In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Do your thing.

52 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. On how feminism caused autism: a new ridiculous theory from Simon Baron-Cohen:

    Romance and cultural differences:

    If you are in academia and want to join the discussion on how to deal with rejection, this might be useful to you:

    Looking good for your partner:

    Do you conceal your age?

  2. 9 resources for helping green your electronics:

    Jay Smooth: We’re not supposed to be perfect when it comes to navigating race:

    The false dichotomy of localization vs. globalization:

    Why we need humane education: doing the ethical thing isn’t automatic:

  3. Unwisely: Part 8 [TW relationship abuse] — Responding to an abuser the first time he assaulted me.

    I Didn’t Mean You [TW fat shaming] — I dislike it when people make fat jokes (or really, any kind of oppressive jokes) then try to backpedal to excuse.

    On Misguided Compliments [TW fat shaming] — Starting many compliments with “For a bigger person” is maybe not the way to go.

    Better Wars [TW fat hate] — A war on obesity is really the best we can come up with?

    Teacher Secrets 11 — To anyone who expects magic from teachers.

    For people who are interested, I’m also organizing a Daily Dose of Yoga December challenge.

  4. Hi everyone!

    I wrote about the Northern Cree Reservation of Attawapiskat that declared a state of emergency over three weeks ago and has yet to have any sort of help from the Canadian or Ontario government. There is a severe housing shortage (people living in tents and sheds – in Northern Canada – without running water and little electricity). It is severely fucked up. Surprising lack of international coverage, too.

    Also, a review/rant about Walking Dead.

    Have a good week everyone!

  5. On getting dressed I don’t think feminism is doing right in denigrating femininity. On expanding gender expression rather than stifling it.

    On claiming to be a stupid man who doesn’t know anything On passive aggressive attempts to avoid engaging in feminism. It’s patriarchy that thinks men are clueless, not feminism.

    Menstruating isn’t something I’ve gotten used to with the years.

    If you read Australian and New Zealand blogs, please submit to the Down Under Feminists Carnival.

  6. Spanish professors hold women back. The system is easier on men. Women have to do significantly more to reach the top.

    This is the clear conclusion of the Spanish government’s White Paper on the Position of Women in Science in Spain. Men, the White Paper concludes, are 2.5 times more likely than otherwise identical women to become a Professor. (Libro Blanco: Situación de las Mujeres en la Ciencia Española)

    Read the rest: Spanish professors are sexist

  7. Holiday Special: What to Do If Your Family Gets Obnoxious About Occupy

    The holidays lend themselves naturally to the topic of how to cope with family. I’ve covered this in the past but it bears regular revisiting. Right now, for instance, many of us are gearing up for challenging conversations with family members about the wonderful Occupy movement.

    A fundamental problem, when relating to family, is boundaries, a topic that, from a time management standpoint, at least, is rather simple. There are two things you need to know…

  8. I’ve been posty mcposterson this week

    I can’t afford a “lifestyle.”

    Let’s Talk TV Warning, may be triggering as I rather blatantly squee over some character abuse on Nikita. (It’s a writer thing) But if you want to skip that, I unpack what’s bugging me about The Walking Dead.

    A day in the life of a lazy liberal

    A couple of small business promotions: some crafters I like and a big sale at The Literary Underworld. (a lot of women writers, all small press) My ebooks are buy one, get one free.

  9. After the funny pet post, M and I were talking about what our dog’s life is like. So put together her daily schedule. When written out it was hilarious (to us) to realize how much of our lives revolve around making her happy.

  10. Femenisters!

    I was on Indigenous Waves radio this week. I wrote about it:

    I videotaped it:

    I read 2 poems, and we chatted about racism in the feminist world, the murder of Reena Virk, and online vs print media.

    Check it out and signup to for FREE!!!


    Black Coffee Poet


    My reaction to an article on Time’s opinion page trying to dismiss Twilight as harmless fantasy. I apologise for no hyperlink, but I am working from my phone as my laptop went softly exploding into that sweet goodnight yesterday.

    Even if you don’t read what I did with the article, I suggest finding the original article. It made me cry. And then laugh. And then cry again.

  12. I wrote a response to Dan Savage’s correspondant, who wonders if he’s being transphobic if he’s really uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping with trans women. Dan Savage foisted his response off mostly on Kate Bornstien, who, in my opinion, could and should have done better.

    Here’s mine

  13. Oh, and the title of the piece defending Twilight I used in my post was (Brace yourself!):

    The Harsh Bigotry of Twilight-Haters

    Again, if I wasn’t on my phone, I would’ve provided a hyperlink to the original. Sorry!

  14. This week, on NSWATM:

    I write a post that is basically just an excuse to watch a bunch of ice-skating videos.

    Noah Brand discusses why hot men are teased for being “women” or “gay.” (TW for a very rapey picture included as an example of misandry.)

    I lolsob about the football coach who gender-policed and bullied his own students.

  15. Don’t miss the Animated Children’s Films series, which begins tomorrow (Monday)!

    Fire: Part One of Deepa Mehta’s Elements Trilogy
    The controversy surrounding the film may have superseded the film itself–which is beautifully shot, heartbreaking, and even darkly comedic at times. Fire contains so many elements that I love in film: strong female characters, an exploration of complex issues that is never oversimplified and that never leads to individuals being labeled good or evil (although they certainly behave in good and/or evil ways), and immersion into a culture that isn’t entirely familiar to me.

    Who’s the “Hero” of the 2012 Oscar Awards?
    There’s something else, though, that I can’t not notice about the NYT article: In the entire 1,187-word article, only about 200 words (3 paragraphs) were devoted to one of the highest honors and most controversial moments of the night: Oprah Winfrey winning the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. She’s the first Black woman to win the award (Quincy Jones won in 1995, the only Black man to win it), yet her win has been called “boneheaded” and “a shameless bid for a ratings boost,” largely because her contributions to the film industry are seen by insiders as lacking.

    The Twilight Saga: An Interview with Dr. Natalie Wilson
    At the very least, it’s important to discuss Twilight because it’s the First Franchise Film Series Ever to directly target teen girls, and we should probably look at what that means for the future of films made for young women, especially since the Twilight Saga has been overwhelmingly successful at the box office.

    Post-Feminist Entertainment (on Fox’s I Hate My Teenage Daughter)
    In this post-feminist world, where there is definitely no concern about the emotional health of teenage girls and bullying is not a problem and misogyny is FOR SURE a thing of the past, where no one uses “girl” or “schoolgirl” as an insult, where no one accuses anyone of throwing like a girl or crying like a schoolgirl, and companies would never do something like conflate a teenage girl with mayhem, where teenage girls are all totally secure in their worth as full and equal beings and their humanity is never diminished by objectification or exploitation or marginalization or myriad narratives that daily communicate you are less than, in this amazing new world where feminism has been rendered moot, this is obviously a perfect show that is super funny.

    I Want to Establish the Ron Swanson Scholarship in Women’s Studies
    The beauty of Ron’s character is that he’s manly enough to go for powerful women, as has been clearly established in previous episodes. And his interest in the women’s studies professor (who was talking about the oppressive nature of society) is completely believable given his libertarian beliefs.

  16. I wrote about the similarity between charity collection and street harassment

    I also wrote about a victim blaming anti-rape campaign for unlicensed minicabs

    On a lighter note, I destroyed an evolutionary psychology study about faking orgasms

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