a Silicon Valley pioneer, including co-founding Siliconix as its first Director of Research. Recently, some of her papers were recovered from a burn pile.Her daughter and others are trying to raise money to have the papers preserved, electronically archived, and published. They are a rare record of the work of a female scientist in the 1950s, and may become lost forever if money is not raised to preserve them (specifically, a total of $2,500 is needed by the end of January.)
    If you could give any money OR put a link to this project on your blog/twitter/Facebook/website/etc, that would be a great help.

    Here is the link:…..e?ref=live

  9. I discuss the Hugo Schwyzer debacle.

    Noah Brand talks about the misunderstandings in feminism due to differences in libido.

    Ami shares the story of one hella cute gender-non-conforming boy and his brother.

  10. I recently deconstructed anti-choice images two times this week:

    I also deconstructed conservative positive images from one of the websites I used that had the damn awful anti-choice images:

    And the site also had anti-gay marriage images, which I also deconstructed. I learned the internet was practically made for bullshit:

    I also started a very long project where I (as a pro-choice teen) go on an anti-choice teen website and deconstruct it from top to bottom for the misogynistic bullshit it is.
    Part 1 (On Abortion):
    Part 2 (On Emergency Contraception):

    I also have a book I strongly recommend for every open-minded person everywhere called “I, Pierre Seel, Deported Homosexual” about Pierre Seel, the only French man to ever openly speak of being deported by the Nazis for his homosexuality:

    Can people please read and comment on them? I need to know what to improve on. Thanks. 🙂
    Oh yeah, I love finding the interesting articles you guys post here. They’re awesome!

  11. Equality Targets as Leadership Tools

    A decision to implement equality targets is a decision to pursue quality.
    Equality targets should lead to increased gender balance. And increased gender balance leads to many improvements, such as employee satisfaction and, concomitantly, the productivity of the organization.

    The concept of targets is the heir to the concept of quotas. And the claim that quotas feed quality is certainly not a familiar claim.
    On the contrary, when I speak about the importance of achieving gender balance in research organizations, I often ask audiences to tell me what they think the most common objections to quotas are.

    Can you imagine what kinds of answers I get?

    Read the rest of Equality Targets as a Leadership Tool

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