In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Scary health news of the day

HPV-related throat cancers are on the rise.

Throat cancers caused by a virus transmitted during oral sex have increased significantly in the United States in recent years, researchers reported on Monday.

The virus is the same one that causes many cases of cervical cancer: human papillomavirus (HPV) Type 16.

Researchers tested tumor samples from 271 patients with certain types of throat cancer diagnosed from 1984 to 2004. The virus was found in only 16 percent of the samples from the 1980s — but in 72 percent of those collected after 2000.

The researchers estimated that over all, throat cancers caused by the virus have increased to 2.6 per 100,000 people in 2004 from 0.8 cases per 100,000 people in 1988. If the trend continues, by 2020 the virus will be causing more throat cancer than cervical cancer, the study concluded.

Really cool, also, that there’s a vaccine that might prevenet this, and Republican presidential candidates are trying to scare people out of getting it.

And one of the most popular contraceptives in Africa may be increasing the risk of HIV transmission.

The most popular contraceptive for women in eastern and southern Africa, a hormone shot given every three months, appears to double the risk the women will become infected with H.I.V., according to a large study published Monday. And when it is used by H.I.V.-positive women, their male partners are twice as likely to become infected than if the women had used no contraception.

The findings potentially present an alarming quandary for women in Africa. Hundreds of thousands of them suffer injuries, bleeding, infections and even death in childbirth from unintended pregnancies. Finding affordable and convenient contraceptives is a pressing goal for international health authorities.

But many countries where pregnancy rates are highest are also ravaged by H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS. So the evidence suggesting that the injectable contraceptive has biological properties that may make women and men more vulnerable to H.I.V. infection is particularly troubling.

Injectable hormones are very popular. About 12 million women between the ages of 15 and 49 in sub-Saharan Africa, roughly 6 percent of all women in that age group, use them. In the United States, it is 1.2 million, or 3 percent of women using contraception. While the study involved only African women, scientists said biological effects would probably be the same for all women. But they emphasized that concern was greatest in Africa because the risk of H.I.V. transmission from heterosexual sex was so much higher there than elsewhere.

33 thoughts on Scary health news of the day

  1. Oh come on, Feministe, this is part of why people call us liberal, feminist nutjobs.

    The Republican candidates do not represent some sort of unified front against the HPV vaccine. *One* republican presidential candidate is trying to scare people out of getting it. Others are saying it shouldn’t be mandated for young girls. One even signed an executive order mandating it for girls in his state.

    Personally, I think it should become a routine vaccine, no different from a hep b vaccine or tetanus shot. I’m also a die-hard liberal who would probably never vote for a Republican ticket, but painting all the candidates with the same brush with some sort “us vs. them” mentality is the sort of shit journalism that I can’t get behind.

  2. Here in the UK all girls are vaccinated at school against the HPV virus. Ain’t socialised medicine terrible? 😉

  3. FWIW, the newsmedia have been (if you’ll pardon the pun) all over the HPV-related throat cancers are on the rise story for some time now as it allows them to get all worked up and concern trolly about kids today having more oral sex.

  4. It will be interesting to see if throat cancer becomes a disease that primarily affects men in the places where HPV vaccination is only mandatory for young women.

  5. There have been posts on this blog in the past that made me cringe at the word feminist but this is not one of them. As far as I know none of the Republican presidential candidates has endorsed treating the HPV vaccination like all the other vaccinations.

    Most of them play with the fear that some parents have that if their daughters get the shot they will become more promiscuous. Santorum seemed to imply that when he criticized Perry for making the vaccination mandatory. The Michelle Bachmann insanity is only the icing on the cake.

  6. John – the BBC also aired a prime time, terrestrial documentary about HPV-related oral cancer last year, called “Is Oral Sex Safe?”

    Here’s a link on youtube for anyone interested:

    Just curious – to US readers, would something like this be shown at 9pm on a terrestrial (ie. non-cable, non-satellite channel available on any TV) channel in America?

  7. Kristina: Oh come on, Feministe, this is part of why people call us liberal, feminist nutjobs.

    This? This is part of it? Yeah, this accounts for .000000000001%, and those people being thoughtless shitheads accounts for 99.999999999999%

    Kristina: The Republican candidates do not represent some sort of unified front against the HPV vaccine. *One* republican presidential candidate is trying to scare people out of getting it. Others are saying it shouldn’t be mandated for young girls. One even signed an executive order mandating it for girls in his state.

