In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Do your thing.

54 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I got all paranoid about Nadine Dorries’ demand for pre-abortion counselling and wrote a dystopic short story about what it could mean for women from Ireland/NI.

    All this abortion-talk has everyone vomiting up their opinions on the matter – a Guardian columnist suggested that women with unwanted pregnancies should produce babies for the infertile! I disagreed.

  2. Fixing It — On why approaching chronic pain from a framework of “fixing” doesn’t work for me.

    School Pictures — Letting the camera see my “everyday face” so that years later, people will still recognize me.

    Poetry Break: This Deserves a Signal Boost [TW rape, rape culture] — Video of a slam performance of “Snow White and Sleeping Beauty Address Their Creator.”

    And one more chair yoga post involving new and interesting foot exercises that feel good after a day of wearing work shoes.

  3. I did this a couple of weeks ago about arguments I will no longer engage in on the comments sections of feminist blogs:

    Also, a small rant about casual sex combined with a mini-review of Living Dolls by Natasha Walter:

    Oh, and if you live in the UK, you should definitely do this to help save the NHS:

  4. I’m starting a new blog ( Running on Empathy ). It mostly centers upon my development as a counseling psychologist in grad school (addressing the theory and practice of psychotherapy), a practice necessarily coupled with a great deal of personal introspection and social justice thoughts. I’d love to share it with anyone interested. And, of course, your comments and experiences are very welcome.

  5. Happy weekend fellow feminists!

    Despite recent half-victories in the courts, South Dakota and Texas still have significant barriers to reproductive freedom:

    Arena Stage in D.C. is doing a play by an African American woman written in 1955, and the black women in it do not have to play maids or mammies:

    Women Transcending Boundaries: an interfaith women’s group’s success story:

  6. re: Cycling, the blog of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, was on hiatus for a few months — or had amenorrhea, if you like menstrual jokes, and I do. But we’re back, with just a trickle of posts in August, and now fully back in September, with renewed commitment from most of the old blogging team, plus a couple of new folks. We had a terrific guest post from Harriet Hall about menstrual synchrony this week, and Chris Bobel is back with a piece on the new ad campaign from Mooncup and Julie Burchill’s rant about it. David Linton, so far our only male contributor, has posted the first of what promises to be an ongoing series about literary figures and menstruphobia. He’s also provided a brief update to the saga of Prince Charles and overheard tampon tale, the story that will not die (Prince Charles and tampons is one of the most frequent search strings that brings people to our blog). Most of my own contributions lately have been the regular “weekend links” series, where I seem to be developing a theme about tattoos.

    If you haven’t visited us before, we’ve got two years worth of archives you can peruse!

  7. I just started my own feminist blog (finally) and would love some feedback.

    A few articles I posted this week:
    An Edmonton radio station’s “Win a Wife” contest:
    A comment on the pathetic apology offered by an Edmonton hair salon who glamourized violence in their ad campaign:
    My response to a ridiculous editorial which claims that feminists should be embarrassed by the high incidence sex-selective abortions:
    My response to an article on the Comic Book Resource website which claims that men are just as objectified in comics as women are:

  8. Just a couple of things to promote this week:

    First, I had my say on an issue that got mentioned here at Feministe, though I found it elsewhere: what information are you required to give on your dating site profile? – in particular, championship-winning geekery!

    The other thing is an ordinary, everyday tale of taking on a ‘splainer – some guy didn’t get why “lame” was not a good word to use when he meant “boring” or “unsophisticated”. Sadly, I later ran out of spare spoons for that encounter.

  9. D’oh! You can tell I’m out of practice – the only link to re:Cycling in my post was my name!

    Sorry about that.

    re: Cycling, the blog of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research, was on hiatus for a few months — or had amenorrhea, if you like menstrual jokes, and I do. But we’re back, with just a trickle of posts in August, and now fully back in September, with renewed commitment from most of the old blogging team, plus a couple of new folks. We had a terrific guest post from Harriet Hall about menstrual synchrony this week, and Chris Bobel is back with a piece on the new ad campaign from Mooncup and Julie Burchill’s rant about it. David Linton, so far our only male contributor, has posted the first of what promises to be an ongoing series about literary figures and menstruphobia. He’s also provided a brief update to the saga of Prince Charles and overheard tampon tale, the story that will not die (Prince Charles and tampons is one of the most frequent search strings that brings people to our blog). Most of my own contributions lately have been the regular “weekend links” series, where I seem to be developing a theme about tattoos.

    If you haven’t visited us before, we’ve got two years worth of archives you can peruse!

  10. I finally hit the “distribute” button and have a book on Amazon! It was edited by a real live editor, but I self-published because I mainly just wanted something to put on my shelf. Each chapter explores a different big question around sexuality – harassment, rape, incest, porn, etc. I talk about some personal stuff along the way, but it’s mainly as a means to look more deeply at some common issues in our lives.

  11. This week, on No Seriously What About Teh Menz?…

    I critique Jill’s recent posts on dealbreakers.

    Noah Brand writes about Man Cards.

    Ami Angelwings writes about a diamond ad that apparently thinks domestic violence against men is hi-larious.

  12. hey friends! i attend a small, midwestern liberal arts school, and they have been so kind as to allow me to do my senior project on internet feminism! you can find my writing at

  13. My blog is not strictly feminist writing, but that is my focus. Here are a few pieces written about the sexualization of women’s bodies, women’s equality, and body acceptance/body image. You can follow me through blogger, networked blogs on facebook, like my page on facebook, and follow me on tumblr!! All under the same name: Shaped By My Life

  14. Brooklyn Feminist Punk Rock Show! – Saturday 9/17 at 8pm

    For those of you in the NYC area!
    This show is hosted by the NYC area feminist group Permanent Wave

    It’s at:
    538 johnson
    johnson ave.
    Brooklyn, NY

    DOLL FIGHT! – real-deal riot grrrls from VT –
    TITFIT – brooklyn screamers/charmers –
    THOMAS FRANCIS TAKES HIS CHANCES – folkpunk kickyrass brass –
    SLOTHRUST – get those devil horns –
    AGATHA – queer seattle punx –




  15. The Importance of Taking Time Management and Antiperfectionism Advice to the Limit

    “Many times, I’ll advise someone to clear their schedule so they can focus on their writing or another priority, and they’ll trim a bit here and there and then come back and say, “I followed your advice and it helped some, but not much.” I have to remind them that the goal is not to move from being “deprived” to “semi-deprived” of time, but to create lavish amounts of time for your priorities. And then they go back and cut loads more from their schedule – in many cases, more than they had previously even thought possible – and are later grateful they did.”

  16. Has anyone else come across this site? – it looks like women are getting there own back by taking pictures of guys on the subway and posting them online to be rated and objectified. I cant decide if this is sexist or equality anyone else have any thoughts?……

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