    Yes, but the ‘one’ trying to scare people and the ‘others’ saying “it shouldn’t be mandated for young girls,” are doing so based on the ridiculous premise that the vaccine somehow encourages underage girls to have sex. It’s like saying that having metal detectors at high schools encourages kids to carry firearms.

  8. DAS:
    FWIW, the newsmedia have been (if you’ll pardon the pun) all over the HPV-related throat cancers are on the rise story for some time now as it allows them to get all worked up and concern trolly about kids today having more oral sex.

    I was going to say that I expect this to happen, but it seems it already has. Good to know the world is predictable. 🙁

  9. Fat Steve – don’t forget that places with Police forces have more call-outs than those without. Ergo the Police cause crime!

    Not sure how I missed your comment ‘Kristina’, but even as a NotAmerican it’s pretty bloody obvious that the Repugnanticans are running on a “Sex and anything related to sex, or the word ‘sex’, is BAD and we must stop it” ticket.

  10. The most popular contraceptive for women in eastern and southern Africa, a hormone shot given every three months, appears to double the risk the women will become infected with H.I.V., according to a large study published Monday.

    Is this the Depo shot? I looked through the article, but I couldn’t find a name of the shot.

  11. @Miss S – from the article:

    The manufacturer of the branded version of the injectable, Depo-Provera, is Pfizer, which declined to comment on the study, saying officials had not yet read it. The study’s authors said the injectables used by the African women were probably generic versions.

  12. I find the whole “girls will become whores if they get the HPV vaccine!” argument thoroughly ridiculous not only because of the obvious, but also on the grounds of: does anyone actually explain to their kids what they’re being vaccinated against? Did your parents sit you down and explain what measles, mumps, and rubella were before you got that shot? Or hepatitis? I’m not even sure what all the vaccines I have gotten were, other than assuming it’s the usual stuff that was required by primary schools.

    So if Republicans are omgsoworried about kids’ promiscuity, they can just tell them, “Hey this is one of a dozen shots you need to enroll in school.” Problem solved.

  13. These cancer rates are spiking in men just as cunnilingus has become much more popular. My solution is to never eat pussy. Meanwhile, I demand and get lots of oral action myself. Thanks empowered feminists!

  14. slickrick:
    These cancer rates are spiking in men just as cunnilingus has become much more popular.My solution is to never eat pussy.Meanwhile, I demand and get lots of oral action myself.Thanks empowered feminists!

    You know there’s like an 80% chance you’ll carry HPV before you die, right? Meaning no one ought to be blowing you either?

    Ironically, I’m sure most women didn’t need another reason to not fuck you.

  15. You’re wrong. My chance of getting HPV that causes throat/neck cancer is nil because I refuse to go down. Oral is a one way street and I’m profiting big time. I don’t care much if I spread HPV from my nether regions to women. I don’t have a cervix!

  16. slickrick:
    You’re wrong.My chance of getting HPV that causes throat/neck cancer is nil because I refuse to go down.Oral is a one way street and I’m profiting big time.I don’t care much if I spread HPV from my nether regions to women.I don’t have a cervix!

    Well considering it can cause several cancers on men (rectum included, and you’re a giant asshole, I’d be concerned.

    Then again you sound so horrible in bed I’d be surprised if anyone would be willing to sleep with you. Here’s to hoping you’re a better lover than you are a troll.

  17. “These cancer rates are spiking in men just as cunnilingus has become much more popular.”

    Oh no, I’m doooooomed!

  18. My two cents:

    1. Ignore the trolls.

    2. We need to develop some king of protection for oral sex. The increase is affecting far more men than women, something that the poster avoid to mention probably since this is a feminist blog.
    Looks like oral sex is the only kind of unprotected sex that we (as a class) are promoting.


  19. If being on depo is a risk factor for HIV infection, I doubt that it is because of any biological properties if the shot, but rather that women who are on the shot are less likely to use condoms. Even in Africa, people are usually more afraid of the immediate threat of pregnancy than they are of the longterm threat of HIV, so when other contraceptives are available, condom use may decline.

  20. GumbyAnne:
    If being on depo is a risk factor for HIV infection, I doubt that it is becauseof any biological properties if the shot, but rather that women who are on the shot are less likely to use condoms.Even in Africa, people are usually more afraid of the immediate threat of pregnancy than they are of the longterm threat of HIV, so when other contraceptives are available, condom use may decline.

    According to the article, they controlled for condom use, so that’s not it. It’s still possible that it’s not some biological affect of the shots, but it’s not as simple as decreased condom use.

  21. @AvidaQuesada_

    We need to develop some king of protection for oral sex

    It’s existed for decades. My initial kneejerk response was “lol @ straight people”, but that’s mean so click here: (SFW)

    The increase is affecting far more men than women, something that the poster avoid to mention probably since this is a feminist blog

    1) reddit is thataway —>

    2) I know plenty of WSM who will insist on condoms for oral. As you don’t even appear to know what a dam is, I’ll assume you don’t know any MSW who insist on the same.

    That probably goes a long way toward explaining the disparity.

    Looks like oral sex is the only kind of unprotected sex that we (as a class) are promoting.

    Who’s ‘We’? Speak for yourself.

  22. @slickprick –

    I hope you realise that HPV causes penile cancer. A female partner with oral HPV can spread it to your junk with, or without a condom.

    So, good luck with that.

  23. GumbyAnne: I can think of one reason that the shots seem to be increasing the risk of HIV- unclean needles.

  24. Why should HPV vacine be required only for girls? Sounds like it should be universal. Girls-only seems pretty heteronormative, to say the least. Or will giving it to boys turn them all into filthy cocksuckers?

  25. Politicalguineapig:
    GumbyAnne: I can think of one reason that the shots seem to be increasing the risk of HIV- unclean needles.

    The study involved couples where one is hiv positive and the other wasn’t. If they were getting hiv from needles, that would probably show in the results, and it also wouldn’t account for the the increased risk of the men in the study getting it from their partners, nor the increased risk for pregnant women they also saw. If you read the full article, it looks like they covered all the obvious things that could affect it.

  26. It’s weird that the article says that HPV vaccines are ‘now recommended only for girls.’ Some time ago I read that Gardasil, at least, was given the clear for boys – it seemed like people were trying to get the ball rolling on administering it universally. Is there any reason to recommend against giving it to boys?

    Unless that one sentence is just poorly worded and the author meant that the vaccines are, currently, recommended for girls while boys don’t receive a recommendation either way.

  27. Thanks Paraxeni, I missed that.

    That’s terrifying, especially if they controlled for condom usage. I’m on Depo and currently celibate, but when I’m not, I’ll be switching.

    If it’s true, they need to switch the women to another form of birth control.

    Also, I don’t see why the HPV vaccines shouldn’t be for both men and women. Is it still the case that they can’t test men for it? My doctor told me that a few years ago. That leads to men unknowingly putting a partner at risk.

  28. 2 things:

    1. HPV can be transmitted a number of ways, and small children (not sexually molested in many cases either) present with oral and throat cancers. Seriously, calling HPV sexually transmitted is about 60-75% true.

    2. All kids should have the vaccination available, not. just. girls.

  29. I hope you realise that HPV causes penile cancer. A female partner with oral HPV can spread it to your junk with, or without a condom.

    Female to male STD transmission rates via oral or vaginal sex are extremely low unless the guy tears up his junk through especially vigorous sex.

    On the other hand, bathing one’s tongue and tonsils in vaginal juices is far more effective transmission technique. Note penile cancer from HPV is 30 times more rare than cervical cancer (in women) and 14 times more rare than oropharyngeal cancer (in men).

    I plan to continue playing the odds that are heavily in my favor.

    A woman employing a complementary strategy would refuse to perform oral sex to completion or have unprotected sex with me but amongst the well-educated female cohort I consort with, happily, this isn’t the case.

  30. Paraxeni:

    Hi, thanks for the info. In the country I live (Costa Rica) I don see this promoted on tv or in the supermarket as it hapens with condoms. In fact until today (you are right about my ignorance) this was a dental dam to me:

    When we promote sexual practices without an accompanying promotion of safe practices we are effectively promoting unsafe sex.

    About personal comment: As an educator I do, in fact, tell my students about the risks. I am a strong advocate of your health first.

    As you can see from my previous posts I oppose any shaming practice. I am with sexual freedom autonomy and health.

    Here (CR) and in my native country (Colombia) we never see emphasis from National or international organizations on this risk. Than includes United Nations Organizations. It may be related to the conflicts we have: I one hand we have this “vaginas are dirty” patriarchal construct and in the other hand we have this health considerations. Maybe is just that we did not know about the link with cancer.

    In any case and to close: Thanks for the information, truly.


  31. A clarification, just to avoid 21Paraxeni raining on me. What I mean about the link with cancer: Until few years ago.

    A hug,


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